
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z

African indigo, 47
Alkali for removing old paint, 351
Alumina for lakes, 282
American indigo, 47
—— lamp-black furnace, 20
Aniline black, 25
Animal black, 5, 6
—— matters, nitrogen in, 51
Anthracene oil black, 21
Antimony vermilion, 138
Antwerp blue, 62
Area covered by paint, 359, 360
Arnaudon’s green, 128
Arsenic from cobalt ores, 31
—— orange, 153
—— yellow, 257, 280
Asphalt brown, 101
—— for painting iron, 373
Aureolin, 257
Azurite blue, 40
Balmains luminous paint, 286
Baryta blue, 111
—— green, 109
—— red, 143
—— white, 170
Barytes, 170
Benzoates as dryers, 318
Benzol vehicles, 296
Binder’s cobalt blue, 29
Bistre, 101
Bitumen, 101
Blacks, 5-26
—— adulterations, 6
—— aniline, 25
—— animal, 5, 6
—— anthracene oil, 21
—— bone, 5, 6
—— bone-oil, 12
—— candle, 25
—— “carbon,” 19
—— charcoal, 25
—— coal, 25
—— coal tar, 14, 15, 21
—— coke-oven, 16
—— composition, 5
—— cork, 25
—— creosote oil, 21
—— drop, 11
—— fat, 11, 12, 21
—— Frankfort, 11
—— “gas,” 19
—— gas-tar, 14, 15, 21
—— German, 26
—— impurities, 5
—— iron, 26
—— ivory, 5, 11
—— lamp, 5, 11
—— lead, 26
—— manganese, 26
—— mineral gas, 19
—— —— matter in, 6
—— natural gas, 19
—— oil, 11, 12, 21
—— oily matter in, 5
—— organic, 5
—— paraffin, 16
—— peach-stone, 11
—— Prussian, 26
—— prussiate, 26
—— resin, 11. 15, 16
—— shale oil, 21
—— Spanish, 26
—— tannin, 26
—— tar, 14, 15, 21
—— testing, 6
—— unimportant, 25
—— vegetable, 5, 11, 25, 26
—— vine twig, 11
—— wine lees, 11
Blanc fixe, 172
Bleaching oils, 332
Blenkinsop and Hartley’s dryer, 335
Blood in priming coat, 352
Blue luminous paint, 291
—— potash, 54, 56
—— salt, 54, 56
—— washing, 90
Blues, 27-100
—— Antwerp, 62
—— azurite, 40
—— baryta, 111
—— Binder’s cobalt, 28
—— Bong’s, 62
—— Bremen, 34
—— Brunswick, 64
—— cÆruleum, 27
—— Chinese, 65
—— cobalt, 27, 28
—— coeruleum, 37
—— copper, 34
—— indigo, 42
—— lime, 38
—— manganese, 49
—— mountain, 40
—— Paris, 68
—— PÉligot, 41
—— Prussian, 49
—— Saxon, 69
—— smalts, 27, 30
—— soluble, 69
—— ThÉnard’s cobalt, 28
—— Turnbull’s, 70
—— ultramarine, 70
—— verditer, 41
—— zaffre, 30
Body of pigments, 293
Boiled oils, adulterants of, 331
—— —— defects, 327
—— —— substitute for, 352
—— —— testing for lead in, 328
Boiling oil, 316, 320
Bole, 272
Boletta, 273
Bologna stone, 170
Bone black, 5, 6
—— —— composition, 10
—— cost of production, 10
—— —— furnaces, 7
—— —— qualities, 10
—— brown, 102
—— oil black, 12
Bones, carbonising, 7
—— gases from, utilising, 9
Bong’s manganese blue, 49
—— Prussian blue, 62
Borates as dryers, 318
Braconnot’s green, 123
Bramwell’s prussiate, 58
Brazil-wood lake, 283
Bremen blue, 34
—— green, 112
Brighton green, 112
Brinjes and Goodwin’s paint mill, 346
Brown luminous paint, 291
Browns, 101, 108
—— asphalt, 101
—— bistre, 101
—— bitumen, 101
—— bone, 102
—— cappagh, 102
—— Cassel earth, 102
—— chicory, 102
—— Cologne earth, 102
—— manganese, 103
—— Mars, 103
—— Prussian, 103
—— Rubens, 102
—— sepia, 104
—— ulmin, 105
—— ultramarine, 88
—— umbers, 105
—— Vandyke, 107
Brunquell on prussiate, 59
Brunswick blue, 64
—— green, 113
—— —— characters, 118
—— —— dry method, 117
—— —— testing, 118
—— —— wet method, 115
Brushes, 355
