ON EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN - Ayres, L.P. Laggards in our Schools. The Russell Sage Foundation. (1909.) 236pages.
Treats the amount and causes of school retardation. - Binet, A., and Simon, Th. Mentally Defective Children. Translated from the French by W.B. Drummond. Longmans, Green & Co. (1914.) 171pages.
Discusses the psychology, pedagogy and medical examination of defectives. - Binet, A., and Simon, Th. A Method of Measuring the Development of Intelligence in Young Children. Chicago Medical Book Company. (1915.) 82pages.
Authorized translation of Binet’s final instructions for giving the tests. - Goddard, H.H. Feeble-Mindedness; Its Causes and Consequences. The Macmillan Company. (1913.) 599pages.
The most important single volume on the subject. - Goddard, H.H. The Kallikak Family. The Macmillan Company. (1914.) 121pages.
A study of the hereditary transmission of mental deficiency in one family. - Goddard, H.H. School Training of Defective Children. World Book Company. (1914.) 97pages.
Admirable treatment of the entire subject. - Goddard, H.H. The Criminal Imbecile. The Macmillan Company. (1915.) 157pages.
An analysis of three murderers of borderline intelligence. - Holmes, Arthur. The Conservation of the Child. J.B. Lippincott Company. (1912.) 345pages.
Methods of examination and treatment of defective children. - Holmes, Arthur. The Backward Child. The Bobbs-Merrill Co. (1915.)
A popular treatment of the subject. - Holmes, W.H. School Organization and the Individual Child. The Davis Press, Worcester, Massachusetts. (1912) 211pages.
A comprehensive account of methods of adjusting school work to the capacity of the individual child. - Huey, E.B. Backward and Feeble-Minded Children. Warwick & York. (1912.) 221pages.
Clinical studies of borderline cases. - Kelynack, T.N. (Editor). Defective Children. John Bale, Sons, and Daniellson, London. (1915.) 447pages.
Written by many authors and devoted to all kinds of physical and mental defects. - Kuhlmann, F. “A Revision of the Binet-Simon System for Measuring the Intelligence of Children.” Monograph Supplement of Journal of Psycho-Asthenics. (1912.) 41pages.
Contains instructions for use of the Kuhlmann revision. - Stern, W. The Psychological Method of Measuring Intelligence. Translated from the German by G.M. Whipple. Warwick & York. (1913.) 160pages.
- Terman, Lyman, Ordahl, Galbreath, and Talbert. The Stanford Revision and Extension of the Binet-Simon Scale for Measuring Intelligence. (1916.)
Extended analysis of 1000tests. Data on the relation of intelligence to school success, social status, etc. - Terman, Lewis M. The Hygiene of the School Child. Houghton Mifflin Company. (1914.) 417pages.
Devoted to the physical defects of school children. - Tredgold, A.F. Mental Deficiency (Amentia). BailliÈre, Tindall & Cox, London. (1914.) 491pages.
The best medical treatment of the subject. - Whipple, G.M. Manual of Mental and Physical Tests. Warwick & York. Vol.I (1914), 365pages; vol.II (1915), 336pages.
The best treatment of mental tests other than those of the Binet system. - Witmer, L. The Special Class for Backward Children. The Psychological Clinic Press, Philadelphia. (1911.) 275pages.
Problems encountered in connection with the special class. MAGAZINES - The Training School Bulletin. Published monthly by the Training School, Vineland, New Jersey. Edited by H.H. Goddard and E.R. Johnstone.
- The Psychological Clinic. Published monthly by the Psychological Clinic Press, Philadelphia. Edited by Lightner Witmer.
- The Journal of Delinquency. Published bi-monthly by the Whittier State School, Whittier, California. Edited by Williams, Goddard, Terman, and others.
- The Journal of Psycho-Asthenics. Published quarterly at Faribault, Minnesota. Organ of the American Association for the Study of the Feeble-Minded. Edited by A.C. Rogers and F. Kuhlmann.
- The Journal of Educational Psychology. Published by Warwick & York, Baltimore. Edited by J. Carleton Bell.