
Extracted from the American Remembrancer (an impartial and authentic collection of facts, published in London during the Revolutionary War) for the year 1782, vol. 14, p. 185.

Boston, March 12.

Extract of a letter from Captain Gerrish, of the
New-England Militia, dated Albany, March 7.

"The peltry taken in the expedition, will, you see, amount to a good deal of money. The possession of this booty at first gave us pleasure; but we were struck with horror to find among the packages, eight large ones containing scalps of our unfortunate country folks, taken in the three last years by the Seneca Indians from the inhabitants of the frontiers of New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, and sent by them as a present to Colonel Haldimand, Governor of Canada, in order to be by him transmitted to England. They were accompanied by the following curious letter to that gentleman.

"Tioga, January 3d, 1787.

"May it please your Excellency,

"At the request of the Seneca Chiefs, I herewith send to your Excellency, under the care of James Hoyd, eight packages of scalps, cured, dried, hooped, and painted with all the triumphal marks, of which the following is the invoice and explanation.

"No. 1. Containing forty-three scalps of Congress soldiers, killed in different skirmishes. These are stretched on black hoops, four inch diameter—the inside of the skin painted red with a small black spot, to note their being killed with bullets. Also, sixty-two of farmers killed in their houses; the hoops painted red—the skin painted brown and marked with a hoe—a black circle all round, to denote their being surprised in the night—and a black hatchet in the middle, signifying their being killed with that weapon.

"No. 2. Containing ninety-eight of farmers, killed in their houses, hoops red—figure of a hoe, to mark their profession—great white circle and sun, to shew they were surprised in the day-time—a little red foot, to shew they stood upon their defence, and died fighting for their lives and families.

"No. 3. Containing ninety-seven of farmers. Hoops green, to shew they were killed in the fields—a large white circle with a little round mark on it for the sun, to show it was in the day time—black bullet-mark on some, a hatchet on others.

"No. 4. Containing one hundred and two of farmers, mixture of several of the marks above, only eighteen marked with a little yellow flame, to denote their being of prisoners burnt alive, after being scalped—their nails pulled out by the roots, and other torments. One of these latter supposed to be of an American clergyman, his band being fixed to the hoop of his scalp. Most of the farmers appear, by the hair, to have been young or middle-aged men, there being but sixty-seven very grey heads among them all, which makes the service more essential.

"No. 5. Containing eighty-eight scalps of women, hair long, braided in the Indian fashion, to shew they were mothers—hoops blue—skin yellow ground, with little red tadpoles, to represent, by way of triumph, the tears of grief occasioned to their relations—a black scalping-knife or hatchet at the bottom, to mark their being killed by those instruments. Seventeen others, hair very grey—black hoops—plain brown color—no marks but the short club or casse-tete, to show they were knocked down dead, or had their brains beat out.

"No. 6. Containing one hundred and ninety-three boy's scalps, of various ages. Small green hoops—whitish ground on the skin, with red tears in the middle and black marks—knife, hatchet or club, as their death happened.

"No. 7. Containing two hundred and eleven girl's scalps, big and little—small yellow hoops, white ground—tears, hatchet, club, scalping-knife, &c.

"No. 8. This package is a mixture of all the varieties above mentioned, to the number of one hundred and twenty-two, with a box of birch bark containing twenty-nine little infants' scalps, of various sizes—small white hoops, white ground—no tears, and only a little black knife in the middle, to shew they were ripped out of their mothers' bellies.

"With these packs the chiefs send to your excellency the following speech, delivered by Conicogatchie in council, interpreted by the elder Moore, the trader, and taken down by me in writing.

"Father!—We send you herewith many scalps, that you may see we are not idle friends.

"A blue belt.

"Father!—We wish you to send these scalps over the water to the great king, that he may regard them and be refreshed, and that he may see our faithfulness in destroying his enemies, and be convinced that his presents have not been made to an ungrateful people.

"A blue and white belt with red tassels.

"Father!—-Attend to what I am now going to say. It is a matter of much weight. The great King's enemies are many, and they grow fast in number. They were formerly like young panthers. They could neither bite nor scratch. We could play with them safely. We feared nothing they could do to us. But now their bodies have become as big as the elk, and strong as the buffalo. They have also great and sharp claws. They have driven us out of our country for taking part in your quarrel. We expect the great King will give us another country, that our children may live after us, and be his friends and children as we are. Say this for us to our great King. To enforce it, give this belt.

"A great white belt with blue tassels.

"Father!—We have only to say further, that your traders exact more than ever for their goods; and our hunting is lessened by the war, so that we have fewer skins to give for them. This ruins us. Think of some remedy. We are poor, and you have plenty of every thing. We know you will send us powder and guns, and knives and hatchets. But we also want shirts and blankets.

"A little white belt.

"I do not doubt but that your Excellency will think it proper to give some further encouragement to these honest people. The high prices they complain of are the necessary effect of the war. Whatever presents may be sent for them through my hands, shall be distributed with prudence and fidelity.

"I have the honor of being your Excellency's most obedient and most humble servant,




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