
Two of the three species which form the subject of this article are not only highly ornamental, but also valuable timber trees. Until recently they were considered to belong to the genus Planera, which, however, consists of but a single New World species; now, they properly constitute a distinct genus, viz., Zelkova, which differs materially from the true Planer tree in the structure of the fruit, etc. Z. crenata, from the Caucasus, and Z. acuminata, from Japan, are quick growing, handsome trees, with smooth bark not unlike that of beech or hornbeam; it is only when the trees are old that the bark is cast off in rather large sized plates, as is the case with the planes. The habit of both is somewhat peculiar; in Z. crenata especially there is a decided tendency for all the main branches to be given off from one point; these, too, do not spread, as for instance do those of the elm or beech, but each forms an acute angle with the center of the tree. The trunks are more columnar than those of almost all other hardy trees. Their distinct and graceful habit renders them wonderfully well adapted for planting for effect, either singly or in groups. The flowers, like those of the elm, are produced before the leaves are developed; in color they are greenish brown, and smell like those of the elder. It does not appear that fruits have yet been ripened in England. All the Zelkowas are easily propagated by layers or by grafting on the common elm.



Zelkcova crenata--The Caucasian Zelkowa is a native of the country lying between the Black and the Caspian Sea between latitudes 35° and 47° of the north of Persia and Georgia. According to Loudon, it was introduced to this country in 1760, and it appears to have been planted both at Kew and Syon at about that date. A very full account of the history, etc., of the Zelkowa, from which Loudon largely quotes, was presented to the French Academy of Science by Michaux the younger, who speaks highly of the value of the tree. In this he is fully corroborated by Mirbel and Desfontaine, on whom devolved the duty of reporting on this memoir. They say that it attains a size equal to that of the largest trees of French forests, and recommend its being largely planted. They particularly mention its suitability for roadside avenues, and affirm that its leaves are never devoured by caterpillars, and that the stems are not subject, to the canker which frequently ruins the elm. The name Orme de Siberie, which is or was commonly applied to Zelkova crenata in French books and gardens, is doubly wrong, for the tree is neither an elm nor is it native of Siberia. In 1782 Michaux, the father of the author of the paper above mentioned, undertook, under the auspices, of a Monsieur (afterward Louis XVIII.), a journey into Persia, in order to make botanical researches.


"Having left Ispahan, in order to explore the province of Ghilan, he found this tree in the forests which he traversed before arriving at Recht, a town situated on the Caspian Sea. In this town he had opportunities of remarking the use made of the wood, and of judging how highly it was appreciated by the inhabitants." The first tree introduced into Europe appears to have been planted by M. Lemonnier, Professor of Botany in the Jardin des Plautes, etc., in his garden near Versailles. This garden was destroyed in 1820, and the dimensions of the tree when it was cut down were as follows: Height 70 feet, trunk 7 feet in circumference at 5 feet from the ground. The bole of the trunk was 20 feet in length and of nearly uniform thickness; and the proportion of heart-wood to sap-wood was about three quarters of its diameter. This tree was about fifty years old, but was still in a growing state and in vigorous health. The oldest tree existing in France at the time of the publication of Loudon's great work, was one in the Jardin des Plantes, which in 1831 was about 60 feet high. It was planted in 1786 (when a sucker of four years old), about the same time as the limes which form the grand avenue called the Allee de Buffon. "There is, however, a much larger Zelkowa on an estate of M. le Comte de Dijon, an enthusiastic planter of exotic trees, at Podenas, near Nerac, in the department of the Lot et Garonne. This fine tree was planted in 1789, and on the 20th of January, 1831. it measured nearly 80 feet high, and the trunk was nearly 3 feet in diameter at 3 feet from the ground." A drawing of this tree, made by the count in the autumn of that year, was lent to Loudon by Michaux, and the engraving prepared from that sketch (on a scale of 1 inch to 12 feet) is herewith reproduced. At Kew the largest tree is one near the herbarium (a larger one had to be cut down when the herbarium was enlarged some years ago, and a section of the trunk is exhibited in Museum No. 3). Its present dimensions are: height, 62 feet; circumference of stem at 1 foot from the ground, 9 feet 8 inches; ditto at ground level, 10 feet; Height of stem from ground to branches, 7 feet; diameter of head, 46 feet. The general habit of the tree is quite that as represented in the engraving of the specimen at Podenas. The measurements of the large tree at Syon House were, in 1834, according to Loudon: Height, 54 feet; circumference of of stem, 6 feet 9 inches; and diameter of head, 34 feet; the present dimensions, for which I am indebted to Mr. Woodbridge, are: Height, 76 feet; girth of trunk at 2½ feet from ground, 10 feet; spread of branches, 36 feet.

(Planera Richardi).

IDENTIFICATION.--Zelkova crenata, Spach in Ann. des Sc. nat. 2d ser. 15, p. 358. D. C. Prodromus, xvii., 165 Rhamnus ulmoides, GÜldenst. It., p. 313. R carpinifolius, Pall. Fl Rossica, 2 p. 24, tab. 10. Ulmus polygama, L C. Richard in Mem. Acad. des Sciences de Paris, ann. 1781. Planera Richardi, Michx. Fl. bor. Amer. 2, p. 248; C.A. Meyer, Enumer. Causas. Casp., n. 354; Dunal in Bulletin Soc. cent d'Agricult. de l'Herault. ann. 1841, 299, 303, et ann. 1843, 225, 236. Loudon, Arbor, et Frut. Brit., vol. 3, p. 1409. Planera crenata, Desf. Cat. Hort. Paris et hortul, fere omnium. Michaux fil. Mem. sur le Zelkowa, 1831. Planera carpinifolia, Watson, Dend. Brit., t. 106. Koch Dendrologie, zweit theil, sweit. Abtheil. p. 425.

