Dec. 21.] ST. THOMAS’ DAY. In some parts of the country St. Thomas’ Day is observed by a custom called Going a Gooding. [87] Northamptonshire, Kent, Sussex, Herefordshire, Worcestershire, etc. Girls, says Halliwell, used to have a method of divination with a “St. Thomas’s Onion,” for the purpose of ascertaining their future partners. They peeled the onion, wrapped it up in a clean handkerchief, and then, placing it under their heads, said the following lines: “Good St. Thomas, do me right, And see my true love come to-night, That I may see him in the face, And him in my kind arms embrace.” One of the old cries of London was, “Buy my rope of onions—white St. Thomas’s Onions.”—Popular Rhymes, 1849, p. 224. Bedfordshire.An ancient annual payment of 5l. out of an estate at Biddenham, formerly belonging to the family of Boteler, and now the property of Lord Viscount Hampden, is regularly paid on St. Thomas’s Day to the overseers of the poor for the purchase of a bull, which is killed, and the flesh thereof given amongst the poor persons of the parish. For many years past the annual fund, being insufficient to purchase a bull, the deficiency has been made good out of other charities belonging to the parish. It was proposed some years ago by the vicar that the 5l. a year should be laid out in buying meat, but the poor insisted on the customary purchase of a bull being continued, and the usage is accordingly kept up.—Edwards, Old English Customs and Charities, 1842, p. 64. Berkshire.The cruel practice of bull-baiting was continued annually on St. Thomas’s Day, in the market place of the town of Cheshire.The poor people go from farm to farm “a-thomasin,” and generally carry with them a bag and a can, into which meal, flour, and corn, are put. Begging on this day is universal in this and the neighbouring counties.—Jour. of the Arch. Assoc. 1850, vol. v. p. 253. Dorsetshire.At the village of Thornton, near Sherborne, a custom prevails amongst the tenants of the manor, of depositing five shillings in a hole in a certain tombstone in the churchyard, which precludes the lord of the manor from taking the tithe of hay during the year. This must be done before twelve o’clock on St. Thomas’s Day, or the privilege is void.—Med. Ævi Kalend. 1842, vol. i. p. 83. There was a custom very generally practised in some parts of this county, and which may even now be practised. A few days before Christmas the women, children, and old men in a parish would visit by turns the houses of their wealthier neighbours, and in return for, and in recognition of Christmas greetings, and their general demand of “Please give me something to keep up a Christmas,” would receive substantial pieces or “hunks” of bread and cheese, bread and meat, or small sums of money. The old and infirm of either sex were generally represented by their children or grandchildren, those only being refused the dole who did not belong to the parish.—N. & Q. 4th S. vol. x. p. 494. Herefordshire.St. Thomas’s Day is called by the poor inhabitants of this county “Mumping Day;” and the custom of going from house to house asking for contributions, is termed going a-mumping. Hertfordshire.Small pyramids, says Fosbroke (EncyclopÆdia of Antiquities, 1840, p. 661), formed of gilt evergreens, apples, and nuts, are carried about at this time in Hertfordshire for presents. Isle of Man.Formerly, it was customary for the people to go to the mountains to catch deer and sheep for Christmas, and in the evening always to kindle a large fire on the top of every fingan or cliff. Hence, at the time of casting peats, every one laid aside a large one, saying: “Faaid mooar moayney son oie’l fingan,” that is, “A large turf for Fingan’s Eve.”—Train, History of Isle of Man, 1845, vol. ii. p. 124; Cregeen’s Manks Dictionary, p. 67. Nottinghamshire.Samuel Higgs, by his will, bearing date 11th May, 1820 (as appears from the church tablet), gave 50l. to the vicar and churchwardens of the parish of Farnsfield, and directed that the interest should be given every year on the 21st of December, in equal proportions, to the poor men and women who could repeat the Lord’s prayer, the creed, and the ten commandments, before the vicar or other such person as he should appoint to hear them. The interest is applied according to the donor’s orders, and the poor persons appointed to partake of the charity continue to receive it during their lives.—Edwards, Old English Customs and Charities, 1842, p. 209. Oxfordshire.At Tainton, a quarter of barley is provided annually, at the expense of Lord Dynevor, the lord of the manor, and made into loaves called “cobbs.” These were formerly given away in Tainton church to such of the poor children of Burford as attended. A sermon was preached on St. Thomas’s Day, 6s. 8d. being paid out of Lord Dynevor’s estate to the Staffordshire.In many parts of this county not only the old women and widows, but representatives from every poor family in the parish, go round for alms. The clergyman is expected to give one shilling to each person, and consequently the celebration of the day is attended with no small expense. Some of the parishioners give alms in money, others in kind. Thus, for example, some of the farmers give corn, which the millers grind gratis. In some places the money collected is given to the clergyman and churchwardens, who, on the Sunday nearest to St. Thomas’s Day, distribute it at the vestry. The fund is called St. Thomas’s Dole, and the day itself Doleing Day.—N. & Q. 2nd S. vol. iv. pp. 103, 487. Sussex.A sum of 15l. was placed in the Arundel Savings-Bank in the year 1824, the interest of which is distributed on St. Thomas’s Day. It is said that this money was found, many years since, on the person of a beggar, who died by the road-side; and the interest of it has always been appropriated by the parish officers for the use of the poor.—Edwards, Old English Customs and Charities, 1842, p. 129. Warwickshire.In this county it is customary for the poor people to visit the farm-houses to beg contributions of corn. This is called going a-corning. Worcestershire.At Harvington the following rhyme is sung: “Wissal, wassail through the town, If you’ve got any apples throw them down; If you’ve got no apples money will do. The jug is white and the ale is brown, This is the best house in the town.” N. & Q. 1st S. vol. viii. p. 617. Yorkshire.Drake, in his Eboracum (1736, p. 217), gives the following account of a custom that once existed at York on St. Thomas’s Day, which he says he obtained from a manuscript that fell into his hands. “William the Conqueror, in the third year of his reign (on St. Thomas’s Day), laid siege to the city of York, but finding himself unable, either by policy or strength, to gain it, raised the siege, which he had no sooner done, but by accident he met with two fryers at a place called Skelton, not far from York, and had been to seek reliefe from their fellows and themselves against Christmas: the one having a wallet full of victualls and a shoulder of mutton in his hand, with two great cakes hanging about his neck; the other having bottles of ale, with provisions, likewise of beife and mutton in his wallett. The king, knowing their poverty and condition, thought they might be serviceable to him towards the attaining York, wherefore (being accompanied with Sir George Fothergill, general of the field, a Norman born), he gave them money, and withall a promise, that if they would lett him and his soldiers into their priory at a time appointed, he would not only rebuild their priory, but indowe it likewise with large revenues and ample privileges. The fryers easily consented and the conqueror as soon sent back his army, which, that night, according to agreement, were let into the priory by the two fryers, by which they immediately made themselves masters of all York; after which Sir Robert Clifford, who was governor thereof, was so far from being blamed by the conqueror for his stout defence made the preceding days, that he was highly esteemed and rewarded for his valour, being created Lord Clifford and there knighted, with the four magistrates then in office, viz., Horongate, Talbot (who after came to be Lord Talbott), Lassells, and Erringham. “The arms of the city of York at that time was, argent, a WALES.William Rogers, by will, June 1806, gave to the minister and churchwardens of Nevern, Pembrokeshire, and their successors, 800l., Three per Cent. Consols, to be transferred by his executors within six months after his decease; and it was his will that the dividends should be laid out annually, one moiety thereof in good beef, the other moiety thereof in good barley, the same to be distributed on every St. Thoma Ornamental line