Dec. 14. ] ST. TIBBA'S DAY.


Dec. 14.]


This day was formerly celebrated in Rutlandshire by fowlers and falconers, who regarded the saint as their peculiar patroness. Camden mentions the town of Rihall as particularly addicted to this superstitious observance,[86] and the passage, which is strongly expressed, was ordered to be expunged from his Britannia by the Index Expurgationis, printed at Madrid in 1612 by Louis Sanchez.—Med. Ævi Kalend. vol. i. p. 82.

[86] Rihall, ubi cum majores nostros ita fascinasset superstitio, ut deorum multitudine Deum verum propemodum sustulisset, Tibba minorum gentium diva, quasi Diana ab aucupibus utique rei accipitrariÆ prÆses colebatur.—Britan. 8vo. Lond. edit. 1590, p. 419.

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