July 20. ] ST. MARGARET'S DAY.


July 20.]



On the feast of St. Margaret in 1511, the Miracle Play of the Holy Martyr St. George was acted on a stage in an open field at Bassingborne in Cambridgeshire, at which there were a minstrel and three waits hired from Cambridge, with a property-man and a painter. The following extract from an old churchwarden’s book belonging to the parish of Bassingborne, gives the various subscriptions and expenses connected with it:—

Memorandum:—Received at the play held on St. Margaret’s day, A.D. MDXI., in Basingborn of the holy martyr St. George.

Received of the Township of Royston xiis. Tharfield vis viiid, Melton vs iiiid, Lillington xs vid, Whaddon ivs iiiid, Steeplemenden iiiis, Barly ivs id, Ashwell iiiis, Abingdon iiis ivd, Orwell iiis, Wendy iis ixd, Wimpole iis viid, Meldreth iis ivd, Arrington iis ivd, Shepreth iis ivd, Kelsey iis vd, Willington is xd, Fulmer is viiid, Gilden Morden is, Tadlow is, Croydon is id, Hattey xd, Wratlingworth ixd, Hastingfield ixd, Barkney viiid, Foxten ivd, Kneesnorth vid.

Item received of the town of Bassingborn on the Monday and Friday after the play, together with other comers on the Monday, xivs vd.

Item received on the Wednesday after the play, with a pot of ale at Kneesnorth, all costs deducted, is viid.

Expenses of the said Play.

First paid to the garnement man for garnements and propyrts and playbooks, xxs.

To a minstrel and three waits of Cambridge for the Wednesday, Saturday, and Monday. Two of them the first day, and three the other days, vs xid.

Item in expences on the Players, when the play was shewed, in bread and ale and for other vittails at Royston for those players, iiis iid.

Item in expences on the play day for the bodies of vi. sheep, xxiid each, ixs iid.

Item for three calves and half a lamb, viiis iid.

Item paid five days board of one Pyke Propyrte, making for himself and his servant one day, and for his horses pasture vi. days, is ivd.

Item paid to turners of spits and for salt, ixd.

Item for iv chickens for the gentlemen, ivd.

Item for fish and bread and setting up the stages, ivd.

Item to John Beecher for painting of three Fanchoms and four Tormentors.

Item to Giles Ashwell for easement of his croft to play in, is.

Item to John Hobarde, Brotherhood Priest, for the play book, iis viiid.

Antiquarian Repertory, 1808, vol. iii. p. 320.


To the west of Wereham Church, Norfolk, a well, called St. Margaret’s, was much frequented in the times of Popery. Here, on St. Margaret’s Day, the people regaled themselves with ale and cakes, music and dancing. Alms were given, and offerings and vows made, at sainted wells of this kind.—Excursions in the County of Norfolk, 1829, vol. ii. p. 145.

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