BY A GENTLEMAN OF THE FOOTGUARDS (BLUE). I paced upon my beat With steady step and slow, All huppandownd of Ranelagh Street: Ran'lagh St. Pimlico. While marching huppandownd Upon that fair May morn, Beold the booming cannings sound, A royal child is born! The Ministers of State Then presnly I sor, They gallops to the Pallis gate, In carridges and for. With anxious looks intent, Before the gate they stop, There comes the good Lord President, And there the Archbishopp. Lord John he next elights; And who comes here in haste? 'Tis the ero of one underd fights, The caudle for to taste. Then Mrs. Lily, the nuss, Towards them steps with joy; Says the brave old Duke, "Come tell to us, Is it a gal or a boy?" Says Mrs. L. to the Duke, "Your Grace, it is A PRINCE." And at that nuss's bold rebuke, He did both laugh and wince. He vews with pleasant look This pooty flower of May, Then, says the wenarable Duke, "Egad, it's my buthday." By memory backwards borne, Peraps his thoughts did stray To that old place where he was born, Upon the first of May. Perhaps he did recal The ancient towers of Trim; And County Meath and Dangan Hall They did rewisit him. I phansy of him so His good old thoughts employin'; Fourscore years and one ago Beside the flowin' Boyne. His father praps he sees, Most Musicle of Lords, A playing maddrigles and glees Upon the Arpsicords. Jest phansy this old Ero Upon his mother's knee! Did ever lady in this land Ave greater sons than she? And I shoudn be surprize While this was in his mind, If a drop there twinkled in his eyes Of unfamiliar brind. . . . . . To Hapsly Ouse next day Drives up a Broosh and for, A gracious prince sits in that Shay (I mention him with Hor!) They ring upon the bell, The Porter shows his Ed, (He fought at Vaterloo as vell, And vears a Veskit red). To see that carriage come, The people round it press: "And is the galliant Duke at ome?" "Your Royal Ighness, yes." He stepps from out the Broosh And in the gate is gone; And X, although the people push, Says wary kind, "Move hon." The Royal Prince unto The galliant Duke did say, "Dear duke, my little son and you Was born the self same day. "The Lady of the land, My wife and Sovring dear, It is by her horgust command I wait upon you here. "That lady is as well As can expected be; And to your Grace she bid me tell This gracious message free. "That offspring of our race, Whom yesterday you see, To show our honor for your Grace, Prince Arthur he shall be. "That name it rhymes to fame; All Europe knows the sound: And I couldn't find a better name If you'd give me twenty pound. "King Arthur had his knights That girt his table round, But you have won a hundred fights, Will match 'em I'll be bound. "You fought with Bonypart, And likewise Tippoo Saib; I name you then with all my heart The Godsire of this babe." That Prince his leave was took, His hinterview was done. So let us give the good old Duke Good luck of his god-son. And wish him years of joy In this our time of Schism, And hope he'll hear the royal boy His little catechism. And my pooty little Prince That's come our arts to cheer, Let me my loyal powers ewince A welcomin of you ere. And the Poit-Laureat's crownd, I think, in some respex, Egstremely shootable might be found For honest Pleaseman X. * The birth of Prince Arthur. |