CASE 175,827. Impotency, Constipation, and Seminal Loss at Stool and with the Urine. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—Since I have taken the remainder of a third month's treatment that you gave me I have been relieved of my trouble. The emissions have ceased and the losses at stool and in the water have left me. Eighteen months ago I was almost a complete wreck; now I take an Interest in business and am in excellent health. Respectfully, S., Waveland, Ind. CASE 177,068. Spermatorrhea. Loss of vital strength. Cared with seven months' treatment. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—You have undoubtedly wondered at my long silence. Since last I wrote you there has been a marked change in my life (of which I will speak further on), under your skillful treatment. I improved so rapidly, notwithstanding the many interruptions which misfortune on my part occasioned, that six months ago I considered myself cured. I have been married three months and a half to a worthy woman, who should have gained for herself a husband who never deviated from a virtuous path as much as I; but the attachment formed was so strong that no misfortune seemed powerful enough to sever it. The barrier which seemed insurmountable, and which I had erected myself by early indiscretions and excesses, has given way, thanks to your superior medical knowledge and skillful treatment. Again I can hold up my head and say, "I am a man. I never fail to call the attention of my friends to your Institution as the best in the world, for I have reason to know that it is truly so. I have recommended two friends of mine to you, who are under your treatment, and are getting well. One has tried all the local physicians, and many firms, but with no success. May God bless you, and may your Institution meet with all the success it so richly deserves, is the prayer and wish of one you have caved. J., Leadville, Colo. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I have had no emissions now for some time, and feel well in every way. I am gaining in strength and weight, and find I shall not need further medical treatment. The four months' medicines that you have sent me have effected a radical regeneration in my health, and I thank you for it. M., Hartford, Conn. CASE 111,477. Spermatorrhea and Irritable Bladder; cured by two months' treatment. This was a badly complicated case of spermatorrhea, the patient being also troubled with frequent urination, partial impotency, mucous discharges from the urethra, and a burning sensation in the testicle and groin. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—I took the two months' treatment sent me by you as directed. After taking the first month's treatment the emissions ceased entirely, my appetite increased, and I slept much better. Eight months ago I finished the second month's treatment and have since been in perfect health. I am fully convinced that you do every thing that you promise. I am, gentlemen, yours respectfully,
CASE 266,080. Spermatorrhea. Threatened Impotency. A severe case, cured by six months' treatment. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I have received the last medicine sent me, and have taken all with the best results. I have so improved in health that I think it unnecessary for me to take any more medicine. It is now several days since I took the last of the medicine, and have not had any return of the disease. The desire to masturbate seems to have left me, and I feel well, happy and strong. When I look back to the time before I commenced to take your medicine, the change that has taken place seems wonderful. I had lost all hope of being restored from the ruinous habit I had practiced for many years without knowing how fatal it was to health. I tried hard to stop the practice, but it had grown so strong on me that I would always practice it again, and was fast becoming impotent. Had emissions at night; was nervous, downhearted; and I lost flesh, and felt miserable in many ways too numerous to mention. But now I feel healthy and well. If I had been more careful, and had not stopped treatment so soon before, I might have been cured in four or five months. Nevertheless, I am well satisfied, and thankful that I am restored to health in six months; and I wish to express my sincere thanks to you and your Institution, for I owe my restoration to health and happiness to you. If in the future I need any medical skill, I shall always apply to your Institution, being certain of receiving the best attention. Yours thankfully, S., Pittsburgh, Pa. CASE 62,365. Very Bad Case of Spermatorrhea and Impotency. Cured with six months' treatment. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—It has now been nine months since I stopped your treatment, and as there has been no return of former symptoms, I judge there can be no doubt as to my cure being permanent. I must confess that, having been duped and swindled by so many previous to visiting you, I had not much confidence when I went to Buffalo to see you. But your specialists, and your Manager, seemed to talk so straightforwardly and without making any of those extravagant promises that I have become so used to, that I became convinced of your skill before I had been long in your wonderful Institution. I think almost any invalid who will visit your Hotel, and see for themselves the wonderful appliances that you have accumulated for the cure of disease, must soon become convinced that if there can be any hope of relief it can be secured there, if anywhere. There I saw those who told me they had been brought there on beds or couches for hundreds of miles, and that they had not been able to walk for two to four years, and yet with two or three months' treatment were able to go about everywhere, and were about ready to return home. Such experiences as these established my confidence, and to-day I bless the day I first visited the Invalids' Hotel. True, it took six months to cure me, but I presume you seldom have cases to equal in severity the condition I was in when I applied to you. I was so bad, as you will remember, though I do not suppose you rely upon any thing but your records in referring to cases, having so many under treatment at all times, at all events, if you will turn to the record of my case, which is "File No. 62,365," you will see that I had discharges of semen every time my bowels moved and without erections. In fact, I was completely impotent. I am now as strong and vigorous as any man. You told me it would probably take a year to cure me, but as you accomplished it in five months, though I continued to take medicine a month longer to insure against a relapse, I think myself very fortunate. Should any of your staff have occasion to come this way, I should be only to glad to do any thing I can to entertain them.
WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—The reason for my not continuing treatment further than the fourth month, is the fact that my health is so much improved that I do not need it. I feel like a new being. All of my bad symptoms are gone, and I feel that I am cured. For eight months my health has continued to improve all the time. I owe you and your staff a debt of gratitude that I can never pay. Yours with thanks, H., Johnson's Bayou, La. CASE 152,504. Spermatorrhea. Mr. S., of Bagwell, Texas, writes as follows: "language fails to express my gratitude for what your treatment has done for me. I have gained forty-two pounds since coming under your care. My cure is perfect." CASE 174,628. Spermatorrhea. Extremely bad case. Loss of voice; threatened with Consumption. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I am thankful to say that as a result of eight months' treatment you have given me, the symptoms of my disease have been entirely removed. My voice has got strong and clear, and my breathing is easy and natural. My weight is increased, and in every way I am feeling well. I cannot refrain from penning a few lines. H., Port Hope, Ont. CASE 113,274. Spermatorrhea. Mr. K., of Kalamazoo, Mich., writes: "I feel that you have proven to be the best friend I have on earth. It is about three weeks now since I finished the last month's medicines, and I feel as strong as I ever did in my life. When I commenced taking your medicines I only weighed 155 pounds, but now I weigh 170 pounds. I feel strong and rugged; my step is firm and bold; and I feel altogether a new man, for which I return you my sincere thanks." CASE 173,399. Emissions. Loss of Weight and Appetite; Dyspepsia. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Dear Sirs—I write to let you know that my health is improved, and to thank you for the same. The emissions occur only at intervals of several months, and I do not have any more polluting dreams. I am better in every way. My appetite is improved, and my digestion is perfect. Have gained in weight, and sleep well. I have not required all of the last supply of medicine, the sixth month, and I think I will pull through all right. Please accept my thanks for the benefit effected. D., Valparaiso, Ind. CASE 45,757. Spermatorrhea. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—Received yours dated Oct. 27th, and am happy to say that I have so far recovered as to believe further treatment unnecessary. I feel like a new man; am able to do a full day's work without pain or laziness. I am very thankful for the benefits I have received through your skill, and should I think it necessary at any time for me to renew the treatment, I will be glad to call on you. Yours with great respect. A., Zanesville, O. CASE 175,315. Spermatorrhea; Dizziness and Biliousness; Dyspepsia. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I am in good health, and can say that I am cured. The emissions have stopped, and I have no unnatural discharges, nor dizziness in the head. My health is good in general, and I work hard every day. Physically, I have a good appetite and digestion, which is a great change from what it was when you first treated me. Although I continued the treatment for eight months, owing to the complications and severity of my case, yet I am thankful for the great relief. D., Newport, Ark. CASE 39,625. Seminal and Nervous Debility. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—My case was one of long standing, and had brought me to think and meditate more of dying a consumptive's death, than living. The ill success I had met in trying to recover my lost manhood, had put me in such a constantly low-spirited condition, that nothing was interesting or pleasurable. I am highly pleased to report the improvement in my condition. My voice, weak and hoarse when I commenced treatment, is now strong and masculine. Hope and self-confidence have returned, and my countenance is firm and resolute. The dull, heavy, pressing pain under my left shoulder, is entirely gone, long ago. The pain and weakness in hips, back, and side, are never felt. I am in every way fully restored to perfect health and manhood. Yours sincerely, O. Sheboygan, Mich. [EXTRACT FROM LETTER.] WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—It is with great pleasure that I write you. I have taken but one month's treatment from you, and if I should just give you a full history of my case before and since I have taken your medicine, you would not believe the improvement could be true. I feel better every way. I am without language to express my thanks to you for the great work you have done for me.
