Colophon Availability


This eBook is produced by the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at


Revision History

  • 2016-01-25 Started.

External References

The following corrections have been applied to the text:

Page Source Correction
3 if of
3 licenced licensed
4 centenes cents
4 avatisim avatism
4 iniciation initiation
5 Comunity Community
5 postrated prostrated
5 sacrifical sacrificial
6 comunity community
6 Sacrifical Sacrificial
6 doubtles doubtless
7 developes develops
8 anoyances annoyances
8 imposible impossible
9 hypnotismal hypnotism
10 Primative Primitive
10 accompannied accompanied
10 there these
10 hypothesis hypotheses
11 . ,
11 asiatics Asiatics
11 hare have
11 inmigrated immigrated
11 morever moreover
12 has was
12 vassels vassals
12 [Not in source] ,
12 vassel vassal
12 vas was
12 empaled impaled
12, 12 siboneyes Siboneyes
13 preceeded preceded
13 was were
13 sen sea
13 asunk sunk
13 fernale female
13 who mnine whom nine
13 [Deleted]
13 exected exerted
14 Siboneys Siboneyes
14 emancipated emaciated
14 rymth rhythm
14 occassion occasion
14 ennare ensnare
14 primative primitive
15 then them
15 dissappeared disappeared
15 evenas even as
15 their they
17, 18 possesion possession
17, 17 circunstances circumstances
18 aboutthe about the
18 churchand church and
18 excomunicated excommunicated
18 assasins assassins
18 ; ,
18 inmunity immunity
18 uncredulous incredulous
18 reliquiary reliquary
18 Glacing Glancing
19 reliquia reliquary
19 wit [Deleted]
19 pispiration perspiration
19 anually annually
19 in is
19 dispair despair
19 the he
19 wanderbust wanderlust

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