There is little room for quotations from Marshall’s speeches or dispatches. Some reference has already been made to his earliest reported argument in court, in 1786. In the Virginia Federal Convention, in 1788, Marshall’s principal speeches related to the subjects of taxation, the militia, and the judiciary. These, so far as preserved, are found in the third volume of Elliot’s Debates, and in Dr. Grigsby’s very interesting History of that Convention, in the tenth volume of the “Virginia Historical Collections.” Nothing remains of a famous speech in support of Jay’s treaty, at a public meeting in Richmond in 1795. A summary of his strong but unsuccessful argument in 1796, in the case of Ware v. Hylton (3 Dallas 199), as to the claims of British After Washington’s death in 1799, Marshall, in a short and well-known speech, moved the resolution of the House of Representatives. A little afterwards he made a great and admirably thorough address in a matter which then deeply affected the public mind; from this, his greatest public speech, An application for extradition was made to the federal authorities in Charleston, but at their suggestion this was transferred to the President, through the Secretary of State. The Secretary informed Bee, the These events were used with great effect by the political opponents of the administration. When Congress met, the President was called upon by the House of Representatives The following passages will afford a specimen of the style and method of this address, a style and method which were characteristic of all Marshall’s work:— “The same argument applies to the observations on the seventh article of the amendment to the Constitution. That article “In this part of the argument, the gentleman from New York [Mr. Livingston] has presented a dilemma, of a very wonderful structure indeed. He says that the offense of Thomas Nash was either a crime or not a crime. If it was a crime, the constitutional mode of punishment ought to have been observed; if it was not a crime, he ought not to have been delivered up to a foreign government, where his punishment was inevitable. “It has escaped the observation of that gentleman that if the murder committed by Thomas Nash was a crime, yet it was not a crime provided for by the Constitution or triable in the courts of the United States; and that if it was not a crime, yet it is the precise case in which his surrender was stipulated by treaty. Of this extraordinary dilemma, the gentleman from New York is himself perfectly at liberty to retain either form. “He has chosen to consider it as a crime, and says it has been made a crime by treaty, and is punished by sending the offender out of the country. The gentleman is incorrect in every part of his statement. Murder on board a British frigate is not a crime created by treaty. It would have been a crime of precisely the same magnitude had the treaty never been formed. It is not punished by sending the offender out of the United States. The experience of the unfortunate criminal, who was hung and gibbeted, evinced to him that the punishment of his crime was of a much more serious nature than mere banishment from the United States. “The gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. Gallatin] and the gentleman from Virginia [Mr. Nicholas] have both contended that this was a case proper for the decision of the courts, because points of law occurred, and points of law must have been decided in its determination. The points of law which must have been decided are stated by the gentleman from Pennsylvania to be, first, a question whether the offense was committed “It is true, sir, these points of law must have occurred, and must have been decided, but it by no means follows that they could only have been decided in court. A variety of legal questions must present themselves in the performance of every executive duty, but these questions are not therefore to be decided in court. Whether a patent for land shall issue or not is always a question of law, but not a question which must necessarily be carried into court. The gentleman from Pennsylvania seems to have permitted himself to have been misled by the misrepresentations of the Constitution made in the resolutions of the gentleman from New York; and, in consequence of being so misled, his observations have the appearance of endeavoring to fit the Constitution to his arguments, instead of adapting his arguments to the Constitution. “When the gentleman has proved that these are questions of law, and that they “When, therefore, the gentleman from Pennsylvania has established that, in delivering up Thomas Nash, points of law were decided by the President, he has established a position which in no degree whatever aids his argument. The case is in its nature a national demand, made upon the nation. The parties are the two nations. They cannot come into court to litigate their claims, nor can a court decide on them. Of consequence, the demand is not a case for judicial cognizance. The President is the sole organ of the nation in its external relations, and its sole representative with foreign nations. Of consequence, the demand of a foreign nation can only be made on him.… “The treaty, which is a law, enjoins the “The gentleman from Pennsylvania contends that, although this should be properly an executive duty, yet it cannot be performed until Congress shall direct the mode of performance.… The treaty stipulating that a murderer shall be delivered up to justice is as obligatory as an act of Congress making the same declaration. If, then, “The executive is not only the constitutional department, but seems to be the proper department to which the power in question may most wisely and most safely be confided.… If, at any time, policy may temper the strict execution of the contract, where may that political discretion be placed so safely as in the department whose duty it is to understand precisely the state of the political intercourse and connection between the United States and foreign nations, to This clear, strong, convincing speech, of which I have quoted but a small portion, settled the question then in dispute, and the principles here laid down have controlled the action of the government ever since. Very soon after entering upon his duties as Chief Justice, Marshall undertook to write the “Life of Washington.” This gave him a great deal of trouble and mortification. It proved to be an immense labor; the publishers were importunate, and he was driven into print before he was ready. The result was a work in five volumes, appearing from 1802 to 1804, full of the most valuable and authentic material, well repaying perusal, yet put together with singular lack of literary skill, and in many ways a great disappointment. Jefferson had ludicrous misconceptions as to Marshall’s real character. It is said that after Burr’s trial, in 1807, all personal intercourse between them ceased. Who was this decided and unequivocal Republican to be? Jefferson was anxious about it, and wrote to Madison, suggesting Judge Tyler, of Virginia, as a candidate, and reminding the President of Marshall’s “rancorous hostility to his country.” Who was it, in fact, that was appointed? Who but Joseph Story!—a Republican, indeed, but one whom Jefferson, in this very year, was designating as a “pseudo-Republican,” and who soon became Marshall’s warmest admirer and most faithful supporter. |