CASE 22,511. Impotency. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Dear Sirs—Accept my thanks for the great benefit received from your treatment. I never thought I could be so fully restored. G., Peru, Ind. CASE 450,422. Spermatorrhea, Seminal Debility, Muscular Rheumatism. Cured with six months' treatment. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I am thankful to say that, as the result of the six months' treatment you have given me, that I am cured of my trouble. Since the beginning of the treatment the losses became less and less frequent, and now I am entirely relieved, and desire to return my sincerest thanks to you for the good you have done and the kind attention that you gave me. Sincerely yours, G., Milverton, Ont. CASE 48,927. Nervous Debility and Impotency. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Dear Sirs—My head is clear and I feel like myself again, and now only wish that the money I spent for useless medicines and experimenting doctors, had at once found its way to you. By recommending you to others suffering as I did, I hope to assist in your honorable work. For my restoration to health and manhood, I am deeply grateful. Truly yours, B., Philadelphia, Pa. CASE 154,136. Seminal Weakness. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—I see no further use in continuing your medicines, as I now feel perfectly well and the emissions have stopped entirely. I used to feel dizzy, exhausted, and irritable on arising in the morning, but now I feel nothing of the kind. Respectfully, K., Johnstown, Pa. CASE 175,391. Spermatorrhea, with symptoms of Bright's Disease and Torpid Liver. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—When I applied to you for treatment, although a man of apparently perfect health, yet I was subject to an exhausting drain, and felt myself gradually declining in vigor of intellect and constitution. The five months' treatment that you have sent me has effected a very remarkable change in my health. My kidneys (which had troubled me so that I feared Bright's disease) and torpid liver have become natural, and I feel like a new man. The only precaution I now take is not to sleep on my back; and I feel that I am cured. I send you the names of some other patients, and close by saying that I thank you sincerely for the cure, and the great benefit in my health that has resulted from your treatment. M., Manhattan, Kans. CASE 110,837, Stricture and Spermatorrhea. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—My seminal trouble was cured long since, and I had forgotten it. Your medicines relieved me of that in a short time, and I am satisfied that it will cure the worst cases in a few weeks. I am also satisfied that you and your faculty accomplish more in the healing art than any other in the country, and I cannot say too much in recommendation of your institution. I have tried your institution, and have found your words true in every sense, and take pleasure in authorizing you to use my name in any way to suit yourself. My appetite is good, and I have no pain or trouble whatever. The neuralgia in the lungs, the tough phlegm, weakness, etc., have all disappeared. A. CASE 111,571. Spermatorrhea. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—Under the influence of your last course of medicine my health has improved so greatly that I feel any further treatment to be unnecessary. My health is better now than at any other period for years. The night emissions have ceased entirely, I not having had one now for many months. I feel better in every way.
[EXTRACT FROM LETTER.] WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—While taking your medicine I labored physically. I am cheerful, hopeful, joyous, glad, and grateful for my restoration to sound and vigorous health. My friends daily express surprise at the great change in my personal appearance, and declare that I appear younger than I did fifteen years ago. I always reply that I obtained my new lease of life from the World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y. With sincere gratitude and great respect, I subscribe myself W., Canyon City, Grant Co., Oregon. CASE 3,508. Seminal and Nervous Debility of thirty years' standing. Cured in two mouths. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: My kind Benefactors—Inclosed find the case of my daughter-in-law, whom I desire you to treat, believing that you can cure her. I feel assured that if you fail in the cure of her case, now so chronic, that no human skill will be of benefit. Some four or five years ago you treated me for general debility and premature decay, with severe attacks of vertigo. The first month's medicines, which were sent by express, effected a relief of my case. Owing to the long standing of my trouble (twenty-five or thirty years), I concluded to continue the treatment another month. My order was promptly filled by mail. By these two months' treatment I was perfectly cured, my whole system renovated and invigorated. I have been repeatedly asked what I had been doing to cause such an improvement in my personal appearance, and activity, for an old man. With profound gratitude, adding love,
CASE 250,336. Spermatorrhea; loss of Strength and Weakness of Memory. Cured with seven months' treatment. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I have not taken any medicine since last December, at which time I had closed the seventh months' treatment. I am happy to say that, as a result, my mind is clear and easy. I am steadily gaining in strength, and feel better than I have for many years, and owe it all to your treatment and advice. I hope you will live long and prosper, and continue to dispense a balm for suffering humanity. I will close by giving your faculty my greatest devotion and sincere thanks, and hope success will crown your business. W., Pickens, Miss. CASE 82,127. Spermatorrhea. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—Your last month's treatment has entirely cured me. I have been married three weeks and am happy, thanks to your unexampled skill. B., Blackberry, Kane Co., Ill. CASE 88,736. Spermatorrhea. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—Sure enough I am well, and I desire to thank you for your medical skill. My strength is very greatly increased, my digestion and appetite are perfect. I sleep well and awake refreshed, and, in fact, feel better every way. My eyesight, which was weak, is wonderfully improved, and my physical condition is now perfect in every way. All the emissions have ceased.
