
The Count Federigo Degli Alberighi.
Filippo, Count's foster-brother.
The lady Giovanna.

ch are momentary in duration, and in the galvanometer circuit all on the same side of zero, for as the battery current on making contact produces an induced current in the reverse direction to itself, but in the same direction on breaking the contact, of course the one would neutralize the other, and the galvanometer would not be affected; the galvanometer connections are therefore reversed with each reversal of the battery current, and by that means the induced currents are, as you perceive, all in the same direction and produce a steady deflection. The connections are as shown on the sheet before you marked 1, which I think requires no further explanation.

Before proceeding, please to bear in mind the fact that the inductive effects vary inversely as the square of the distance between the two spirals, when parallel to each other; and that the induced current in B is proportional to the number of reversals of the battery current passing through spiral A, and also to the strength of the current so passing. Faraday's fertile imagination would naturally suggest the question, "Is this lateral action, which we call magnetism, extended to a distance by the action of intermediate particles?" If so, then it is reasonable to expect that all substances would not be affected in the same way, and therefore different results would be obtained if different media were interposed between the inductor and what I will merely call, for distinction, the inductometer.

With a view to proving this experimentally, Faraday constructed three flat helices and placed them parallel to each other a convenient distance apart. The middle helix was so arranged that a voltaic current could be sent through it at pleasure. A differential galvanometer was connected with the other helices in such a manner that when a voltaic current was sent through the middle helix its inductive action on the lateral helices should cause currents in them, having contrary directions in the coils of the galvanometer. This was a very prettily arranged electric balance, and by placing plates of different substances between the inductor and one of the inductometers Faraday expected to see the balance destroyed to an extent which would be indicated by the deflection of the needle of the galvanometer. To his surprise he found that it made not the least difference whether the intervening space was occupied by such insulating bodies as air, sulphur, and shellac, or such conducting bodies as copper and the other non-magnetic metals. These results, however, did not satisfy him, as he was convinced that the interposition of the non-magnetic metals, especially of copper, did have an effect, but that his apparatus was not suitable for making it visible. It is to be regretted that so sound a reasoner and so careful an experimenter had not the great advantage of the assistance of such suitable instruments for this class of research as the mirror-galvanometer and the telephone. But, although he could not practically demonstrate the effects which by him could be so clearly seen, it redounds to his credit that, as the improvement in instruments for this kind of research has advanced, the results he sought for have been found in the direction in which he predicted.

A and B will now be placed a definite distance apart, and comparatively slow reversals from ten LeclanchÉ cells sent through spiral A; you will observe the amount of the induced current in B, as shown on the scale of the galvanometer in circuit with that spiral. Now midway between the two spirals will be placed a plate of iron, as shown in Plate 2, and at once you observe the deflection of the galvanometer is reduced by less than one half, showing clearly that the presence of the iron plate is in some way influencing the previous effects. The iron will now be removed, but the spirals left in the same position as before, and by increasing the speed of the reversals you see a higher deflection is given on the galvanometer. Now, on again interposing the iron plate the deflection falls to a little less than one-half, as before. I wish this fact to be carefully noted.

The experiment will be repeated with a plate of copper of precisely the same dimensions as the iron plate, and you observe that, although the conditions are exactly alike in both cases, the interposition of the copper plate has apparently no effect at the present speed of the reversals, although the interposition of the iron plate under the same conditions reduced the deflection about fifty per cent. We will now remove the copper plate, as we did the iron one, and increase the speed of the reversals to the same as in the experiment with the iron, and you observe the deflection on the galvanometer is about the same as it was on that occasion. Now, by replacing the copper plate to its former position you will note how rapidly the deflection falls. We will now repeat the experiment with a plate of lead; you will see that, like the copper, it is unaffected at the low speed, but there the resemblance ceases; for at the high speed it has but very slight effect. Thus these metals, iron, copper, and lead, appear to differ as widely in their electrical as they do in their mechanical properties. Of course it would be impossible to obtain accurate measurements on an occasion like the present, but careful and reliable measurements have been made, the results of which are shown on the sheet before you, marked 3.