Showing peculiar habit of branching.
In old trees the effect is very
remarkable in winter as at Oxford,
Versailles (Petit Trianon)
and Syon.

Var pendula (the weeping Zelkowa).--This is a form of which I do not know the origin or history. It is simply a weeping variety of the common Zelkowa. I first saw it in the Isleworth Nurseries of Messrs. C. Lee & Son, and a specimen presented by them to Kew for the aboretum is now growing freely. I suspect that the Zelkova crenata var. repens of M. Lavallee's "Aboretum Segrezianum" and the Planera repens of foreign catalogues generally are identical with the variety now mentioned under the name it bears in the establishment of Messrs. Lee & Son.



Z. acuminata is one of the most useful and valuable of Japanese timber trees. It was found near Yeddo by the late Mr. John Gould Veitch, and was sent out by the firm of Messrs. J. Veitch & Sons. Maximowicz also found the tree in Japan, and introduced it to the Imperial Botanic Gardens of St. Petersburg, from whence both seeds and plants were liberally distributed. In the Gardeners' Chronicle for 1862 Dr. Lindley writes as follows: "A noble deciduous tree, discovered near Yeddo by Mr. J. G. Veitch, 90 feet to 100 feet in height, with a remarkably straight stem. In aspect it resembles an elm. We understand that a plank in the Exotic Nursery, where it has been raised, measures 3 feet 3 inches across. Mr. Veitch informs us that it is one of the most useful timber trees in Japan. Its long, taper-pointed leaves, with coarse, very sharp serratures, appear to distinguish it satisfactorily from the P. Richardi of the northwest of Asia." There seems to be no doubt as to the perfect hardiness of the Japanese Zelkowa in Britain, and it is decidedly well worth growing as an ornamental tree apart from its probable value as a timber producer. A correspondent in the periodical just mentioned writes, in 1873, p. 1142, under the signature of "C.P.": "At Stewkley Grange it does fairly well; better than most other trees. In a very exposed situation it grew 3 feet 5 inches last year, and was 14 feet 5 inches high when I measured it in November; girth at ground, 8¾ inches; at 3 feet, 5 inches." The leaves vary in size a good deal on the short twiggy branches, being from 3 inches to 3½ inches in length and 1¼ inches to 1½ inches in width, while those on vigorous shoots attain a length of 5 inches, with a width of about half the length. They are slightly hairy on both surfaces. The long acuminate points, the sharper serratures, the more numerous nerves (nine to fourteen in number), and the more papery texture distinguish Z. acuminata easily from its Caucasian relative, Z. crenata. The foliage, too, seems to be retained on the trees in autumn longer than that of the species just named; in color it is a dull green above and a brighter glossy green beneath. The timber is very valuable, being exceedingly hard and capable of a very fine polish. In Japan it is used in the construction of houses, ships, and in high class cabinet work. In case 99, Museum No. 1 at Kew, there is a selection of small useful and ornamental articles made in Japan of Keyaki wood. Those manufactured from ornamental Keyaki (which is simply gnarled stems or roots, or pieces cut tangentially), and coated with the transparent lacquer for which the Japanese an so famous, are particularly handsome. In the museum library is also a book, the Japanese title of which is given below--"Handbook of Useful Woods," by E. Kinch. Professor at the Imperial College of Agriculture, at Tokio, Japan. This work contains transverse and longitudinal sections of one hundred Japanese woods, and numbers 45 and 46 represent Z. acuminata. It would be worth the while of those who are interested in the introduction and cultivation of timber trees in temperate climates to procure Kinch's handbook.

IDENTIFICATION.--Zelkova acuminata, D.C. Prodr., xvii., 166; Z. Keaki, Maxim. Mel. biol. vol. ix, p. 21. Planera acuminata, Lindl. in Gard. Chron. 1862, 428; Regel, "Gartenflora" 1863, p. 56. P Japonica, Miq. ann. Mus. Ludg Bat iii., 66; Kinch. Yuyo Mokuzai Shoran, 45, 46. P. Keaki, Koch Dendrol. zweit. theil zweit Abtheil, 427. P. dentata japonica, Hort. P. Kaki, Hort.



Z. cretica is a pretty, small foliaged tree, from 15 to 20 feet in height. The ovate crenate leaves, which measure from an inch or even less, to one inch and a half in length by about half the length in breadth, are leathery, dark green above, grayish above. They are hairy on both surfaces, the underside being most densely clothed, and the twigs, too, are thickly covered with short grayish hairs. This species, which is a native of Crete, is not at present in the Kew collection; its name, however, if given in M. Lavallee's catalogue, "Enumeration des Arbres et Arbris Cultives À Segrez" (Seine-et-Oise).


IDENTIFICATION.--Zelkova cretica. Spach in Suit À Buff, ii, p. 121. Ulmus Abelicea, Sibth & Sm. Prod. Fl., Graeca, i., p. 172. Planera Abelicea Roem. & Schltz. Syst., vi. p. 304; Planch, in Ann. des Sc. Nat. 1848, p. 282. Abelicea cretica, Smith in Trans. Linn. Sov., ix., 126.

I have seen no specimens of the Zelkova stipulacea of Franchet and Savatier's "Enumeratio Plantarum Japonicarum," vol. ii., p. 489, and as that seems to have been described from somewhat insufficient material, and, moreover, does not appear to be in cultivation, I passed it over as a doubtful plant.


Royal Gardens, Kew.

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