- Abgarus, Letter of Christ to, 7
- Ague, Charms against, 149
- Apes, Leading, 43
- Apple-peel as a love-test, 30
- Apple-tree blooming twice, a sign of Death, 52
- Apron, Superstitions about, 84
- Articles of Dress, 81
- "Arval" and "Arval Bread," 64
- Aryan Myths and Legends, 16
- Astrology, Divination by, 144
- Auguries gathered from Shoes, 89
- Baby and Kitten, 8
- Banns, Superstitions about putting up, 43
- Baptism, how rendered propitious in Scotland, 19
- —— Effect of, on Children, 18
- Barring out, 27
- —— Addison's conduct at, 27
- Beards, Dyeing of, 76
- Bed, Folk-lore about, 118
- —— Position of, 119
- Bellows, Superstition about, 120, 160
- Bent piece of money, 133
- Best man's prize, 46
- Bible and Key, 135
- Birds, Presages of Death by, 51
- Birth and Infancy, Folk-lore relating to, 2
- "Bishopping," good for rheumatism, 21
- Bishop's Left Hand, Superstition respecting, 20
- Biting the Glove, 95
- "Black Ox" in Scotland, 51
- Blade-bone, Divination by, 139
- Bleeding of the Nose, 68, 150
- —— as a sign of love, 68
- Blue Vein across Nose, 69
- Brake or Fern, Divination by, 31
- Bread, Superstitions about, 107
- Breaking Egg-shells, 108
- Bride and Looking-glass, 113
- —— Sun shining on, 40
- Brides of Elizabethan Dramas, 39
- Bride's Stockings, 86
- Broom left in Room after Sweeping, 126
- Burial of Dead among Greeks, 63
- "Burial without the Sanctuary," 62
- Burn or Scald, 151
- Burning Hair, Omens from, 74
- —— tail of Coat, &c., 84
- Butter-dock, Scattering Seeds of, 35
- CÆna feralis of Romans, 64
- Candle in Ghost's Hand, 54
- Candles, Omens from, 130
- Carbuncle in Ring, 96
- Cards, Divination by, 144
- Carrying the Dead with the Sun, 61
- Casting Lot, Divination by, 146
- Cat, Sneezing of, 123
- Cats and Toads, Form of, assumed by Witches, 177
- —— Sucking Child's Breath, 156
- Hysteria, Remedies for, 158
- Idiots cannot sneeze, 123
- Invalid asking for Pigeons, 52
- Itching of the Nose, 68
- "Jack-a-Dandy," 25
- Jackdaw, Omen of Death, 52
- Jacob's Prophecies, 57
- Jaundice, Remedies for, 158
- Jewish Customs respecting Shoes, 90
- June popular for marrying, 37
- Keepsake Rings, Colours in, 93
- Knife, Folk-lore relating to, 105
- ——, Giving away, unlucky, 106
- ——, Finding, unlucky, 106
- Lady-bird, Divination by, 31
- Lameness, Cure for, 158
- Last Day of Year, Marrying on, in Scotland, 39
- Leap-year, Birth in, 3
- Lending Knife to cut Cake, 26
- Long Life, how to secure, 12
- Looking-glass, Fancies about, 112
- Love and Courtship, 28
- Love-tests, 28
- ——, whence derived, 29
- "Luck of Edenhall," 116
- "Lucky Stone" as Amulet, 170
- Lucky Stones, 7
- Lumbago, Cure for, 159
- Magicians and Looking-glasses, 114
- Magpie using Hair, 74
- Maiden Assize, Gloves at, 93
- Making "the Deazil," 61
- "Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John," 21
- May Marriages unlucky, 36
- Measles, Cure for, 159
- Medicated Rings, 97
- Medicine Bottles, selling, 134
- Melted Lead, Divination by, 146
- Midsummer Eve, Practices on, 33
- Misfortune not to die in one's Bed, 53
- Moist and dry Hands, 78
- Moles, Omens drawn from, 66
- Money and the New Moon, 132
- Nails, Signification of, 77
- Necklace of Peony Beads, 10
- New Clothes, Superstitions relating to, 82
- —— Moon in Looking-glass, 113
- Nicking Schoolmaster's Cane, 26
- Nightmare, Charms against, 178
- ——, Curious Stories about, 179
- North Side of Church, Burial in, 63
- Nose, Omens relating to, 68
- "Nose out of Joint," and "Paying through Nose," 69
- Number Thirteen, Superstitions about, 100, 101
- "Nutcrack-night," 34
- Nuts and Apples, Divination by, 31
- Odd Numbers, Antipathy to, in School Games, 53
- Young, Lieutenant, Announcement of Brother's Death to, 56
CASSELL, PETTER, GALPIN & CO., BELLE SAUVAGE WORKS, LONDON, E.C. Transcriber's Note Obvious typographical errors were repaired. Valid archaic spellings were retained. The entry for "INDEX," at the bottom of the Contents page, did not appear in the original. It has been added for the convenience of the reader. |