- Abbott, Mr., 184.
- Accident to valuable dog, 104.
- Actions of guns, 48.
- Aldridge’s annual dog sales, 104.
- Alexander, Mr., 199.
- Alington, Mr. Charles, 259, 262, 289.
- Alnwick, 338.
- Ames, Mr. Hobart, 97.
- Ammunition, 56–62.
- Ancient and Middle Age shooting, 13–22.
- Ancient actions, 1–3.
- —— breech-loader, 2, 3.
- —— Venetian cannon, 3.
- —— weapon without cartridge-case, 1.
- Antelopes, 358.
- Ardilaun, Lord, 335.
- Arkwright, Mr. W., 126, 224.
- Armstrong, John, 141.
- Ashburton, Lord, 249.
- Ashford, 335, 340.
- Assheton-Smith, Mr., 323.
- Automatic rifles, 4–12.
- Avon Tyrrell, 317.
- Backing, 112.
- Badminton Books, 101.
- Balmacaan, 270.
- Bamboo partridge (Bambusicola), 269.
- Bang, Mr. Sam Price’s, 130.
- Barclay, Mr. James W., 245.
- Beaters, clothes for, 300.
- Beaulieu, 286.
- Bedford, Duke and Duchess of, 346.
- Beechgrove Bee, 199.
- Bell, Robert, letter from, 257.
- Belle, Mr. Lloyd Price’s, 130.
- Big game, 358–360.
- Bishop, Mr. Elias, 132.
- —— Mr. James, 140.
- Black-and-tan setter, the, 168–175.
- Black game, bags, 344, 345.
- —— —— colouring, 341.
- —— —— counties for, 341.
- —— —— eggs, 346.
- —— —— season, 341.
- —— —— species, 341.
- —— —— stalking, 343.
- Blubberhouses Moor, 226.
- Boar-hounds (German), 196.
- Boss & Co., 52.
- Boughey, Sir Thomas, 132, 182.
- Grafton, Duke of, 250.
- Graham,
93, 294, 295.
- —— Mongolian, crosses with partridges, 254.
- —— nests taken, 287.
- —— origin of, 274.
- —— penning, 275, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283.
- —— protection from foxes, 290.
- —— scent, 288.
- —— species of, 267.
- —— timidity of, 293.
- Pheasant shooting a hundred years ago, 298.
- —— —— beaters, 299.
- —— —— dogs for, 300.
- —— —— nets, 300, 301.
- —— —— over spaniels, 202.
- —— —— “sewin,” 300.
- —— —— through leaves, 296.
- Pictures of sport, old and new, 13.
- Pigeon shooting, 347–353.
- —— species of, 347.
- —— trap shooting, 347.
- —— wild rock, 351.
- —— wood, 351.
- —— wood, bags, 353.
- Pilkington, Mr., 133.
- Pink-footed goose, 369.
- Plover, the golden, 365.
- Pointer, origin of, 127.
- Pointers, branches of, 128.
- Pointers and setters, 101–125.
- —— —— points in, 122.
- —— —— purchase of, 121.
- Portland, Duke of, 253.
- Powerscourt, Lord, 323.
- Practice of shooting, the, 69–75.
- Priam, Mr. Whitehouse’s, 131.
- Price, Mr. Lloyd, 183, 215, 321.
- —— Mr. Sam, 130.
- Principles of making automatic rifles, 6.
- Pringle, Mr., 330, 332.
- Ptarmigan, the, 366.
- Quail, the, 362.
- Quartering, 111.
- Rabbit shooting, 318–322.
- —— —— with beaters, 319.
- —— —— with dogs, 318.
- —— warrens, enclosing of, 322.
- Rabbits, destruction of vermin, 320.
- 308–317.
- Williams, Mr. A. T., 105, 199.
- Wilson, Mr. Rimington, 73, 217, 220, 228, 239.
- Winans, Mr. Walter, 69.
- Woburn Abbey, 346.
- Wolf-hound, Irish, 196.
- Wolseley, Lord, 40.
- Woodcock bags, 335.
- Woodcocks, 335–340.
- Wortley, Mr. A. Stuart, 70.
- Wynn, Sir Watkin William, 131.
- Xenophon, 325.
- Zebra, 358.