CASE 144,241. Seminal Debility. Cured with four months' treatment. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I am happy to say that your treatment, which I have taken four months, has effected a radical cure of my trouble, and you are at liberty to use my name and address as a reference. Your treatment has effected a cure in my case.
CASE 71,250. Spermatorrhea of thirteen years' standing. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—I can honestly say, as the result of your treatment, that I feel better now than at any time previous for years. My disease is under complete control, and I have no fear of any further trouble in that direction. In a word, I feel that I am cured and well; and you may rest assured that I shall take great pains to avoid in the future the cause that brought me to my former condition. I am, indeed, thankful to you, as your treatment has made it possible for me to lead a better life, and effectually to resist those passions which so long dominated over me.
WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—it is with great thankfulness to you that I pen these few lines. I am to-day a strong and healthy man, which I never would have been but for your kind and skillful attention. My health was completely broken down by the effects of self-abuse, and I doctored with other physicians for two years, but with no success. However, after a few months of your treatment I find my health fully restored. I am now in a condition to enjoy the world and take comfort wherever I am; in a word, I am "a man among men." I most cordially invite all persons requiring skillful medical treatment to apply to the World's Dispensary. M., Fredericville, Mich. CASE 174,937. Spermatozoa. Threatened with Impotency. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I finished your three months' course of treatment some weeks ago, and am glad to say that I am a well man. A thousand thanks to you. K., Warm Springs, Mont. Ter. CASE 52,272. Seminal Debility. Loss of Manhood. General weakness from excesses. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Dear Sirs—I took your medicines according to directions, and I feel that I am fully restored to health and the enjoyment of my manly powers. My health is better than it has been for years, and is improving all the time. The headache and dizziness have entirely left me. You have my honest recommendations to all sufferers. Thankfully yours, M., Hudson, N.Y. CASE 44,573. Impotency. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Dear Sirs—As a result of your three months' treatment, I am feeling better than I have for twenty years,—more of a man in every way. S., Prairie Star, Neb. CASE 56,811. Nervous Debility. Affection of several years' standing, permanently cured by one month's treatment. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Dear Sirs—Five years have elapsed since my case was cured by you with one month's treatment. Since that time I have not had the first symptom of the disease. I know I am cured. Yours with thanks, C., Kalamazoo, Mich. CASE 175,579. Emissions, Yellow Complexion, Black Heads and Eruptions on the face. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION:, Gentlemen—I am happy to say that I have not used all of the last month's medicine. The five months' treatment that I have had from you has effected my entire cure. I have had no losses for many weeks, and my complexion is restored to its natural clearness and purity. The black heads and pimples have all disappeared. K., Neillsville, Wis. CASE 21,437. Impotency. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Dear Sirs—I have, as a result of your treatment, been more of a man than before in six years. I have felt, worked, and eaten better than ever before. My strength is in every way fully restored. C., Jordanville, N.Y. CASE 38,005. Impotency. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Dear Sirs—When I first wrote you I had given up all hope of ever getting well. I had not worked for two years. I had not been under your treatment three months before I went to work, and have been at it ever since. I gain every day. C., Hinsdale, N.H. CASE 53,578. Spermatorrhea. Great loss of strength and flesh, appetite regular, sometimes ravenous and then very poor. Intellect and memory much enfeebled, the result of losses through the urine. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—The condition of my health is highly satisfactory, thank Heaven and you as the instrument. It has often been a cause of astonishment to me, to think now admirably your medicines controlled my cage; it seems wonderful even now. I say, with all my heart, God bless your noble work, for the cure of my disease and perfect restoration of my health and strength. A., Shongo, Allegany Co., N.Y. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I am gratified to be able to report my cure. My case was a severe one, the insidious drain upon my system producing general debility, attacks of severe palpitation of the heart, and obstinate dyspepsia. Since using your medicines, I have been cured of these troubles. I have no palpitation, digestion good, not easily worried, able to work hard without undue fatigue, strength greatly increased. My weight is now 163. I am thankful to God and to you for the evidence of my final cure.
CASE 51,002. Spermatorrhea. Rheumatic pains, general loss of memory, strength, manliness, and intellectual power. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Dear Sirs—When I sent to you for medicines, I little expected the remarkable benefit that has resulted. The rheumatic pains that have so long troubled me, ceased within a week. I am now able to attend to my business with my former ability and energy. You have my gratitude for the cure effected in my case.
CASE 146,406. Spermatorrhea, with Dyspepsia, Catarrh, and Backache. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I am happy to say that as a result of five months' treatment, the weakness of my urinary and generative organs has been entirely relieved. My catarrh is so much better. The difficulty in the head is now gone, and I have no discomfort. The weakness in the back, and pain in the kidneys, has all left me, and I rest well at night. There are now no unnatural discharges, and I am happy to say that your medicines have effected such a change in my condition that now I continue to improve all the time.