It will be seen by reference to these results that the percentage of inductive energy intercepted does not increase for different speeds of the reverser in the same rate with different metals, the increase with iron being very slight, while with tin it is comparatively enormous. It was observed that time was an important element to be taken into account while testing the above metals, that is to say, the lines of force took an appreciable time to polarize the particles of the metal placed in their path, but having accomplished this, they passed more freely through it.

Now let us go more minutely into the subject by the aid of Plate IV., Figs. 1 and 2. In Fig. 1 let A and B represent two flat spirals, spiral A being connected to a battery with a key in circuit and spiral B connected to a galvanometer; then, on closing the battery circuit, an instantaneous current is induced in spiral B. If a non-magnetic metal plate half an inch thick be placed midway between the spirals, and the experiment repeated, it will be found that the induced current received by B is the same in amount as in the first case. This does not prove, as would at first appear, that the metal plate fails to intercept the inductive radiant energy; and it can scarcely be so, for if the plate is replaced by a coil of wire, it is found that induced currents are set up therein, and therefore inductive radiant energy must have been intercepted. This apparent contradiction may be explained as follows:

In Fig. 2 let D represent a source of heat (a vessel of boiling water for instance) and E a sensitive thermometer receiving and measuring the radiant heat. Now, if for instance a plate of vulcanite is interposed, it cuts off and absorbs a part of the radiant heat emitted by D, and thus a fall is produced in the thermometer reading. But the vulcanite, soon becoming heated by the radiant heat cut off and absorbed by itself, radiates that heat and causes the thermometer reading to return to about its original amount. The false impression is thus produced that the original radiated heat was unaffected by the vulcanite plate; instead of which, as a matter of fact, the vulcanite plate had cut off the radiant heat, becoming heated itself by so doing, and was consequently then the radiating body affecting the thermometer.

The effect is similar in the case of induction between the two spirals. Spiral A induces and spiral B receives the induced effect. The metal plate being then interposed, cuts off and absorbs either all or part of the inductive radiant energy emitted by A. The inductive radiant energy thus cut off, however, is not lost, but is converted into electrical energy in the metal plate, thereby causing it to become, as in the case of the vulcanite in the heat experiment, a source of radiation which compensates as far as spiral B is concerned for the original inductive radiant energy cut off. The only material difference noticeable in the two experiments is that in the case of heat the time that elapses between the momentary fall in the thermometer reading (due to the interception by the vulcanite plate of the radiant beat) and the subsequent rise (due to the interposing plate, itself radiating that heat) is long enough to render the effect clearly manifest; whereas in the case of induction the time that elapses is so exceedingly short that, unless special precautions are taken, the radiant energy emitted by the metal plate is liable to be mistaken for the primary energy emitted by the inducing spiral.

The current induced in the receiving spiral by the inducing one is practically instantaneous; but on the interposition of a metal plate the induced current which, as before described, is set up by the plate itself has a perceptible duration depending upon the nature and mass of metal thus interposed. Copper and zinc produce in this manner an induced current of greater length than metals of lower conductivity, with the exception of iron, which gives an induced current of extremely short duration. It will therefore be seen that in endeavoring to ascertain what I term the specific inductive resistance of different metals by the means described, notice must be taken of and allowance made for two points. First, that the metal plate not only cuts off, but itself radiates; and secondly, that the duration of the induced currents radiated by the plates varies with each different metal under experiment.

This explains the fact before pointed out that the apparent percentage of inductive radiant energy intercepted by metal plates varies with the speed of the reversals; for in the case of copper the induced current set up by such a plate has so long a duration that if the speed of the reverser is at all rapid the induced current has not time to exhaust itself before the galvanometer is reversed, and thus the current being on the opposite side of the galvanometer tends to produce a lower deflection. If the speed of the reverser be further increased, the greater part of the induced current is received on the opposite terminal of the galvanometer, so that a negative result is obtained.

