Tostig. What for Norway then? He looks for land among us, he and his. Harold. Seven feet of English land, or something more, Seeing he is a giant. Tostig. That is noble! That sounds of Godwin. Harold. Come thou back, and be Once more a son of Godwin. Tostig (turns away). O brother, brother, O Harold— Harold (laying his hand on Tostig's shoulder). Nay then, comethou back to us! Tostig (after a pause turning to him). Never shall any man say that I, that Tostig Conjured the mightier Harold from the North To do the battle for me here in England, Then left him for the meaner! thee!— Thou hast no passion for the House of Godwin— Thou hast but cared to make thyself a king— Thou hast sold me for a cry— Thou gavest thy voice against me in the Council— I hate thee, and despise thee, and defy thee. Farewell for ever! [Exit. Harold. On to Stamford-bridge! "NAY THEN, COME THOU BACK TO US!" "NAY THEN, COME THOU BACK TO US!" |