amsa, part, akshara, the Imperishable, akhyÂti, the view that the attribute of one thing appears as that of another, Agnirahasya, chapter in the VÂjasaneyaka (Sat. Bra. X), AgnividyÂ, knowledge of the Fires (i.e. Ch. Up. IV, 11-13), agnihotra, aghÂtikarman, anga, subordinate matter, angin, principal matter, ajada, intelligent, ajadatva, intelligence, ajÂ,'the unborn' principle, goat, ajÑÂna, non-knowledge, Nescience, ajiva, non-soul, anu, of atomic size, atigraha, ativÂdin, one who makes a final supreme declaration, Aditi, the individual soul, adrishta, supersensuous, transcendental, the unseen principle advitÎya, without a second, advaita-vÂdin, advaitin, he who holds the view of non-duality, adharma, demerit, adhikarana, chapter, passim. adhipati, sense-organ, adhyayana, learning, adhyavasÂya, the deciding, adhyÂsa, superimposition, anavasÂda, freedom from dejection, anÂtmatva, absence of selfhood, anÂrabdhakÂrya, (works) the effects of which have not yet begun, aniruddha, principle of egoity, anirvakaniyatÂ, inexplicability, anirvakaniyatvÂ, anirvakaniyatÂ-vadin, anÎsÂ, anukÛla, agreeable, anuddharsha, absence of exultation, anupalabdhi, non-perception, anubhÛti, consciousness, anumati, favour, permission, anumÂna, inference, anuvÂda, reference to what is established by other means, explanatory comment, anusaya, remainder, anusmriti, recognition, anrita, untrue, antahkarana, internal organ, antaram, difference, interval, break, antariksha, ether, atmosphere, antaryÂmin, the inner Ruler, antaryami-brÂhmana, anna, food, anvaya, connexion, presence, apara, secondary, lowest, aparokshatva, being that which does not transcend the senses, apÂna, apurushÂrtha, non-advantageous, apÛrva, unprecedented, new, the supersensuous result of an action which later on produces the sensible result, apratisahkhyÂ, abhÂva, absence of something, non-existence, abhimÂna, misconception, abhivimÂna, abheda, non-distinction, amÛrta, undefined, amrita, amauna, non-mauna (see mauna), arthavÂda, an additional statement, arthÂpatti, avagati, consciousness, avatÂra, incarnation, avidyÂ, Nescience, avivÂkya, (day of Soma sacrifice), avyakta, the Unevolved, avyÂkritam, unevolved matter, asvatva, generic character of horses, asatkÂrya, asatkÂryavÂda, the theory that the effect does not exist before its origination, asatkhyÂti, the view that the non-existing appears as existing, asatya, untrue, astikÂya, existing body, ahamkartri, organ of Egoity, ahamkÂra, the 'I,' egoity, aham, 'I,' a secret name of Brahman, ahar, a secret name of Brahman, ahÎna, class of sacrifices, ÂkÂnkshÂ, expectancy, ÂkÂsa, ether, ÂkÂra, conduct, ÂtmakhyÂti, the view that the Self appears as a thing, atman, Self, ÂtmabhÂva, own being, Âditya, Sun, Âdesa, instruction, Ânanda, bliss, Ânandamaya, consisting of bliss, ÂnumÂna, object of inference, ÂnumÂnika, to be inferred, ÂbhÂsa, appearance, Ârambhana that which is taken or touched, Ârambhana-adhikarana, Ârhata, a Jaina, Âlambhana, Âsrama, stage of life, Âsrava, influx, itikartavyatÂ, mode of procedure, indriya, sense-organ, Îksh, to think, Îsvara, the Lord, utpatti, being originated, udÂna, udgÂtri, udgÎtha, udgÎtha-vidyÂ, unmana, measure, upakurvÂna, a BrahmakÂrin who has completed his course of study and becomes a householder, Upakosala-vidyÂ, upalakshana, secondary mark, upasad, certain offerings, upÂdÂna, material cause, upÂdhi, limiting adjunct, upÂs, to meditate, upÂsana, meditation, upÂsana, meditation, Ûha, a kind of cognitional activity, rita, ekavÂkyatva, syntactical unity, aisvarya, lordly power, superior existence, om, omkÂra, the syllable Om, aupÂdhika, limiting adjuncts, karana, instrument, activity, action, the instrumental case, karmakÂnda, karman, action, works, good and evil deeds, karma-bhÂvanÂ, karma-mÎmÂmsÂ, kalpa, world period, kalpaka, the shaping agent, kalpana, formation, i.e.creation, kalyÂna, virtuous conduct, kÂpÂla, skull, kÂma, desired thing, kÂrya, thing to be done, kÂla, time, KundapÂyinÂm ayanam, kriti, action, kaivalya, isolation, kriyÂ, action, works, kshetrajÑa, embodied soul, khanda, a piece, khyÂti, gati, the