BIOGRAPHICAL ROMANCES A new, interesting, and very useful series that will be found especially suitable for school libraries and for supplementary reading The books in this series are translated from the German, because in that country a specialty is made of really desirable reading for the young. Sixteen titles are now ready and more will follow. Their simplicity and accuracy make them very useful for every school library in the grades. For parents who feel disposed to give their children books that provide a mild element of historical information, as well as first-class entertainment, the little books will prove a veritable find. The “life-stories” retain the story form throughout, and embody in each chapter a stirring event in the life of the hero or the action of the time. The dramatis personÆ are actual characters, and the facts in the main are historically correct. They are therefore both entertaining and instructive, and present biography in its most attractive form for the young. A FULL LIST OF THE TITLES IS GIVEN ON THE NEXT PAGE The work of translation has been done by Mr. George P. Upton, whose “Memories” and Lives of Beethoven, Haydn, and Liszt, from the German of Max MÜller and Dr. Nohl, have been so successful. Each is a small square 16mo in uniform binding, with from one to four illustrations. Each 60 cents net. LIFE STORIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE FULL LIST OF TITLES