We know that it was the strong analogies which exist between electricity and magnetism that led experimentalists to seek for proofs that would identify them as one and the same thing, and it was the result of Professor Oersted's experiment to which I have already referred that first identified them.

Probably the time is not far distant when it will be possible to demonstrate clearly that heat and electricity are as closely allied; then, knowing the great analogies existing between heat and light, may we not find that heat, light, and electricity are modifications of the same force or property, susceptible under varying conditions of producing the phenomena now designated by those terms? For instance, friction will first produce electricity, then heat, and lastly light.

As is well known, heat and light are reflected by metals; I was therefore anxious to learn whether electricity could be reflected in the same way. In order to ascertain this, spiral B was placed in this position, which you will observe is parallel to the lines of force emitted by spiral A. In this position no induced current is set up therein, so the galvanometer is not affected; but when this plate of metal is placed at this angle it intercepts the lines of force, which cause it to radiate, and the secondary lines of force are intercepted and converted into induced currents by spiral B to the power indicated by the galvanometer. Thus the phenomenon of reflection appears to be produced in a somewhat similar manner to reflection of heat and light. The whole arrangement of this experiment is as shown on the sheet before you numbered 5, which I need not, I think, more fully explain to you than by saying that the secondary lines of force are represented by the dotted lines.

Supported in this wooden frame marked C is a spiral similar in construction to the one marked B, but in this case the copper wire is 0.044 inch in diameter, silk-covered, and consists of 365 turns, with a total length of 605 yards; its resistance is 10.2 ohms, the whole is inclosed between two thick sheets of card paper. The two ends of the spiral are attached to two terminals placed one on either side of the frame, a wire from one of the terminals is connected to one pole of a battery of 25 Leclanche cells, the other pole being connected with one terminal of a reverser, the second terminal of which is connected to the other terminal of the spiral.

Now, if this very small spiral which is in circuit with the galvanometer and a reverser be placed parallel to the center of spiral C, a very large deflection will be seen on the galvanometer scale; this will gradually diminish as the smaller spiral is passed slowly over the face of the larger, until on nearing the edge of the latter the smaller spiral will cease to be affected by the inductive lines of force from spiral C, and consequently the galvanometer indicates no deflection. But if this smaller spiral be placed at a different angle to the larger one, it is, as you observe by the deflection of the galvanometer, again affected. This experiment is analogous to the one illustrated by diagram 6, which represents the result of an experiment made to ascertain the relative strength of capability or producing inductive effects of different parts of a straight electro-magnet.

A, Fig. 1, represents the iron core, PP the primary coil, connected at pleasure to one Grove cell, B, by means of the key, K; S, a small secondary coil free to move along the primary coil while in circuit with the galvanometer, G. The relative strength of any particular spot can be obtained by moving the coil, S, exactly over the required position. The small secondary coil is only cut at right angles when it is placed in the center of the magnet, and as it is moved toward either pole so the lines of force cut it more and more obliquely. From this it would appear that the results obtained are not purely dependent upon the strength of the portion of the magnet over which the secondary coil is placed, but principally upon the angle at which the lines of force cut the coil so placed. It does not follow, therefore, that the center of the magnet is its strongest part, as the results of the experiments at first sight appear to show.