going, guna, quality, attribute, secondary matter, details, godohana, a sacrificial vessel, graha, ghanÎ-bhÛta, concreted, ghÂtikarman, kfaturmukha, four-faced, kamasa, cup, karana, conduct, works, kitta, mind, kid-rÛpa, essentially intelligent, kinta, thinking, kaitanya, intelligence, kaitta, mental, gada, non-intelligent, gÂti, generic character, giva, individual soul, gÎva ÂtmÂ, living Self, givaghana, givanmukta, released in this life, gÎvanmukti, release in this life, gÑa., knower, gÑÂtri, knower, gÑÂna., knowledge, consciousness, pl. forms of knowledge, tajjalan, tatkratuh, according to what his thought is, tattva of the SÂnkhyas, tat tvam asi, tanu, body, tan-maya, consisting of that, tanmÂtra, the subtle matter, tapas, austerity, tamas, darkness, tarka, ratiocination, tukch, futile, tejas, fire or heat, taijasa, active, tyat, that, dama, dahara-vidyÂ, daharÂkÂsa, small ether, dÎkshÂ, initiatory ceremony, devamÂyÂ, desa, place, dosha, imperfection, a». dravya, substance, dvÂdasÂha, the twelve days' sacrifice, dviparÂrdha, dvÎpa, island, dvaita, duality, dvaitavÂdin, (the Vaiseshika) who holds the view of duality, dharma, attribute, dhyÂna, devout meditation, dhyana-vidhi, dhyai, to meditate or to know, nÂdÎ, vein, nÂda, tone, nÂmadheya, name, nitya, permanent, nityÂnityavastuviveka, nididhyÂsana, meditation, nididhyÂsitavya, to be meditated upon, nimitta, cause, niyoga, i.e. apÛrva, supersensuous result of an action which later on products the sensible result, niranvaya, absolute, nirupÂkhya, non-entity, nirjara, decay, nirvikalpaka, non-determinate, NishÂda-sthapati, nivÂra, wild rice, naimittika, contingent, naishhthika, a perpetual religious student observing the vow of chastity, paÑkaganah, 'five-people,' paÑkÂgni-vidyÂ, pada, word, padÂrtha, a thing, para, highest, paramÂtman, higher Self, paramesara, highest Lord, parinama, modification, paryÂya, particular states of substances pÂÑditya, learning, pÂriplava, a performance of the Asvamedha sacrifice, pÂrivrajaka, an ascetic, pÂrivrÂjya, the wandering about as a mendicant, putika, a plant, pudgala, body, purusha soul, purushavakas, to he designated by the term 'man,' purusha-vidyÂ, purushottama, the highest Person, pÛrvapaksha, prim facie view, pÛrvapakshin, he who holds the prim facie view, passim. prakarana, leading subject-matter, prakÂra, mode, prakÂs, to shine forth, prakÂsa, light, prakriti, primeval matter, originating principle, nature, prakriyÂ, subject-matter, prajÑamatrah, subjects, pranava, the syllable Om, Pratardana-vidy (i.e. Kau. Up III), pratikÛla, disagreeable, pratÎjÑÂ, initial statement, pratlbuddha atma, the Self of intelligence, pratisankhya, pratÎka, symbol, pratyaksha, perception, presentative thought, pratyakshatÂ, immediate presentation, pratyag-Âtman, the individual soul, pratyaa, consciousness, pratyÂhÂra, complete restraining of the senses from receiving external impressions, prathiman, solid extension, pradesa, space, pradyumna, the internal organ, pradhÂna, principal matter, non-sentient principle, pradhÂna, a superior, prabhÂ, light, prayojana, final cause, pralaya, destruction of the world, prÂgÑa, knowing, conscious, intelligent, the personal Self, the highest Self, prÂna, breath, breathing out; soul; Breath, a name of Brahman, prÂna, pl. organs and vital breath, prÂnamaya, consisting of breath, prÂnÂgnihotra, prÂdesamÂtra, prÂpti, the being obtained, prÂyaskitta, expiatory rite, prerakatva, prompting quality, phala, result, phalavidhi, injunction of results, bÂdha, sublation, bÂdhita, sublated, bÂlya, childlike state, buddhi, internal organ, intellect, brimh, root from which 'Brahman' is derived, brimhana, growth, brihat, great, brihattva, greatness, brahmakarya, chastity, brahmagignÂsÂ, enquiry into Brahman, brahmatva, Brahma-hood, brahman, brahma-bhÂvanÂ, brahmavidyÂ, knowledge of Brahman, brahmasamstha, founded on Brahman, bhakti, devotion, devout meditation, bhagavat, the Lord, then a holy person, bhagÂsana, bhÂkta, secondary or figurative, bhÂva, entity, bhinna, separate, bhinnatva, difference, bhÛta, beings, bhÛta, element, bhÛtamÂtrÂh, objects, bhÛtÂdi, originator