"@public@vhost@g@html@files@42074@42074-h@42074-h-3.htm.html#Page_148" class="pginternal">148, 149; wounding of, 141 Cassady, Sherman, 165 Catlin, George, 311 Cattle, shelter for, 51; killing of, 85, 87, 101, 183 Cavanagh, Michael, 167 Cedar Falls, 39, 60, 89 Cedar River, 18 Center Grove Township, 46 Centerville, 33 Chatterton, Mr., 167 Cheffins, Joseph B., 58, 138; news of massacre carried to agency by, 126, 127 Chemeuse, 33 Cherokee, settlement near, 40; reference to, 41, 85, 87 Cherokee County, settlement in, 40; Inkpaduta’s band in, 85 Che-tan-maza, ransom of Abbie Gardner by, 232-239; reference to, 267 Cheyenne River, 68 Chippewa Indians, treaty with, 7; reference to, 13, 24 Christian Indians, ransom of Mrs. Marble by, 226-231; reference to, 312 Church, William L., 57, 177, 178, 184, 187, 189, 273 Church, Mrs. William L., 133, 156; Indian shot by, 141 Churubusco, 177 Civil War, service of Bee in, 298 Clark, Robert, 60, 61, 100, 101, 118, 289; attempt of, to warn settlers, 100; burial of body of, 195 Clarke, Newman S., 18 Clay County, settlements in, 39, 40; Inkpaduta’s band in, 88-93 Clear Lake, Grindstone War near, 26-28; Gardner at, 48, 38, 39, 181 End of the Snake, captives purchased by, 234 Erie, John 165 Estherville, 41 Europe, 4 Evans, Jeremiah, 177, 178 Exile, method of becoming, 291 Farney, John, 167 Fenton, Charles T., 164, 263 Fire, method of starting, 202, 203 Fire Cloud, 74; killing of, 253 Flandrau, Charles E., news of massacre carried to Fort Ridgely by, 128; account of expedition by, 130, 131; activities of, upon receipt of news of massacre, 225, 226; reference to, 229, 242, 243, 259, 267, 317; Indians paid by, for ransom of Mrs. Marble, 230, 231; efforts of, to secure release of captives, 232, 233; Mrs. Marble taken to St. Paul by, 239, 240; payment of Indians secured by, 245; payment of bond issued by, 245, 246; plans of, for punishment of Inkpaduta, 246; investigation and report by, 247, 248; expedition against Indians raised by, 256-259 Flandrau (South Dakota), 220, 224 Florida, 247 Flour, demand of Indians for, 102; confiscation of, 180 Food, journey east to secure, 59-61; giving of, to Indians, 97, 98, 116; lack of, among Indians, 217, 218 Ford, William N., 167, 192 Fort Clarke, establishment of, 17; change of name of, 281 Fort Dodge (military post), establishment of, 17, 280, 281; reference to, 18, 19; abandonment of, 18; naming of, 118, 296; burial of body of, 194 Howe, Joel, settlement of, at Lake Okoboji, 54, 55; reference to, 60, 118; killing of, 109; massacre at cabin of, 109, 110; discovery of massacre at cabin of, 123, 161; burial of victims of massacre at cabin of, 193, 194; burial of body of, 194; finding of body of, 307, 308 Howe, Mrs. Joel, 108; killing of, 109 Howe, Jonathan, 54, 60, 61, 118, 289, 296 Howe, Millie, 118 Howe, Orlando C., visit of, to lake region, 159, 160; return of, to Jasper County, 160; second trip of, to lakes, 160, 161; massacre discovered by, 160, 161; news taken to Fort Dodge by, 161, 162; reference to, 167, 192, 196, 297 Howe, Philetus, 118, 296 Howe, Sardis, 118, 296 Howell, D. F., 167 Howland, M. W., 165, 209 Hughes, Thomas, 280 Humboldt County, alarm in, 22; Lott’s cabin in, 34; Indian depredations in, 282 Illinois, 181 Indian agent, activities of, in behalf of captives, 225, 226, 229, 230, 231 Indian agents, lack of power on part of, 13, 24 Indians, attitude of, toward whites, 2, 3; refusal of, to work, 3, 4; military expeditions against, 4; title to Iowa soil ceded by, 5-8; wrongs do