It was while engaged on those experiments that I discovered that a telephone was affected when not in any way connected with the spiral, but simply placed so that the lines of force proceeding from the spiral impinged upon the iron diaphragm of the telephone. Please to bear in mind that the direction of the lines of force emitted from the spiral is such that, starting from any point on one of its faces, a circle is described extending to a similar point on the opposite side. The diameter of the circles described decreases from infinity as the points from which they start recede from the center toward the circumference. From points near the circumference these circles or curves are very small. To illustrate this to you, the reverser now in circuit with spiral C will be replaced by a simple make and break arrangement, consisting on a small electro-magnet fixed between the prongs of a tuning-fork, and so connected that electro-magnet influences the arms of the fork, causing them to vibrate to a certain pitch. The apparatus is placed in a distant room to prevent the sound being heard here, as I wish to make it inductively audible to you. For that purpose I have here a light spiral which is in circuit with this telephone. Now, by placing the spiral in front of spiral C, the telephone reproduces the sound given out by the tuning-fork so loudly that I have no doubt all of you can hear it. Here is another spiral similar in every respect to spiral C. This is in circuit with a battery and an ordinary mechanical make and break arrangement, the sound given off by which I will now make audible to you in the same way that I did the sound of the tuning-fork. Now you hear it. I will change from the one spiral to the other several times, as I want to make you acquainted with the sounds of both, so that you will have no difficulty in distinguishing them, the one from the other.

There are suspended in this room self-luminous bodies which enable us by their rays or lines of force to see the non-luminous bodies with which we are surrounded. There are also radiating in all directions from me while speaking lines of force or sound waves which affect more or less each one of you. But there are also in addition to, and quite independent of, the lines of force just mentioned, magnetic lines of force which are too subtle to be recognized by human beings, consequently, figuratively, we are both blind and deaf to them. However, they can be made manifest either by their notion on a suspended magnet or on a conducting body moving across them; the former showing its results by attraction and repulsion, the latter by the production of an electric current. For instance, by connecting the small flat spiral of copper wire in direct circuit with the galvanometer, you will perceive that the slightest movement of the spiral generates a current of sufficient strength to very sensibly affect the galvanometer; and as you observe, the amplitude of the deflection depends upon the speed and direction in which the spiral is moved. We know that by moving a conductor of electricity in a magnetic field we are able to produce an electric current of sufficient intensity to produce light resembling in all its phases that of solar light; but to produce these strong currents, very powerful artificial magnetic fields have to be generated, and the conductor has to be moved therein at a great expenditure of heat energy. May not the time arrive when we shall no longer require these artificial and costly means, but have learned how to adopt those forces of nature which we now so much neglect? One ampere of current passing through an ordinary incandescent lamp will produce a light equal to ten candles, and I have shown that by simply moving this small flat spiral a current is induced in it from the earth's magnetic field equal to 0.0007 ampere. With these facts before us, surely it would not be boldness to predict that a time may arrive when the energy of the wind or tide will be employed to produce from the magnetic lines of force given out by the earth's magnetism electrical currents far surpassing anything we have yet seen or of which we have heard. Therefore let us not despise the smallness of the force, but rather consider it an element of power from which might arise conditions far higher in degree, and which we might not recognize as the same as this developed in its incipient stage.

If the galvanometer be replaced by a telephone, no matter how the spiral be moved, no sound will be heard, simply because the induced currents produced consist of comparatively slow undulations, and not of sharp variations suitable for a telephone. But by placing in circuit this mechanical make and break arrangement the interruptions of the current are at once audible, and by regulating the movement of the spiral I can send signals, which, if they had been prearranged, might have enabled us to communicate intelligence to each other by means of the earth's magnetism. I show this experiment more with a view to illustrate the fact that for experiments on induction both instruments are necessary, as each makes manifest those currents adapted to itself.

The lines of force of light, heat, and sound can be artificially produced and intensified, and the more intense--they are the more we perceive their effects on our eyes, ears, or bodies. But it is not so with the lines of magnetic force, for it matters not how much their power is increased--they appear in no way to affect us. Their presence can, however, be made manifest to our eyes or ears by mechanical appliances. I have already shown you how this can be done by means of either a galvanometer or a telephone in circuit with a spiral wire.