—— keeping, 355
Buckley’s prussiate works, 59
Cadmium Yellow, 258
CÆruleum, 27
Calcining lamp-black, 23
Calcium hyposulphite, preparing, 139
—— polysulphide, preparing, 139
Candle black, 25
Candle-nut oil, 298
Cappagh brown, 102, 106
“Carbon” black, 19
—— pigments, 5
Carbonising bones, 7
Carminated lake, 283
Carmine lake, 283
Carriages, painting, 361
—— varnishing, 365
Cars, painting, 361
—— re-varnishing, 367
—— washing, 367
Cassel earth, 102
Cassius purple, 143
Cawk, 170
Central American indigo, 47
Cerchione, 273
Chalk, 246
Charcoal black, 25
Charlton white, 172, 254
Chicory brown, 102
China clay, 172
—— —— artificial, 182
—— —— characters, 182
—— &# 8212;— drying, 175, 181
—— —— waste products, 179
—— —— works, 173
Chinese blue, 65
—— green, 118, 129
—— red, 144, 185
—— vermilion, 157
Chromates, iron, 267
—— lead, 260
—— zinc, 268
Chrome greens, 113, 118, 125
—— orange, 144
—— red, 144, 145
—— yellows, 258
Chromes, characters, 266
Clark’s paint mill, 341
Coaches, painting, 361
—— re-varnishing, 367
—— varnishing, 365
—— washing, 367
Coal black, 25
Coal-tar black, 14, 15, 21
Coats of paint, 355
Cobalt benzoate, 318
—— blues, 27, 28
—— borate, 318
—— greens, 119
—— ore furnace, 31
—— oxide blue, 28
—— pink, 144
—— red, 144
Cochineal lake, 284
Coeruleum blue, 37
Coke oven black, 16
Colcothar, 145, 150
Cologne earth, 102
Colour and aggregation of particles, 2
—— —— chemical composition, 2
—— —— light, 1
—— causes, 1
—— defined, 1
—— destruction, 2
—— of pigments, testing, 293
—— sense, 1
Condenser, fume, 216
Condensing smoke, 13, 15, 17
Condy’s white lead, 197
Copper blues, 34
—— carbonate, 40
—— greens, 121, 130, 131
—— hydrated oxide, 34, 183
Hannay’s white lead, 214
Hartley & Blenkinsop’s dryer, 335
—— on dryers, 322
Hempseed oil, 298
Hind and Lund’s paint mill, 345
Hyposulphite of lime, preparing, 139
Idrian vermilion works, 154
Indian indigo, 43
—— red, 147, 150
Indigo, African, 47
—— American, 47
—— blue, 42
—— carmine, 48
—— Central American, 47
—— cultivation, 43
—— gaud, 45
—— Indian, 43
—— Japanese, 45
—— Javan, 46
—— maceration, 43
—— manufacture, 43
—— Philippine, 47
—— plants, 42
—— preparations, 48
—— qualities, 48
—— testing, 48
Irish umber,

Iron black, 26
—— chromates, 267
—— decay, 369
—— oxide for painting, 373
—— —— reds, 150
—— painting, 369
—— —— experiments, 375
—— pitching, 369
Italian white lead, 221
Ivory black, 5, 11
Jacquelin’s vermilion, 168
Japanese indigo, 45
Javan indigo, 46
Kaolin, 172, 183
Keeping brushes, 355
Kegs, paint, 349
Kilns, 7, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 31, 32, 33, 53, 59, 60, 225, 277
King’s yellow, 271, 280
Kirchoff’s vermilion, 168
KÖchlin’s green, 123
Kukui oil, 298
Lakes, 282
—— alumina, 282
—— Brazil-wood, 283
—— carminated, 283
—— carmine, 283
—— cochineal, 284
—— madder, 284
—— yellow, 285
Lamp-black, 5, 11
—— —— anthracene oil, 21
—— —— apparatus, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22
—— —— calcining, 23
—— —— creosote oil, 21
—— —— gas tar, 14, 15, 21
—— —— German, 15
—— —— in iron painting, 378
—— —— Martin & Grafton’s, 15
—— —— natural gas, 19
—— —— nuisance in making, 23
—— —— paraffin, 16
—— —— qualities, 25
—— —— Russian, 16
—— —— Shackell & Edwards’ Works, 24
