| | PAGE | | Army Truck Constructed Entirely from Used Tin Cans | Frontispiece | I. | Wounded Soldiers at Work | 10 | II. | Army Truck and Tin Cans Used to Make It | 22 | III. | The Raw Material from Which Many of the Toys Shown in This Book Were Made | 23 | IV. | Scribing a Line Around a Can with the Dividers. Cutting Along the Joint to Open a Can. Cutting from Right to Left with the Straight Shears. Cutting to the Line, Right to Left | 22 | V. | Author at Work | 23 | VI. | The Tools Needed for Tin Can Toy Making | 32 | VII. | Biscuit Cutters. Soldering | 44 | VIII. | Cooky Cutter, Tray Candlestick and Ash Trays Made by the Author | 84 | IX. | Steam Rollers | 116 | X. | Dumping Truck and Chassis of Toy Auto Truck. | 120 | XI. | Chassis of Toy Auto Truck and Dumping Truck. | 121 | XII. | Wooden Roofing Folder | 120 | XIII. | Oil Tank Truck and Toy Ford | 152 | XIV. | Red Cross Ambulance | 153 | XV. | Boats | 170 | XVI. | A Simple Toy Locomotive, a Sand or Water Mill and the First Tin Can Toy | 174 | XVII. | Steam Tractor and Gun | 175 | XVIII. | Aeroplane Weathervanes | 188 | XIX. | Lantern and Fighting Tank | 192 | XX. | A Toy Tin Can Kitchen | 196 | XXI. | A Doll’s Bathroom and a Tin Can Laundry | 197 |