I have already stated that while engaged in these experiments I found that as far as the telephone was concerned it was immaterial whether it was in circuit with a spiral or not, as in either case it accurately reproduced the same sounds; therefore, much in the same way as lenses assist the sight or tubes the hearing, so does the telephone make manifest the lines of intermittent inductive energy. This was quite a new phenomenon to me, and on further investigation of the subject I found that it was not necessary to have even a telephone, for by simply holding a piece of iron to my ear and placing it close to the center of the spiral I could distinctly hear the same sounds as with the telephone, although not so loud. The intensity of the sound was greatly increased when the iron was placed in a magnetic field. Here is a small disk of iron similar to those used in telephones, firmly secured in this brass frame; this is a small permanent bar magnet, the marked end of which is fixed very closely to, but not touching, the center of the iron disk. Now, by applying the disk to my ear I can hear the same sounds that were audible to all of you when the telephone in circuit with a small spiral was placed in front of and close to the large spiral. To me the sound is quite as loud as when you heard it; but now you are one and all totally deaf to it. My original object in constructing two large spirals was to ascertain whether the inductive lines of force given out from one source would in any way interfere with those proceeding from another source. By the aid of this simple iron disk and magnet it can be ascertained that they do in no way interfere with each other; therefore, the direction of the lines proceeding from each spiral can be distinctly traced. For when the two spirals are placed parallel to each other at a distance of 3 ft. apart, and connected to independent batteries and transmitters, as shown in Plate 7, each transmitter having a sound perfectly distinct from that of the other, when the circuits are completed the separate sounds given out by the two transmitters can be distinctly heard at the same time by the aid of a telephone; but, by placing the telephone in a position neutral to one of the spirals, then only the sound proceeding from the other can be heard. These results occur in whatever position the spirals are placed relatively to each other, thus proving that there is no interference with or blending of the separate lines of force. The whole arrangement will be left in working order at the close of the meeting for any gentlemen present to verify my statements or to make what experiments they please.

In conclusion, I would ask, what can we as practical men gather from these experiments? A great deal has been written and said as to the best means to secure conductors carrying currents of very low tension, such as telephone circuits, from being influenced by induction from conductors in their immediate vicinity employed in carrying currents of comparatively very high tension, such as the ordinary telegraph wires. Covering the insulated wires with one or other of the various metals has not only been suggested but said to have been actually employed with marked success. Now, it will found that a thin sheet of any known metal will in no appreciable way interrupt the inductive lines of force passing between two flat spirals; that being so, it is difficult to understand how inductive effects are influenced by a metal covering as described.

Telegraph engineers and electricians have done much toward accomplishing the successful working of our present railway system, but still there is much scope for improvements in the signaling arrangements. In foggy weather the system now adopted is comparatively useless, and resource has to be had at such times to the dangerous and somewhat clumsy method of signaling by means of detonating charges placed upon the rails. Now, it has occurred to me that volta induction might be employed with advantage in various ways for signaling purposes. For example, one or more wire spirals could be fixed between the rails at any convenient distance from the signaling station, so that when necessary intermittent currents could be sent through the spirals; and another spiral could be fixed beneath the engine or guard's van, and connected to one or more telephones placed near those in charge of the train. Then as the train passed over the fixed spiral the sound given out by the transmitter would be loudly reproduced by the telephone and indicate by its character the signal intended.

One of my experiments in this direction will perhaps better illustrate my meaning. The large spiral was connected in circuit with twelve Leclanche cells and the two make and break transmitters before described. They were so connected that either transmitter could be switched into circuit when required, and this I considered the signaling station. This small spiral was so arranged that it passed in front of the large one at the distance of 8 in. and at a speed of twenty-eight miles per hour. The terminals of the small spiral were connected to a telephone fixed in a distant room, the result being that the sound reproduced from either transmitter could be clearly heard and recognized every time the spirals passed each other. With a knowledge of this fact I think it will be readily understood now a cheap and efficient adjunct to the present system of railway signaling could be obtained by such means as I have ventured to bring to your notice this evening.