—— —— shale oil, 21
—— —— transport, 25
Lapis lazuli, 70
Lead black, 26
—— chromates, 260
—— dryers, 325
—— for white lead making, 186
—— in boiled oil, testing for, 328
—— orange, 147
—— red, 148
—— sulphate, 223
—— whites, 183
Levigating ultramarine, 79
Lewis’s white lead, 223
Light and colour, 1
Lime blue, 38
—— hyposulphite, preparing, 139
—— manganate, 49
—— polysulphide, preparing, 139
—— white, 170, 245
Linseed oil, 299
—— —— adulterants, 331
—— —— bleaching, 303
—— —— impurities, 301
—— —— purifying, 302
Litharge as a dryer, 316
Lithophone, 245, 247
Lokao, 129
Luminous paints, 286
MacIvor’s ultramarine, 93
—— white lead, 229
Madder, lake, 284
Magnesite, 245
Malachite green, 129, 131
Manganese benzoate, 318
—— black, 26
—— blue, 49
—— borate, 318
—— brown, 103
—— green, 130
—— linoleate, 336
—— oxalate dryer, 319
—— oxide dryer, 318
—— sulphate dryer, 325
Manure from prussiate residue, 57
Mars brown, 103
Martin & Grafton’s lamp-black, 15
Massicot, 148
Measuring painting, 360
Menhaden oil, 303
Metallic paints, 274
Mica, 179
Mills, oil, 309
—— paint, 339, 341, 345, 346
Mineral gas black, 19
—— green, 130, 131
—— matter in blacks, 6
—— orange, 150
Minium, 148
Mitis green, 130
Mixer for paint, 341
Mixing paint, 364
Mountain blue, 40
—— green, 131
Murdoch’s antimony red, 142
Naples yellows, 271
Natural gas black, 19
Nitrogen converted into cyanogen in prussiate making, 58
—— in animal matters, 51
Nuisance from making lamp-black, 23
—— prevention, 24
Ochres, 272
—— characters, 279
—— kilns, 277
—— working, 274
Odour of paint, removing, 356
Oil-black, 11, 12, 21
—— cake, moulding, 313
—— mill, 309
—— seed crushing rolls, 311
—— —— kettles, 312
—— vehicles, 295
Oils, bleaching, 332
—— boiled, defects, 327
—— —— substitute for, 352
—— —— testing for lead in, 328
—— boiling, 316, 320
—— —— chemistry of, 326
—— candle-nut, 298
—— chemical action of dryers on, 330
—— drying and non-drying, 297
—— extraction, 308
—— ground-nut, 297
—— hemp-seed, 298
—— kukui, 298
—— linseed, 299
—— menhaden, 303
—— pea-nut, 297
—— poppy, 305
—— porgie, 303
—— refining, 335
—— tobacco, 306
—— tung, 308
—— walnut, 307
—— wood, 308
Oily matter in blacks, 5
Old paint, removing, 351
Orange, chrome, 144
—— lead, 147
—— luminous paint, 291
—— mineral, 150
Organic blacks, 5
Orpiment, 280
Orr’s white, 245, 254
Oxide reds, 150
Oxygen in making ultramarine, 78
Packing paint, 349
Paint beds, 274
—— composition, 358
—— covering power, 359, 360
—— cracking, 363
—— defined, 1
—— discoloration, 356
—— drying, 367
—— estimating quantity required, 359, 360
—— machinery, 339
—— mills, 339, 341, 345, 346
—— mixer, 341
—— mixing, 364
—— old, removing, 351
—— packing, 349
—— priming, 354, 362
Painting, 351
—— brushes, 355
—— carriages, 361
—— coats, 355
—— drying, 353
—— filling, 354, 362
—— finishing, 363
—— fresco, 378
—— iron, 369
—— measuring, 360
—— plaster, 378
—— priming coat, 352, 362
—— removing odour, 356
—— surface, 351
—— walls, 378
—— water-colours, 356
—— woodwork, 368
Paraffin black, 16
—— wax vehicles, 296
Paris blue, 68
—— green, 132
--- white, 246
Peach-stone black, 11
Pea-nut oil, 297
PÉligot blue, 41
Permanent white, 170, 246
Persian red, 145, 150, 153
Philippine indigo, 47