CASE 52,121. Spermatorrhea. Symptoms: Diurnal and nocturnal emissions, loss of sexual power and wasting of the organs, general depression and emaciation. Most severe form of the disease. Cure with three months' treatment. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Dear Sirs—I have waited several months and find my cure perfect and permanent. Thanks to you my health and manhood have been perfectly restored, and I am as fat as a bullock.
CASE 4,100. Spermatorrhea. Entirely broken down. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—Over eight years ago I visited you at your office this present month, very melancholy and thinking perhaps that in six months I would be lying in my cold and silent grave, and now I am strong and healthy. I never was so healthy in my life. Am married, and we have two of the nicest children you ever saw. I am the happiest man in town, and hope to ever be so. My sickness was contracted through ignorance and self-abuse. I am glad to say that I have had a permanent cure, and thank God. I feel grateful to you and thank you kindly.
CASE 52,004. Emissions. Loss of weight, strength, and mental power. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL, ASSOCIATION: Dear Sirs—I received the month's treatment sent for, and took it. It worked like a charm. I have no more emissions, and my weight, energy and strength, are fully restored.
CASE 53,859. Spermatorrhea. Five years' standing. Symptoms: Frequent nocturnal emissions, loss of memory, nervous, no energy or strength. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Dear Sirs—Pardon me for not sending you a report of my condition before this. Have been waiting to see if there would be any relapse. I am assured that my cure is complete and perfect. None of the symptoms of the disease remain. Your medicines I can recommend as the most powerful and direct to accomplish good I have ever taken. I feel it my duty now to give you my heart-felt acknowledgment for the good done me.
WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—You have cured me sound and well of the terrible effects of early indiscretion. My case was worse than any I have ever read, and I never expected to get well. With eight months treatment taken at my home, I have been fully restored. You have my sincere and hearty thanks. C., Halifax, N.S. CASE 70,648. Spermatorrhea and Threatened Impotency. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: My Dear Benefactors—Please accept my sincere thanks. Words at my command are inadequate to express my feelings when I realize the great beneficial features of your most excellent remedy. I have spoken to several of my most intimate friends who are similarly affected, and after I took the first dose I was completely relieved, and the flesh I gained was in such abundance that I was scarcely identified by them. I gave part of your par excellence medicine to a bosom companion of mine, named ——. He became convalescent, but desires another bottle. Write to him at once. Your name will be held in the highest esteem by these invalids, and by
CASE 143,838. Spermatorrhea, with Paralysis and Dyspepsia. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Sirs—Your treatment worked like a charm with me. Before I sent to you I consulted my family doctor, and asked him what he thought of my case. To give you his own words, he said. "J., I think you will be an entire cripple." I then thought I would write to you. I had not taken more than three months' medicine when I was out in the harvest field. I sleep all night, have a good appetite, my back has got well, and I can lay all night. My limbs are stronger, and my nerves are again all right. Upon the whole I am a new man, and my mental powers are much relieved. In eighteen months from the time I placed my case under your treatment, I was better than I had been in ten years, and feel like myself.
CASE 93,264. Seminal Weakness. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—Allow me most sincerely to thank you for the great benefit I have derived from your two months' treatment. When I first wrote to you I felt as if my life on earth was short, indeed; but, thank God, through His help and yours, I have been saved from filling an early grave as the results of self-abuse. Before I began treatment I was pale and sickly; I had palpitation of the heart so bad that I often expected to drop dead in the street; I had loss of voice; always felt tired; I had involuntary emissions of semen in the night, which always made me feel weak through the next day; whilst quite often my mind was filled with suicidal thoughts. Such was the price I was compelled to pay for violating the laws of God and nature. Now every thing is changed. I thank you a thousand times, Doctor, for the great good you nave done me. May God bless you. I shall always be pleased to recommend your treatment to everybody, and I will cheerfully answer any communication that I may receive in relation to this. W., Lynn, Mass. CASE 140,948. Spermatorrhea. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Dear Sirs—I believe myself to be free of the trouble for which you have been treating me. It seems too good to be true, yet I feel satisfied that I am more of a man than ever before in my life. I have not the time nor ability to thank you in the high-flown language peculiar to testimonial writers, but suffice it to say that I am.