Thus have I given you some of the thoughts and experiments which have occupied my attention during my leisure. I have been long under the impression that there is a feeling in the minds of many that we are already in a position to give an answer to almost every question relating to electricity or magnetism. All I can say is, that the more I endeavor to advance in a knowledge of these subjects, the more am I convinced of the fallacy of such a position. There is much yet to be learnt, and if there be present either member, associate, or student to whom I have imparted the smallest instruction, I shall feel that I have not unprofitably occupied my time this evening.

O my dear son, be not unkind to me.
And one word more. [Going—returns.

COUNT (touching guitar).
Good! let it be but one.

Hath she return'd thy love?

Not yet!

And will she?

I scarce believe it!

Shame upon her then! [Exit.

COUNT (sings).

'Dead mountain flowers'——
Ah well, my nurse has broken
The thread of my dead flowers, as she has broken
My china bowl. My memory is as dead.
[Goes and replaces guitar.
Strange that the words at home with me so long
Should fly like bosom friends when needed most.
So by your leave if you would hear the rest,
The writing.

LADY GIOVANNA (holding wreath toward him).
There! my lord, you are a poet,
And can you not imagine that the wreath,
Set, as you say, so lightly on her head,
Fell with her motion as she rose, and she,
A girl, a child, then but fifteen, however
Flutter'd or flatter'd by your notice of her,
Was yet too bashful to return for it?

Was it so indeed? was it so? was it so?

[Leans forward to take wreath, and touches LADY
GIOVANNA'S hand, which she withdraws hastily;
he places wreath on corner of chair

LADY GIOVANNA (with dignity).
I did not say, my lord, that it was so;
I said you might imagine it was so.

Enter FILIPPO with bowl of salad, which he places on table.

Here's a fine salad for my lady, for tho' we have been a soldier, and
ridden by his lordship's side, and seen the red of the battle-field,
yet are we now drill-sergeant to his lordship's lettuces, and profess
to be great in green things and in garden-stuff.

I thank thee, good Filippo. [Exit FILIPPO.

Enter ELISABETTA with bird on a dish which she places on

ELISABETTA (close to table).
Here's a fine fowl for my lady; I had scant time to do him in. I hope
he be not underdone, for we be undone in the doing of him.

I thank you, my good nurse.

FILIPPO (re-entering with plate of prunes).
And here are fine fruits for my lady—prunes, my lady, from the tree
that my lord himself planted here in the blossom of his boyhood—and
so I, Filippo, being, with your ladyship's pardon, and as your
ladyship knows, his lordship's own foster-brother, would commend them
to your ladyship's most peculiar appreciation.
[Puts plate on table.


LADY GIOVANNA (COUNT leads her to table).
Will you not eat with me, my lord?

I cannot,
Not a morsel, not one morsel. I have broken
My fast already. I will pledge you. Wine!
Filippo, wine!

[Sits near table; FILIPPO brings flask, fills
ELISABETTA stands at the back of LADY

It is but thin and cold,
Not like the vintage blowing round your castle.
We lie too deep down in the shadow here.
Your ladyship lives higher in the sun.

[They pledge each other and drink.

If I might send you down a flask or two
Of that same vintage? There is iron in it.
It has been much commended as a medicine.
I give it my sick son, and if you be
Not quite recover'd of your wound, the wine
Might help you. None has ever told me yet
The story of your battle and your wound.

FILIPPO (coming forward).
I can tell you, my lady, I can tell you.

Filippo! will you take the word out of your master's own mouth?

Was it there to take? Put it there, my lord.

Giovanna, my dear lady, in this same battle
We had been beaten—they were ten to one.
The trumpets of the fight had echo'd down,
I and Filippo here had done our best,
And, having passed unwounded from the field,
Were seated sadly at a fountain side,
Our horses grazing by us, when a troop,
Laden with booty and with a flag of ours
Ta'en in the fight——

Ay, but we fought for it back,
And kill'd——


A troop of horse——

Five hundred!

