Transcriber's Notes


The language used in the source document has been retained, except as mentioned below. This includes unusual and inconsistent spellings (also of names and titles of publications), hyphenation, punctuation, the inconsistent use of quotation marks, etc. Non-English words and phrases (in particular in texts quoted by the author) have not been corrected, except as listed below.

Preface: ... the movable feasts are placed under the earliest days on which they can fall: this is not always the case, and some movable feasts are described in chapters without dates.

Pages 66 and 94: FitsStephen and FitzStephens may refer to the same person.

Page 255, And all that it wants is a more little silver: as printed in the source document. Other sources give “a little more silver”.

Page 258, Hucknall Folkard: as printed in the source document; possibly Hucknall Torkard, both names appear to exist.

Page 259, Akerman: as printed in the source document; others spellings exist as well.

Page 288, ... the enrolment of a regular armour ...: possibly an error for ... the enrolment of a regular army....

Page 440: ... after the death of his wife and her daughter ...: does not seem logical (his wife already having died), but is as printed in the source document. Other sources mention only the daughter in respect to the 6 pounds.

Changes made:

Some punctuation errors and obvious minor typographical errors have been corrected silently.

Some words were printed in Insular characters in the source document, these have been transcribed in a sans serif font: Insular.

Footnotes have been moved to under the paragraph, poem, etc. to which they belong.

For this e-text, festivals, days, dates etc. have been regarded as chapters, with countries, counties or other localities being sections. The end of the description of each chapter is indicated by an ornamental line. In some cases, this is a change compared to the source document.

In some cases the source of poems and songs has been moved to its own line underneath the poem or song.

Page 126: The date (March 15) has been moved from before SCOTLAND to before PALM SATURDAY

Page 145: royal gate arms changed to royal gate alms

Page 179: Portaffery changed to Portaferry

Page 259: Tu, qui non dedignatus es changed to Te, qui non dedignatus es

Page 290: triennally changed to triennially (cf. biennially in the same sentence)

Page 292: Scotland changed to SCOTLAND

Page 348: mobility changed to nobility

Page 369: The month (Sept.) has been moved from before Lancashire to before ECCLES WAKE

Page 370: cork town Council changed to Cork town council

Page 417: revised changed to revived

Page 431: Advent changed to ADVENT

Page 434: ... and the book like, acolytes, ... changed to ... and the book, like acolytes, ...

Page 519: Tuth Day moved to its proper place

Page A14: entry Longus moved to before Lowndes


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