809@58809-h@58809-h-1.htm.html#Page21" class="pginternal">21 Cloth Fair, 363 Church-porch, watching in the, 200 Churches decorated, 157, 162, 280, 281, 457 Claudius Mamertus, Bishop of Vienne, 204 ‘Clavie,’ the burning of, 507 Clement’s (St.) Day, 423 Clipping the Church, 176 Cob loaf stealing, 451 Cobbs, given away on St. Thomas’ Day, 442 Cocks and Dumps, 67 Cock Crower, 92 Cock Fighting, 65, 177 ‘Cock in the pot,’ 39 ‘Cock on the dunghill,’ 39 Cock Penny, 79 Cock running, 78 Cock throwing, 78 Cocque’els, 81 Coelcoeth, 398 Coffin Crusts, 458 Cold Possett, 502 Collar of Brawn, 468 Collop Monday, 57 Columbkill, 310 Columb’s (St.) Well, 310 Commencement Day, 334 Compostella, Shrine of St. James at, 345 Coquerells, 81 Coquilles, 81 Corn Showing, 172 ‘Corning, going a-,’ 443 Cornwall, 47, 58, 73, 120, 121, 128, 162, 216, 235, 275, 279, 302, 315, 324, 338, 339, 378, 395, 431, 446, 468, 501 Corpus Christi Day, 297 Corpus Christi Eve, 297 Coteswold Games, 292 Court of Array, 287 Coventry Show Fair, 300 Crab-Apples, gathered on Michaelmas Day, 376 Crabbing the Parson, 341 Crack-nut Sunday, 375 Cracklin Friday, 401 Freemen’s Well, the, 201 Friars’ Girdles, worn by ladies, 232, 233, 238, 240, 242, 251, 255, 257, 259, 261, 262, 263, 273 May Syllabub, 257 ‘Maying, going a,’ 224 Michael (St.), Apparition of, 275 Michaelmas Cake, 383 Michaelmas Day, 376 Michaelmas Eve, 375 Michaelmas Goose, 376 Michael’s (St.) Bannock, 383 Middlesex, 32, 48, 80, 113, 147, 154, 160, 166, 174, 179, 187, 213, 247, 291, 297, 305, 316, 326, 344, 345, 316, 349, 355, 357, 361, 374, 396, 406, 413, 429, 473 Midlent Sunday, 113, 116 Midsummer Day, 323 Midsummer Eve, 311 Midsummer Men, 312 Midsummer Watch, 316, 318 Milk Maids’ Dance, 231 Millers, King of the, 285 Mince-pies, 458 Minched pies, 458 Minstrels’ Festival, 358 Miracle Plays, 283, 298, 343, 478 Mischief Night, 217 Misrule, Lord of, 339, 459, 474, 209 Penny Loaf Day, 125 Pepper Cake, 483 Pershore Fair Day, 192 Peter’s (St.) Day, 331 Peter-Pence, 347 Philip’s (St.) Day, 234 Picrous Day, 431 Piepowder, Court of, 364 Pin-money, 4 Pippins, divination by, 397 Piran’s (St.) Day, 121 Plough Bullocks, 39 Plough-lights, 37 Plough Monday, 37 Plough Witchers, 40 Plough Witching, 40 Plowlick Monday, 42 Plum porridge, 462 Plumb-pudding, 462 Plumb-pudding Money, 482 Poisson d’Avril, 184 Pope Joan, 181 Pope-Ladies, 181 Pork Acre, 413 Pot-fair, 323 Preston Guild, 368 ‘Progging, going a,’ 414 Procession Week, 204 Processioning, 208, 213 Psalm Caking, 406 ‘Pudding-pieing, going a,’ 172 Pulgen, 487 Purification of the Virgin Mary, 54 Push-penny, 303 Quaaltagh, 8 Raffling-Day, at Newark, 51 Ram, hunting the, 354 Ram Feast, 257 Ravenglass Fair, 356 Rayer, or Rahere, founder of Bartholomew Fair, 361 Ream of the Well, 17 Red Spear Knights, 291 Reed Day, 332 Relic Sunday, 340 Restoration Day, 301 Rhyne Toll, the, 390 Richard’s (St.) Day, 188 ‘Riding of the George,’ 197 ‘Riding the Marches,’ 292, 307 ‘Rising Peter,’ 333 Robin Hood, 220, 257 Roche’s (St.) Day, 350 Rock Day, 36 Rogation Sunday, 204 Rope-pulling, at Ludlow, 85 Rosemary, used as decoration at Christmas, 458 Rowan-tree, use of, 154, 394 Rowan-tree Day, 274 Rowan-tree Gads, 274 Royal Oak Day, LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, DUKE STREET, STAMFORD STREET, S.E., AND GREAT WINDMILL STREET, W.