Say fifty!

And we kill'd 'em by the score!


Well, well, well! I bite my tongue.

We may have left their fifty less by five.
However, staying not to count how many,
But anger'd at their flaunting of our flag,
We mounted, and we dash'd into the heart of 'em.
I wore the lady's chaplet round my neck;
It served me for a blessed rosary.
I am sure that more than one brave fellow owed
His death to the charm in it.

Hear that, my lady!

I cannot tell how long we strove before
Our horses fell beneath us; down we went
Crush'd, hack'd at, trampled underfoot. The night,
As some cold-manner'd friend may strangely do us
The truest service, had a touch of frost
That help'd to check the flowing of the blood.
My last sight ere I swoon'd was one sweet face
Crown'd with the wreath. That seem'd to come and go.
They left us there for dead!

Hear that, my lady!

Ay, and I left two fingers there for dead. See, my lady!
(Showing his hand.)

I see, Filippo!

And I have small hope of the gentleman gout in my great toe.

And why, Filippo? [Smiling absently.

I left him there for dead too!

She smiles at him—how hard the woman is!
My lady, if your ladyship were not
Too proud to look upon the garland, you
Would find it stain'd——

COUNT (rising).
Silence, Elisabetta!

Stain'd with the blood of the best heart that ever
Beat for one woman. [Points to wreath on chair.

LADY GIOVANNA (rising slowly).
I can eat no more!

You have but trifled with our homely salad,
But dallied with a single lettuce-leaf;
Not eaten anything.

Nay, nay, I cannot.
You know, my lord, I told you I was troubled.
My one child Florio lying still so sick,
I bound myself, and by a solemn vow,
That I would touch no flesh till he were well
Here, or else well in Heaven, where all is well.

[ELISABETTA clears table of bird and salad; FILIPPO snatches
up the plate of prunes and holds them to

But the prunes, my lady, from the tree that his lordship——

Not now, Filippo. My lord Federigo,
Can I not speak with you once more alone?

You hear, Filippo? My good fellow, go!

But the prunes that your lordship——


Ay, prune our company of thine own and go!


FILIPPO (turning).
Well, well! the women!

And thou too leave us, my dear nurse, alone.

ELISABETTA (folding up cloth and going).

And me too! Ay, the dear nurse will leave you alone;
but, for all that, she that has eaten the yolk is scarce
like to swallow the shell.

[Turns and curtseys stiffly to LADY GIOVANNA, then
. LADY GIOVANNA takes out diamond necklace from casket.

I have anger'd your good nurse; these old-world servants
Are all but flesh and blood with those they serve.
My lord, I have a present to return you,
And afterwards a boon to crave of you.

No, my most honour'd and long-worshipt lady,
Poor Federigo degli Alberighi
Takes nothing in return from you except
Return of his affection—can deny
Nothing to you that you require of him.

Then I require you to take back your diamonds—
[Offering necklace.
I doubt not they are yours. No other heart
Of such magnificence in courtesy
Beats—out of heaven. They seem'd too rich a prize
To trust with any messenger. I came
In person to return them. [Count draws back.
If the phrase
'Return' displease you, we will say—exchange them
For your—for your——

COUNT (takes a step toward her and then back).
For mine—and what of mine?

Well, shall we say this wreath and your sweet rhymes?

But have you ever worn my diamonds?

For that would seem accepting of your love.
I cannot brave my brother—but be sure
That I shall never marry again, my lord!



Is this your brother's order?

For he would marry me to the richest man
In Florence; but I think you know the saying—
'Better a man without riches, than riches without a man.'

A noble saying—and acted on would yield
A nobler breed of men and women. Lady,
I find you a shrewd bargainer. The wreath
That once you wore outvalues twentyfold
The diamonds that you never deign'd to wear.
But lay them there for a moment!

[Points to table. LADY GIOVANNA places necklace on table.