42074-h@42074-h-4.htm.html#Page_200" class="pginternal">200, 214, 266, 307, 309; enlistment of, 165, 166; burial detail commanded by, 192; division in party under, 196, 197; sufferings of party under command of, 199-205; efforts to find, 204; death of, by freezing, 204, 205 Johnston, Albert Sidney, 246 Joshpaduta, story concerning, 285, 286 Kane County (Illinois), 38 Kanesville, 40 Kansas, 82 Kasominee, 284 Kellogg, Elias D., 165, 192, 202, 203 Kirchner, Christian, 93 Kirchner, J. A., 39, 40 Kirchner, Jacob, 39, 40, 88; ill-treatment of family of, by Indians, 89 Koons, William N., 166 Kossuth County, alarm in, 22; Indian depredations in, 282 Knoxville, 194 Lac D’Esprit, 44 Lac qui Parle, 229 La Framboise, Joseph, 130, 154, 155, 215 Lake Benton, 254 Lake Herman, 233 Lake Madison, 224, 233, 234, 236 Lake M’da Chan-Pta-Ya Tonka, 224 Lake Okoboji, attitude of Indians toward, 1; settlement at, 39; reference to, 41, 88, 137, 142; early visitors at, 44; early accounts of, 44, 45; description of, 46, 47; arrival of Gardner at, 47, 50; settlement on shores of, 50-56; first day of massacre at, 94-107; 245, 247, 255 Red Rock, 31 “Red Top” band of Indians, 63 Red Wing (Minnesota), 39, 52, 53, 54, 106, 107 Redwood Agency, news of massacre carried to, 126, 127; reference to, 241, 251, 256 Refugees, rescue of, 186-189 Relief expedition, sending of, from Fort Ridgely, 128-131; arrival of, at Springfield, 153-158; organization of, at Fort Dodge and Webster City, 159-169; march of, to Medium Lake, 170-181; march of, from Medium Lake to Granger’s Point, 182-191; activities of burial detail sent out by, 192-205; death of members of, 204, 205; return of, to Fort Dodge and Webster City, 206-214; money received for expenses of, 261-263; experiences of, in blizzard, 310; pension for survivors of, 317 Relief party, failure of, 90, 91; attempt to organize, 93 Reno, Major, 255 Revenge, plan of Inkpaduta to secure, 72-77 Rexville (New York), 47, 48 Richards, Charles B., 162, 166, 179, 182, 188, 192, 193, 208, 264; story by, 206, 207; statement by, 309 Richards, W. S., 268 Richardson, Alonzo, 165 Ridgeway, L. B., 167 Riggs, Stephen R., 226, 229, 231, 312; efforts of, to secure release of captives, 232 Roaring Cloud, 73, 74; murder of Mrs. Noble by, 234; killing of, 258 Robinson, Mr., 241 Rosenkrans, S. B., 164 Ross, Enoch, relief party under, 90, 91 37, 53, 88, 120, 121, 129, 130, 131, 154, 178, 183, 189, 191, 198, 247, 266, 270, 300; settlers at, 39, 56-58; news of massacre carried to, 122-126; effect of news of massacre upon settlers at, 125, 126; relief expedition to, 128-131; preparations for defense at, 132-137; attack on, 138-146; flight of settlers from, 147-152; arrival of relief expedition at, 153-158; guard left at, 158; rescue of fugitives from, 186-189; careers of survivors of massacre at, 272, 273 Stafford, Patrick, 165 Stebbins, Carl, 167, 192 Stevens, Smith E., 166 Stewart, Johnny, escape of, 145; reference to, 272, 301 Stewart, Joshua, 57, 133; killing of, 144 Stewart, Mrs. Joshua, 133; killing of, 144, 145 Stewart children, killing of, 144, 145 “Stonewall” Jackson, origin of name, 298 Storm Lake, 90 Stratton, Franklin A., 166, 182, 309 Streams, difficulty of captives in crossing, 219, 220 Street, Joseph M., 25 Strong, E. B. N., 57, 121, 142, 300; flight of, 150, 151, 152 Strong, Mrs. E. B. N., 133 Supplies, journey east for, 59-61; plan of Gardner to secure, 96, Watonwan River, 40, 70, 130 Weaver, E., ill treatment of, by Indians, 87; reference to, 93 Weaver family, settlement of, 40 Webster City, 159, 166, 170, 189, 211, 215, 284, 302; news of massacre carried to, 163; organization of relief expedition at, 163-166; return of members of relief expedition to, 213; memorial to members of relief expedition from, 263, 264 Webster County, alarm in, 22; reference to, 31, 35, 285 West Okoboji Lake, 46, 113; arrival of Gardner family at, 50 Westerfield, D., 167 Wheeler, William T., 57; concentration at cabin of, 133; name of settlers at cabin of, 134; shots fired into cabin of, 145; flight of settlers from cabin of, 151, 152 Wheelock, R. U., visit of, to lake region, 159, 160; return of, to Jasper County, 160; second trip of, to lakes, 160, 161; massacre discovered by, 160, 161; news taken to Fort Dodge by, 161, 162; reference to, 167, 175, 176, 177, 192, 196, 297 Whetstone, Reuben, 167 Whiskey, effect of, on Indians, 23, 283; traffic in, 279 Whiskey-sellers, activities of, among Indians, 13; profits made by, 21 White, John, 167 White, Mr. 163 Whites, advance of, into Indian country, 1-8; attitude of Sioux Indians toward, 22, 23; hatred of, by Inkpaduta, 70, 71 Wilcox, Mr.,