All who leave the earth must follow the death trail. Each walks alone—warrior, squaw, or child. All but papoose. The good spirits carry papoose. The trail goes on and on to the place where the sun slips over the edge of the earth plane. There it comes to a deep, rapid stream, and the only bridge is a slippery pine log. On the other side of the river are six strange beings with rocks in their hands. These rocks are magic stones which can injure only those who have done evil, but can never touch nor harm the good. When the one who follows the death trail reaches the middle of the log, he sees the stones come flying toward him. If his life has been evil, he tries to dodge; therefore, he slips off the log and falls into the black, swirling water. Sometimes he crawls out of the stream and There is only one trail to the Happy Hunting Grounds, and that is over the narrow, slippery log. But if the one who is crossing has brought good to his kinsmen and his tribe, he does not fear. He knows that no harm can come from the stones that fly around him, and so he keeps his footing and walks safely over. The trail winds on over high rocks to the beautiful land. No storms and no winter enter the Happy Hunting Grounds. The sky is always blue, and the grass never grows dry with heat nor brown with frost. The trees are full of birds, the bushes of fruit, and the forests are alive with game. Feasting and dancing fill the day, and the war cry is heard no more. |