of the elements, bhÛman,'muchness,' fulness of bliss, bhÛma-vidy (Ch. Up. VII, 2), bheda, difference, bhedÂbheda, view that there is difference and absence of difference at the same time, bhautika, elemental, bhrama, erroneous cognition, error, bhrÂnti, illusion, madhu, 'honey,' the sun, madhuividyÂ, manana, reflection, manas, internal organ, mind, mantavya, to be reflected on, mantra, -maya, consisting of, made of, Mahat, the Great Principle (of the SÂnkhya), mahÂvrata-brÂhmana, mÂtrÂ, mora (metrical unit), mÂnasa, mental (offering of a Soma cup), mÂyÂ, mÂyin, possessing mÂyÂ, mithyÂ, false, mithyÂtva, falsehood, mukta, released, mukhya prÂna, chief vital air, mudrÂ, a badge, muni, mÛrta, defined, mauna, Muni-hood, state of a Muni, yathÂkratub, according as his thought is, yushmad-artha, the objective element, yoga, mystic concentration of mind, yogayug, practitioner of Yoga, yogasiddha, perfected by Yoga, yogyatÂ, compatibility, yoni, female organ of generation, rajas, passion, rahasya-brÂhmana, rÂga, passion, rukaka = nishka, rÛpa, form, character, lakshanÂ, implied meaning, implication, linga, inferential mark, vastu, substance, vÂkya, syntactical connexion, vÂkyabheda, split of a sentence, vÂyu, wind, vÂasanÂ, a flow of ideas, states of consciousness, vikÂra, effected thing, effect, vikriti, being Modified, vijÑÂna, understanding, knowledge, idea, vijÑÂnamaya, consisting of understanding, (the soul in deep sleep). vid, to know or to meditate, vidyÂ, form of meditation on Brahman, viniyoga, application, vipaskit, intelligent, vipaskittva, intelligence, vibhava, manifestation, vibhÛti, manifestation of power, vimoka, freeness of mind, vivrit, to manifest itself, viveka, abstention, viseshana, determining attribute, vishaya, object, virya, strength, vritta, conduct, vedana, knowledge, vedanÂ, sensation, veda-vrata, vaikÂrika, modified, vaikhÂnasa, hermit, vaisvarÛpya, many-natured universe, vaisvÂnara-vidy vyavahÂra, speech, vyashti, discrete aspect (of the world), vyÂna, vyÂvahÂrika, conventional, vyÂvritti, individual difference, vyÛha, division, sakti, power, potentiality, sabda, sound, sama, sarira, body, sÂkhÂ, SÂndilya-vidyÂ, sÂrira, joined to a body, sÂriraka (doctrine) of the embodied (self), sÂstra, science, scriptural injunction, sirovrata, vow of (carrying fire on the) head, sila, conduct, subhÂsraya, perfect object, sudra (etymology), sesha, supplementary, seshin, principal matter to be subserved by other things, sraddhi, faith, belief, sravana, hearing, sruti, scriptural statement, rg, samyamana, samyoga, conjunction, samvara, a kind of deep meditation, samvargavidy samvid, consciousness, samsÂra, samskÂra, impression, samskriti, the being made ready, samkarshana, the individual soul, samrkhyÂ, number, samjÑÂ, consciousness, sat, Being, satkÂrya, sattra class of sacrifices, sattva, goodness, satya, true, satyakÂma, realising its desire, satyakÂmatva, power of realising one's desire, sad-vidyÂ, meditation on that which truly is (Kb. Up. VI, i ff.), sanniclhi, proximity, sapta-bhangi-nyÂya, the system of the seven paralogisms, samanantara, samanvaya, connexion, samavÂya, intimate relation, reciprocal inherence, samavÂyi-karana, intimate cause, samashti, collective aspect (of the world), samashti-purusha, the aggregate soul, samÂkÂra, a book of the Âtharvanikas, samÂdhi, meditation, samÂna, sarnpatti, union, sampad, to be combined, sampÂta, yÂvat sampÂtam, samprasÂda, serenity, sambhÛta, sayuktvÂn, sarvajÑa, all-knowing, savikalpaka, determinate, sahakÂrin, sÂkshÂt, manifest, sÂkshÂtkÂra, immediate presentation, sÂkshin, the witnessing principle, sÂdhya, effected, sÂmÂnÂdhikaranya, co-ordination, sÂyugya, equality, siddhi, proof, definite well-established knowledge, sukarita, good conduct, sushira, a hollow place, sÛkshma, the Subtle, setu, bank or bridge, somarÂjan, sparsa, touch, smriti, representation, svayamprakÂsa, self-proved, svayamprakÂsatva, self-luminousness, svayamprakÂsatÂ, svarga, heaven, svastika, svaclhyaya, one's own text, svÂdhyÂya, essential, rgr. 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