In taking up enlarging a full knowledge of what has been said as to the manipulation of bromide paper will be necessary, as the principles governing exposure apply here as in contact printing, errors being even more serious, owing to the greater waste of material. For the illuminant used in enlarging, we may employ either daylight or artificial light. The former is cheap, but variable; the first cost of the latter is quite a little sum, but the light is uniform. A daylight enlarging apparatus can be made for a dollar or two, and hence is within the reach of all; and if the process be given up, the loss is not serious. If the cost is of little or no moment, very serviceable enlarging cameras can be bought for about twenty-five dollars. Such a camera is adapted for reducing as well as enlarging, and so will be found useful for lantern slide making, copying, etc. As a matter of fact, few things are as useful to the amateur as a good enlarging outfit. We will first consider enlarging by daylight with home-made apparatus. For this purpose a room with at least one window will be needed. It should preferably be convenient to the dark-room. If the window A template for making the box described below.But whatever the room chosen, all windows but the one at which we are to work must be blocked up. This can be done by heavy dark curtains, or by specially constructed frames covered with light-tight material and made to fit closely in the windows. If there are any transoms these should likewise be covered. White light entering under the doors can be shut out by placing a rug along the bottom of the door. Care must be taken that the window-frames fit closely, as the light from openings at the windows would soon fog a sheet of bromide paper if it fell upon it even for a few moments. Assuming that the room chosen can be made practically light-tight, we will need some arrangement to The necessity for having the box at least two inches larger each way than the largest negative from which enlargements are to be made is shown in Fig. 6. A side view of the negative in the box.Here AB represents the negative in place, CA, DB and EG represent rays of light entering the box. It will be seen that the rays CA and DB strike the ground-glass at an angle, but nevertheless at an angle which results in their passing through it in a considerable degree. They strike the negative AB, but if the negative were the full size of the box, to wit FG, it will be seen that while the section AB would be fully lighted, the sections AF and BG would receive no oblique rays at all, and hence the negative would not be even approximately uniformly lighted. This point is too often overlooked in the construction of apparatus of this character, but is necessary in all cases of daylight enlarging and especially when direct sunlight is used. Now with the negative box in place, some arrangement must be made for holding the lens, which can be the lens used for making the negative. This for enlargements of a fixed size from negatives of a given size can be accomplished by simply extending the section BGGC Fig. 3, to a proper distance and placing the lens in the end of it; but this permits too little opportunity for adjustments and is not advisable. A sketch showing the apparatus described above. The apparatus as sketched will suffice for all ordinary work. Modifications of it will depend upon the ingenuity of the man who attempts to design or construct one. It should be noted that the distance of the ground-glass from the negative has its influence in the strength of the light, and it is better to have this distance not over two inches. If less than one inch, however, the diffusion of light is not so good. When the light is weak the ground-glass can be removed entirely; the negative will thus be viewed directly against the white reflector. Very strong negatives giving undue contrasts may also be dealt with in this way. Or, if the light is too strong for flat negatives, the reflector I have referred to a kit as being the proper arrangement for holding the negative. This, after much tribulation in working with home-made contrivances, I have found to be the best arrangement. They come a size or two larger than the negative with which they are to be used, and can easily be cut down to the proper dimensions. With it, also, other kits to hold smaller negatives can readily be used. It is also simple with them to fasten the negatives in place. If they extend beyond the box on either side so much the better; greater lateral adjustment can then be made. The negative box, Fig. 3, is best painted dead black inside in the section GBCG, and white in the section AGGD. The reasons for this will be obvious at a glance. In enlarging from films it is well to place them between two sheets of glass of proper size, and fasten the whole in the kit or negative-holder. For this purpose use thin glass without flaws or scratches. If the films are smaller than the opening in the kit, it is well to paste a black mat on one of the glasses, when, after proper adjustment, the film will remain in place between the two glasses with very little pressure. Enlarged negatives are very easily made with the |