Phosphorescent paints, 286
Pigments, carbon, 5
—— defined, 1, 3
—— examining, 293
—— requirements, 3
—— testing body, 293
—— —— colour, 293
—— —— covering power, 293
—— —— fineness, 293
Pink, cobalt, 144
Pitching iron, 369
Plaster painting, 378
Pompeian coeruleum, 37
Poppy seed oils, 305
Porgie oil, 303
Potash, blue, 54, 56
—— prussiate, 50
Prevention of nuisance, 24
Priming coat, 352
—— paint, 362
Prussian black, 26
—— blue, 49
—— —— Bong’s, 62
—— —— common, 61
—— —— qualities, 49
—— —— recipes, 61
—— —— testing, 50
—— brown, 103
—— green, 132
Prussiate, 50
—— black, 26
—— Bramwell’s works, 58
—— Brunquell on, 59
—— Buckley’s works, 59
—— crystallisation, 55
—— formation, 82
—— silica process, 74
—— soda for, 78, 92
—— —— process, 74
—— —— sulphate from, 79
—— statistics, 91
—— Stein on, 81
—— sulphate process, 72
—— testing, 99
—— uses, 76, 90, 99, 100
—— varieties, 99
—— violet, 77, 79
—— Wilkins on, 81
Umbers, 105, 272
Vandyke brown, 107
Varnishing coaches, 365, 367
Vegetable blacks, 5, 11, 25, 26
Vehicles, 295-338, 365
Venetian red, 150, 153
Verdegris, 135

—— blue, 41
Vermilion, 153
—— antimony, 138
—— Chinese, 157
—— Dutch, 167
—— Firmenich’s, 165
—— Fleck’s, 156
—— Jacquelin’s, 168
—— Kirchoff’s, 168
—— Weshle’s, 168
—— works at Idria, 154
Verona earth, 134, 136
Victoria green, 137
Vienna green, 137
Vine-twig black, 11
Violet luminous paint, 291
—— ultramarine, 77, 79
Wagner’s antimony red, 142
Wall painting, 378
Walnut oil, 307
Washing blue, 90
Water-colour painting, 356
Wax vehicles, 296
Weshle’s vermilion, 168
Wetherill furnace, 225
White lead, 183
—— —— adulterations, 195
—— —— characters, 242
—— —— chemistry of, 187, 192, 193, 200
—— —— Condy’s, 197
—— —— cost, 213
—— —— dangers of, 191
—— —— dry, 195
—— —— drying, 191
—— —— Dutch, 185
—— —— French & Hannay’s, 216
—— —— from galena, 225
—— —— Gardner’s, 200
—— —— Hannay’s, 214
—— —— Italian, 221
—— —— lead for, 186
—— —— Lewis’s, 223
—— —— MacIvor’s, 229
—— —— powdered, 195
—— —— precipitated, 194
—— —— stack, 185
—— —— substitutes, 194
—— —— testing, 244
—— —— ThÉnard’s, 184
—— luminous paint, 286, 290
Whites, 170-256
—— baryta, 170
—— blanc fixe, 172
—— chalk, 246
—— Charlton, 172, 254
—— china clay, 172
—— enamel, 245, 254
—— enamelled, 170, 183
—— English, 183, 246
—— Freeman’s, 224, 254
—— Griffith’s, 251
—— gypsum, 183
—— lead, 183
—— lime, 170, 245
—— lithophone, 245, 247
—— magnesite, 245
—— mineral, 183, 245
—— Orr’s, 245, 254
—— Paris, 246
—— permanent, 170, 246
—— satin, 246
—— Spanish, 246
—— strontia, 246
—— terra alba, 183, 246
—— whiting, 246
—— zinc, 247
Whiting, 246
Wilson’s fume condenser, 216
Wine-lees black, 11
Wood charcoal black, 25
— oil, 308
Woodwork, painting, 368
Working ochre beds, 274
Wright’s paint machinery, 339
Yellow luminous paint, 291
—— prussiate, 50
Yellows, 257-281
—— arsenic, 257, 280
—— aureolin, 257
—— hole, 272
—— cadmium, 258
—— chrome, 258
—— gamboge, 270
—— King’s, 271, 280
—— lakes, 285
—— Naples, 271
—— ochres, 272
—— orpiment, 280
—— realgar, 280
—— umbers, 272
Zaffre, 30
Zinc chromates, 268
—— green, 137
—— oxide, 37, 247
—— sulphide, 250
—— whites, 247
—— —— characters, 255
Zumatic dryer, 318



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