CASE 44,464. Nervous Prostration. This gentleman, engaged as the head of a large academy, suffered severely from mental depression, weakened memory, nervous exhaustion, and lack of intellectual power, the result of the delicate drain upon the nervous system and his severe labors. We append his letter after four months' treatment: WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—My friends all notice and speak of my decided improvement. My health and faculties are again as they were years ago. Yours, H., Philadelphia, Penn'a. CASE 33,928. Spermatorrhea, resulting in Consumption. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Dear Sirs—I would have been beyond the reach of aid now but for your treatment. I am now enjoying perfect health. Yours gratefully. H., Gillie's Hill Ont. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I am deeply indebted to you. The disagreeable head symptoms, dyspepsia and weakness are all gone. I can now eat and digest as hearty a meal as any one, and feel well, healthful and energetic. Never have any losses. I was very sick when I commenced treatment, but was speedily relieved.
CASE 44,866. Spermatorrhea, with marked loss of memory, health, and tone of system. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I took treatment of you last summer. The improvement was marked, and I have continued to grow healthier and stronger, notwithstanding I have been busy all the time and nave studied very hard. Do not get fatigued as before. I read six orations of CICERO in seven weeks and passed with honor a very close examination. My limbs are solid and strong, whereas before I was weak, and my flesh cold, soft, and clammy. I am in college working hard. Truly, P. CASE 147,411. Approaching Impotency. Renewed health after five months' treatment. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I can gratefully say I am feeling like a new man since taking your prescription for seminal weakness. While I was in the West two months, my wife received two months' treatment from you, and on my return home, to my greatest satisfaction, her cheeks were as red as roses and her health greatly improved, for which accept our profound thanks. May your honored President live long and do good unto the sons and daughters of afflicted humanity, is our prayer. W., Aral, Va. CASE 44,198. Nervous Prostration, caused by Self-abuse. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—Your kindness to me I can never forget. I cannot express half my feelings of gratefulness to you. I had despaired of ever getting well. Thanks to your skill I am now a new being. Yours very truly, B., Steuben County, N.Y. CASE 53,816. Nervous Debility, caused by Self-abuse. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—My health has improved so that I no longer need treatment. You have my heart-felt thanks for the good you have done me, and may you have as good success in treating the hundreds of others as you have had in mine. I remain yours very truly, K., Hartford, Conn. CASE 53,913. Nervous Debility and Impotency. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I shall ever remember you with gratitude. My relief is perfect and permanent. I feel so much better. I remain yours truly, J., Jacksonville, Ill. CASE 254,484. Spermatorrhea; General Debility. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I am happy to say that your medicines and treatment are always ahead of what they are represented, and I hope you will accept my deep and sincere thanks for the good you have done me. My weakness and debility have entirely disappeared, and I can say that the expense of the six months' treatment I received from you, has been repaid a hundredfold, by the benefits it has effected in my condition. F., Starkey, N.Y. CASE 54,803. Nervous Debility and Impotency. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I have taken the last of the medicine which you sent me, and feel satisfied it has entirely cured me. I return my thanks to you for the good you have done me. F., East Liverpool, Ohio. CASE 69,116. Seminal Weakness, with Cancerous Testicle. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—It has now been over two years since you treated me and found it necessary to remove one testicle on account of cancerous disease, that must soon have destroyed life had the operation not been performed. T feel myself a strong, healthy man, having had no symptoms of the seminal weakness for months past. Yours, P., Pittsburgh. Penn's. I am getting along so well with the medicine that I am a standing wonder to my friends, and I shall not cease, while life lasts, to praise the skill that has brought about such miraculous results.
CASE 67,004. Impotency. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I am only too happy to say that I have fully recovered my powers in every particular since placing myself under your treatment. I would not take $5,000 for the good you have done me. I am only sorry that I did not go to you before wasting time and money on the quacks connected with that "Museum of Anatomy" in New York.
CASE 67,208. Spermatorrhea. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—When placing myself under your treatment, I was told that my case being an exceedingly bad one, it would probably require six months in which to effect a perfect cure. After taking your remedies four months I found myself in perfect health, and have remained so ever since. I cannot express the gratitude I feel for you, and can never half repay the debt of gratitude I owe you. I have given your pamphlet,-"Abuse of the Male Generative Organs and the Diseases to which it Gives Rise," to quite a number of young men whom I had reason to suspect it might benefit.
CASE 67,070. Spermatorrhea. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I have now returned home a now man, after four months' treatment from you. I need no more medicines now. I would urge all suffering to go to you for help. Thanking you for your services,
CASE 431,637. Impotency, with Nervous Debility and Liver Disease. This gentleman applied for the relief of the following symptoms: Exhausting and frequent seminal emissions, losses in the urine, want of manly strength, nervous prostration, indigestion, torpid condition of the liver, headache, nausea, and constipation. After a course of five months' treatment he writes: WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I am very grateful to you for the good you have done me, and I feel like a man now. It is sometime since I left off medicine. I have continued to improve, and I feel better than I have for years before treatment. I am happy at the restoration of my health and vigor. I shall recommend you to all sufferers. Hoping you will continue to be successful.
