June 1. ] Wiltshire.


June 1.]


Lord Viscount Palmerston, in 1734, by deed, gave for thrashers of Charlton about an acre of land in Rushall Field, the rent whereof was to be applied annually to give them a dinner wherewith to commemorate Stephen Duck the poet, who was originally a thrasher of Charlton. The parish of Rushall was afterwards inclosed, and by the award date, 12th January, 1804, a piece of arable land, measuring one acre and fifteen poles, was awarded in a different part of Rushall Field. The land is now called Duck’s Acre, and let at a rent of £2 9s. 9d. per annum. The land tax, amounting to 3s. per annum, was reduced by a subscription raised in the parish.

The rent is paid for a dinner, which is annually given on the 1st June, to the thrashers of this parish.—Old English Customs and Charities, p. 169.

Ornamental line


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