I say fans in the plural, because we have two kinds, the folding fan and the round fan. We use the former during the mild seasons, and the latter during the very hot weather. The reason of this is not easily understood, as the round fan fans much less effectively than the other one. Doubtless it offers this advantage—that it can be used as a substitute for the parasol, which we never carry, and thus plays a double part. I may add, that in summer men and women alike go out bareheaded, so that some protection, such as is afforded by the screen fan, is needed. As a general rule, there Fans are given as presents to one’s friends. They are always given by schoolmasters as prizes to their scholars. The folding fan has a varying number of stems. Women’s fans have generally thirty thin stems. The most common are made of bamboo; the best are made of ivory, betel, or sandal wood. They are carried in a case of embroidered satin, which is fastened to the belt by a ring of jade. The round fan is usually made of silk, with ivory or bamboo handles, the prolongation of which is either hidden between a double mask of stuff, or is visible on one side only. Ladies use them at The portrait of the fashionable poet of the day is always to be seen painted on the fan; thus Lu-Fong Oun, the popular poet of the thirteenth century, was surnamed Buddha of the Thousand Families, because his portrait was to be seen everywhere, and because his light and graceful verses could be understood by everybody. It is a very usual thing to compare a friend to a fan, because of his refreshing influence on the mind. A woman who fancies that her husband’s heart is hers no longer will compare herself, as we shall see, to a fan cast aside in the autumn. A favourite named Pan-Tie-Tsu, beloved at one time by Emperor Hiao-Tcheng, seeing herself deserted, sent a fan to her master, on which she had written the following lines:— “I have just woven with my own hands this white silk, White as the snow and as the ice. I cut it to make a fan of it, Round as the full moon is. I would wish that it might be with you wherever you may go, And that the air it gives you may, from time to time, refresh your memory. I foresee, however, that when autumn comes, Or the cold weather shall reduce the heat of the day, It will be cast aside into some box, and removed from the favour of your Majesty, Even as she is who gave it to you.” Another woman, who had been disfigured by disease, sent her lover a fan, on which she had written the four following lines:— “Oh, the fan! Oh, the fan! You serve to hide my unhappy face. I am hideously ugly; And I am ashamed to present myself before my lover.” Besides these two kinds of fans, there is also the feather fan, which was first made in the time of dynasty of the later Hans. The Prime Minister, named Tsu-Kia-Liang, It is also said, that the first fan of this kind was introduced into China by the King of Siam, who sent it, with other objects, by way of tribute. But Tsu-Kia-Liang still, to-day, is represented with a feather fan in his hand, the baton with which he directed the orchestra in the symphony of the battle. Betel leaves, cut into the shape of a fan, are also used in China. As this dry leaf can neither be written nor painted upon, it is decorated with engravings, either of pictures or of writing, which are traced upon it by means of a lighted stick of incense. This delicate and difficult work is generally done by women. Both leaves and incense come from Formosa. Another kind of fan is made in Canton. A bamboo stick is taken, of which one end is left to serve as handle. The upper end is shredded into very fine threads, All these varieties are fancy articles. In ancient China, the round fan alone was known; the folding fan has only been known since the last five centuries. It was first presented by the Corean ambassadors to Emperor Ung-Lo, of the Ming dynasty. The sovereign found it not only pretty, but very convenient, and less troublesome to carry, and gave orders for the manufacture of a large quantity, to be distributed amongst the officials of his empire. This is all that I consider it necessary to say about fans in China. It may be found that I have used a great many words about very little. But how can words be better used, since it was said of them by an ancient Roman that they fly, than in speaking about winds and fans? |