CASE 111,489. Seminal Emissions, Loss of Memory and General Decline. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—Inclosed please find money for my last supply of medicines. You seem to understand my condition thoroughly. My color, appetite, and strength have improved wonderfully, and my sleep is sound, undisturbed and refreshing. Under the influence of your medicines I have completely recovered my mental and physical powers, and I feel that I am able to discontinue further treatment. The emissions have become less and less frequent until now they do not trouble me at all.
CASE 51,203. Spermatorrhea. Perfect Cure. His letter before treatment, and after. (First letter.) WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Dear Sirs—It was my pleasant privilege to read concerning your skill in the treatment of all kinds of diseases, and concerning your reputation, which is most justly merited. Encouraged by these facts to place explicit confidence in you. I beg leave to state my own case as clearly as I may be able. It is as sad as it is fatal if no thorough cure can be effected. I have from my twelfth year onward been practicing, though not excessively, the evil, self-abuse. Although I have been led to abandon the pernicious habit for several years, my age being twenty-four, the horrible effects have not disappeared. The serious result is that I am suffering from spermatorrhea. An involuntary discharge of the seminal fluid occurs invariably once, not infrequently twice, every week during sleep. The genital organs have become diminished in Now, dear Doctors, permit me to ask your kind advice as to what means are to be taken. I have tried numerous remedies for more than a year, but to no effect. My suffering grows severer. Please reply as speedily as you may be able. If you be so kind as to honor me with an answer, please state the amount of money needed for your services, which shall be forwarded at once. Please find inclosed one dollar, remuneration for your kind services.
(At the close of treatment.) WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—I have finished the eight months' treatment; had I been able to follow the directions more closely, three months' treatment would have effected a permanent cure of my case. Now I am well, body strengthened, mind invigorated, memory revived, energy to work restored, cheerfulness and bright hopes, once altogether lost, are now fully regained. Indeed, I feel like a new being. And now, dear Doctors, in closing our important correspondence, permit me to render my heart-felt thanks for your kindness to me, and for the benefit received from your invaluable treatment. Adieu; may God grant you a long life, that you may benefit many an afflicted one.
CASE 464,255. Masturbation. Loss of flesh and mental power. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—After three months of your treatment, I find myself cured of one of the worst habits that it has ever been the lot of man to fall into. My whole system is invigorated; I have no more weak back nor legs; no more emissions; my strength is greatly increased, and my weight is more than it has ever been before. The dull, heavy feeling in my head is entirely past, and I can truly say that I feel like a new man. Hoping you will do as much good in the future as you have in the past, is the wish of, Yours truly, B., Holyoke, Mass. CASE 91,656. Spermatorrhea. Obstinate case of eight years' standing. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—I have taken seven months' treatment from you, and to-day I am a well man. My friends are surprised at the great change which has taken place in me. The emissions have ceased entirely, and I am strong and well. I am a thousand times obliged to you for the good your treatment has done for me.
CASE 461,306. Onanism. Melancholia; contemplated suicide. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—Having waited several weeks after finishing the last medicine, to see if there would be any relapse, I now send you a report of treatment. I believe I am thoroughly cured, not only of poor health, but of all desire to abuse myself. I have regained health, spirits, and confidence. Am married, something I have long desired, but never before dared to attempt. Please accept my sincere thanks, gentlemen. Your medicine has saved me from a suicide's grave.
