"Far in the east, above the sky, the great Thunderer lives with his two sons. They are the friends of the whole world. When you hear their voices be glad, for they are bringing the gift of rain. "In the spring they come from their sky home with the showers that make the grass grow and the little plants peep out of the ground. "They water the earth; and the corn comes up, the sap flows for our sugar, the trees open their leaves and blossoms, and the berries ripen. "Without their help every growing plant would turn brown and fade away. The wild rice and the sugar trees would die. Animals would search in vain for food, and they would crawl into their dens and perish. "There would be no game for the hunter to shoot. Then the terrible famine spirits "We should never fear the loud voices of the Thunderers, for they are always good and kind. "They are the war chiefs of the world. When we see the rainbow, we catch a glimpse of the splendid robes they wear. "In the middle of their great lodge burns the sacred fire, which they guard for all the people of the earth." "I will never be afraid again when I hear them speaking," said White Cloud. "But I like to be in the lodge when they bring their rain storms. If they come to-day perhaps we can find a cave in the hills our trail crosses." "It would not be safe for us to enter a cave in the forest," replied Nokomis. "The Little People might be in it, and they would be displeased." |