And be you
Gracious enough to let me know the boon
By granting which, if aught be mine to grant,
I should be made more happy than I hoped
Ever to be again.

Then keep your wreath,
But you will find me a shrewd bargainer still.
I cannot keep your diamonds, for the gift
I ask for, to my mind and at this present
Outvalues all the jewels upon earth.

It should be love that thus outvalues all.
You speak like love, and yet you love me not.
I have nothing in this world but love for you.


Love? it is love, love for my dying boy,
Moves me to ask it of you.

What? my time?
Is it my time? Well, I can give my time
To him that is a part of you, your son.
Shall I return to the castle with you? Shall I
Sit by him, read to him, tell him my tales,
Sing him my songs? You know that I can touch
The ghittern to some purpose.

No, not that!
I thank you heartily for that—and you,
I doubt not from your nobleness of nature,
Will pardon me for asking what I ask.

Giovanna, dear Giovanna, I that once
The wildest of the random youth of Florence
Before I saw you—all my nobleness
Of nature, as you deign to call it, draws
From you, and from my constancy to you.
No more, but speak.

I will. You know sick people,
More specially sick children, have strange fancies,
Strange longings; and to thwart them in their mood
May work them grievous harm at times, may even
Hasten their end. I would you had a son!
It might be easier then for you to make
Allowance for a mother—her—who comes
To rob you of your one delight on earth.
How often has my sick boy yearn'd for this!
I have put him off as often; but to-day
I dared not—so much weaker, so much worse
For last day's journey. I was weeping for him:
He gave me his hand: 'I should be well again
If the good Count would give me——

Give me.

His falcon.

COUNT (starts back).
My falcon!

Yes, your falcon, Federigo!

Alas, I cannot!

Cannot? Even so!
I fear'd as much. O this unhappy world!
How shall I break it to him? how shall I tell him?
The boy may die: more blessed were the rags
Of some pale beggar-woman seeking alms
For her sick son, if he were like to live,
Than all my childless wealth, if mine must die.
I was to blame—the love you said you bore me—
My lord, we thank you for your entertainment,
[With a stately curtsey.
And so return—Heaven help him!—to our son.
COUNT (rushes forward).
Stay, stay, I am most unlucky, most unhappy.
You never had look'd in on me before,
And when you came and dipt your sovereign head
Thro' these low doors, you ask'd to eat with me.
I had but emptiness to set before you,
No not a draught of milk, no not an egg,
Nothing but my brave bird, my noble falcon,
My comrade of the house, and of the field.
She had to die for it—she died for you.
Perhaps I thought with those of old, the nobler
The victim was, the more acceptable
Might be the sacrifice. I fear you scarce
Will thank me for your entertainment now.

LADY GIOVANNA (returning).
I bear with him no longer.

No, Madonna!
And he will have to bear with it as he may.

I break with him for ever!

Yes, Giovanna,
But he will keep his love to you for ever!

You? you? not you! My brother! my hard brother!
O Federigo, Federigo, I love you!
Spite of ten thousand brothers, Federigo.
[falls at his feet.

COUNT (impetuously).
Why then the dying of my noble bird
Hath served me better than her living—then
[Takes diamonds from table.
These diamonds are both yours and mine—have won
Their value again—beyond all markets—there
I lay them for the first time round your neck.
[Lays necklace round her neck.
And then this chaplet—No more feuds, but peace,
Peace and conciliation! I will make
Your brother love me. See, I tear away
The leaves were darken'd by the battle—
[Pulls leaves off and throws them down.
—crown you
Again with the same crown my Queen of Beauty.
[Places wreath on her head.
Rise—I could almost think that the dead garland
Will break once more into the living blossom.
Nay, nay, I pray you rise.
[Raises her with both hands.
We two together
Will help to heal your son—your son and mine—
We shall do it—we shall do it. [Embraces her.
The purpose of my being is accomplish'd,
And I am happy!

And I too, Federigo.


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