

As a general rule less time is required for Paper-bag Cookery than any other way. While this approximate time table is at your service, experience will enable you to modify the figures to suit your own stove and your family's predilections as to having things rare or well done.


1 lb. 15 minutes
3 lbs. 30 minutes
6 lbs. 50 minutes


Beef, 3 lbs. 45 minutes
Add 5 minutes for each additional pound.
Veal, 5 lbs. 1 hour and a half.
Add 7 minutes for each additional pound.
Pork, 3 lbs. 50 minutes
Add 6 minutes for each additional pound.
Mutton, leg 8 pounds An hour and a half
Mutton, shoulder 5 pounds 45 minutes
Mutton, chops 12 minutes
Mutton, cutlets 8 minutes
Lamb, leg 7 lbs. 1¾ hours.
Lamb, shoulder 50 minutes
Lamb, chops 10 minutes
Sausages 8 minutes
Sliced Bacon 6 minutes


Turkey (stuffed) 15 lbs. 2½ hours
Turkey (not stuffed) 15 lbs. 2 hours
Goose (ordinary size) 2 hours
Goose (green) 1½ hours
Duck (old) 1 hour
Duck (young) 35 minutes
Guinea, 6 lbs. 1 hour and 40 minutes
Chicken (large) 1 hour and a half
Chicken (young) 45 minutes
Quail and other small birds 15 minutes
Stews (meat) medium sized 1½ or two hours
Potatoes (Baked) 35 minutes
Sweet (ten minutes less than by the other methods of cookery).


4 teaspoonfuls of liquid 1 tablespoonful
4 tablespoonfuls of liquid ½ gill or ¼ cupful
1 tablespoonful of liquid ½ ounce
1 pint of liquid 1 pound
2 gills of liquid 1 cupful or ½ pint
1 kitchen cupful ½ pint
1 quart sifted pastry flour 1 pound
4 cupfuls sifted pastry flour 1 quart or 1 pound
2 rounded tablespoonfuls of flour 1 ounce
1 rounded tablespoonful granulated sugar 1 ounce
2 rounded tablespoonfuls of ground spice 1 ounce
1 heaping tablespoonful powdered sugar 1 ounce
3 cupfuls cornmeal 1 pound
1 cupful butter ½ pound
1 pint butter 1 pound
1 tablespoonful butter 1 ounce
Butter size of an egg 2 ounces
10 eggs 1 pound
1 solid pint chopped meat 1 pound
2 cupfuls granulated sugar 1 pound
1 pint brown sugar 7 ounces
2½ cups powdered sugar 1 pound
1 cupful stemmed raisins 6 ounces
1 cupful rice ½ pound
1 cupful stemmed raisins 6 ounces
1 cupful cleaned and dried currants 6 ounces
1 cupful grated bread crumbs 2 ounces
8 rounded tablespoonfuls of flour 1 cupful
8 rounded tablespoonfuls of sugar 1 cupful
8 rounded tablespoonfuls of butter 1 cupful
1 common tumbler 1 cupful
3 tablespoonfuls grated chocolate 1 ounce
4 gills 1 pint
2 pints 1 quart
4 quarts 1 gallon


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