[Image unavailable.] CHAPTER I. PRELIMINARY. | | PAGE | Colour | 1 | Pigments | 3 | CHAPTER II. BLACKS. | General | 5 | Animal-black | 6 | Bone-black | 6 | Frankfort or Drop-black | 11 | Ivory-black | 11 | Lamp-black | 11 | Unimportant blacks—Aniline, candle, charcoal, coal, cork, German, iron, lead, manganese, Prussian, prussiate, Spanish, tannin | 25 | CHAPTER III. BLUES. | Cobalt blues—Coeruleum; Cobalt blue; smalts | 27 | Copper blues—Bremen blue; CÆruleum; Lime blue; Mountain blue or Azurite; PÉligot blue; Verditer | 34 | Indigo | 42 | Manganese blue | 49 | Prussian blue—General; Yellow prussiate; Combination of the cyanide and iron solutions; Antwerp blue; Bong’s blue; Brunswick blue; Chinese blue; Paris blue; Saxon blue; Soluble blue; Turnbull’s blue | 49 | Ultramarine | 70 | CHAPTER IV. BROWNS. | Asphalt or Bitumen | 101 | Bistre | 101 | Bone brown | 102 | Cappagh brown | 102 | Cassel earth | 102 | Chicory brown | 102 | Cologne earth | 102 | Manganese brown | 103 | Mars brown | 103 | Prussian brown | 103 | Rubens brown | 104 | Sepia | 104 | Ulmin | 105 | Umbers | 105 | Vandyke brown | 107 | CHAPTER V. GREENS. | Baryta | 109 | Bremen | 112 | Brighton | 112 | Brunswick | 113 | Chinese | 118 | Chrome | 118 | Cobalt | 119 | Douglas | 120 | Emerald | 121 | Guignet’s | 125 | Lokao | 129 | Malachite | 129 | Manganese | 130 | Mineral | 130 | Mitis | 130 | Mountain | 131 | Paris | 132 | Prussian | 132 | Rinmann | 132 | Sap | 132 | Scheele’s | 133 | Schweinfurth | 134 | Terre verte | 134 | Titanium | 135 | Verdigris | 135 | Verditer | 136 | Verona earth | 136 | Victoria | 137 | Vienna | 137 | Zinc | 137 | CHAPTER VI. REDS. | Antimony vermilion | 138 | Baryta red | 143 | Cassius purple | 143 | Chinese red | 144 | Chrome orange | 144 | Chrome red | 144 | Cobalt pink | 144 | Cobalt red | 144 | Colcothar | 145 | Derby red | 145 | Indian red | 147 | Lead orange | 147 | Minium | 148 | Orange mineral | 150 | Oxide reds | 150 | Persian red | 153 | Realgar | 153 | Red lead | 153 | Rouge | 153 | Venetian red | 153 | Vermilion | 153 | Victoria red | 169 | CHAPTER VII. WHITES. | Baryta white | 170 | Blanc fixe | 172 | Charlton white | 172 | China clay | 172 | Enamelled white | 183 | English white | 183 | Gypsum | 183 | Kaolin | 183 | Lead whites or White leads | 183 | Lime white | 245 | Lithophone | 245 | Magnesite | 245 | Mineral white | 245 | Orr’s enamel white | 245 | Paris white | 246 | Permanent white | 246 | Satin white | 246 | Spanish white | 246 | Strontia white | 246 | Terra alba | 246 | Whiting | 246 | Zinc whites | 247 | CHAPTER VIII. YELLOWS. | Arsenic yellow | 257 | Aureolin yellow | 257 | Cadmium yellow | 258 | Chrome yellows | 258 | Gamboge | 270 | King’s yellow | 271 | Naples yellows | 271 | Ochres | 272 | Orpiment | 280 | Realgar | 280 | Siennas | 281 | CHAPTER IX. LAKES. | Brazil-wood lake | 283 | Carminated lake | 283 | Carmine | 283 | Cochineal lake | 284 | Madder lake | 284 | Yellow lakes | 285 | CHAPTER X. LUMINOUS PAINTS | 286 | CHAPTER XI. EXAMINATION OF PIGMENTS. | Fineness | 293 | Body or covering power | 293 | Colour | 293 | Durability | 294 | CHAPTER XII. VEHICLES AND DRYERS. | Generalities | 295 | Ground-nut oil | 297 | Hempseed oil | 298 | Kukui or Candle-nut oil | 298 | Linseed oil | 299 | Menhaden oil | 303 | Poppy-seed oils | 305 | Tobacco-seed oil | 306 | Walnut oil | 307 | Wood or Tung oil | 308 | Extraction of seed oils | 308 | Dryers | 316 | Litharge | 316 | Cobalt and manganese benzoates | 318 | Cobalt and manganese borates | 318 | Resinates | 318 | Zumatic dryers | 318 | Manganese oxide | 318 | Guynemer’s dryer | 319 | Manganese oxalate | 319 | Boiled oil | 320 | CHAPTER XIII. PAINT MACHINERY. | Wright & Co’s | 339 | Hind and Lund’s | 345 | Brinjes & Goodwin’s | 346 | CHAPTER XIV. PAINTING. | The surface | 351 | Priming | 352 | Drying | 353 | Filling | 354 | Coats | 355 | Brushes | 355 | Water-colours | 356 | Removing odour | 356 | Discoloration | 356 | Composition | 358 | Area covered | 360 | Measuring | 360 | Carriage and Car painting | 361 | Woodwork painting | 368 | Iron painting | 369 | Fresco painting | 378 | INDEX: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, Y, Z | 383 |