CASE 110,838. Seminal Weakness and Fistula in Ano. A case of anal fistula that had been unsuccessfully treated by Prof. ——, of Nashville, who had operated with the knife. He had also been unsuccessfully treated by several home physicians who stated that his symptoms of spermatorrhea were all that could be described, and more too. The sensations of crawling and itching in the rectum were very severe, and as a result of weakness there was a serious palpitation of the heart, and general debility. The generative organs were unduly excitable and weak. He complained of weakness in the rectum and loins, with irregularity of the bowels, trembling and weakness of the entire system. There was profuse discharge from the fistula and also from the urethra. We undertook his case without making any promises of a radical cure, as it seemed that the disease had progressed so that it would be impossible to effect more than satisfactory improvement in his general condition, and a palliation of the symptoms of disease. At the end of seven months' treatment he writes as follows: WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: Gentlemen—The result of the CASE 140,056. Spermatorrhea. The following long-standing and aggravated case of seminal debility began to yield at once under the specific influence of our medicines. Frequent nocturnal emissions were present, and the semen also passed off, unobserved and unsuspected, in the urine; of course a ceaseless vital drain of this character began quickly and profoundly to impress the constitution, so that when the patient under consideration applied to us for relief, the most unmistakable symptoms of commencing organic disease of the heart and lungs had plainly declared themselves to be present. Like many hundreds, of similar cases which we cure annually, the disease yielded promptly and perfectly to the well-directed efforts of our specialist in this important branch of practice; indeed, so easy, swift and perfect was the cure that the patient failed to realize the necessity of continuing the treatment a few weeks in order to insure himself against the possibility of a relapse, and discontinued his correspondence with us, whereas it is in precisely such cases that we recommend the treatment to be not too abruptly discontinued. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—Your kind favor, thoughtfully inquiring after my health, came duly to hand. In answer, permit me to say that it was not my intention to take further treatment as I considered my cure to be perfect, all local and general symptoms having wholly subsided before I had finished the month's course, and thus far manifesting no disposition to return. However, in the light of your wisdom and experience, I have reconsidered the matter and now believe with you that another month's course of treatment is advisable, in order effectually to guard against the possibility of a relapse. I accordingly inclose you the price of the additional month's course. The second morning after commencing the use of your medicines I awoke refreshed in body and mind, and this experience has been repeated every morning since. The emissions were arrested at once, and I have not had a single unnatural discharge since, except once when I experienced a slight nocturnal emission, which, however, was followed by no depressing after-effects, but altogether the reverse. I feel so much stronger and better in all respects that It is a positive pleasure for me to do a hard day's work now.
CASE 86,291. This gentleman had suffered during eleven years from seminal weakness as the result of indiscretions in youth; nocturnal emissions were present, and there was also a seminal loss with the urine, and at stool; the patient's memory was greatly impaired and his mind otherwise affected from the vital drain; he was dyspeptic, his bowels were costive, and threatening symptoms of consumption had already begun to manifest themselves when he came under our care. Two months of our special treatment, at the patient's home, effected a perfect and permanent cure, and completely arrested all abnormal seminal losses. The following grateful letter is from the gentleman in question: WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—Permit me to say that, six months after having discontinued your treatment, my cure remains perfect. This great permanent and enduring benefit was secured to me through only two months of your skillful treatment and careful management of my case. Your medicines had a wonderful control over my disease, driving away its terrible symptoms as if by magic; they imparted to me a new power, filled my body and mind with unusual vigor, and transformed me from one racked with pain and living death or worse, to a full measure of health and happiness. I feel that if I had not been opportunely and successfully treated by you, that my life would have been permanently blighted, and that the happy and contented mind that now inspires these lines would ere this have been dethroned of reason. I feel that you have been my savior. I have not had a single nocturnal emission since leaving your treatment, six months ago. Thanking you, gentlemen, from the depths of a grateful heart, I remain.
Did the interest of our readers demand it, we could add to the preceding list an almost endless number of extracts from letters written by grateful patients, expressing their heart-felt thanks for having been A Caution to the Afflicted. We are daily consulted by persons suffering from spermatorrhea and impotency who have been victimized by ignorant charlatans. Some seek to dupe and swindle the unwary by claiming to have themselves been cured of spermatorrhea or impotency by some prescription, which they offer to send free to any sufferer. When the prescription is obtained it is found to consist of a few articles well-known to every druggist, coupled with certain arbitrary and fictitious terms, unknown to everybody and not to be found in any medical work extant. Following the prescription is a modest suggestion that if it cannot be filled by the home druggist, the benevolently-disposed party furnishing the prescription will be pleased to send the medicine, already prepared, for from three to five dollars. Of course, the whole scheme from beginning to end being a swindle, when the "medicine" is obtained and taken it proves entirely useless. Skill and genuine merit do not go begging. Men who spend hundreds of dollars for the publication of advertisements offering to give away valuable information can always be safely set down as swindlers. In the public prints will be found advertised various ready prepared, "put-up," or proprietary, so-called "remedies," "Specifics," "Boluses," "Pastiles," "Rectal Pearls," "Urethral Crayons," "Voltaic Belts," "Galvanic Belts," "Batteries," and "Pads," all recommended as infallible remedies for spermatorrhea and impotency. A vast experience in the treatment of these affections has satisfied us that each case must be studied and treated according to the symptoms manifested, and that medicines that are adapted to one stage of the disease are entirely unsuited to other stages of the same case. No "Pad" or "Battery and Pad," "Galvanic" or "Voltaic Belts," "Battery," "Bolus," or "Soluble Crayon," ever did or can help a case of this disease, except it be in the imagination. Although the proprietors of the most popular proprietary medicines in the market, medicines carefully adapted to the cure of the diseases for which they are recommended, yet, should we attempt to get up a general remedy to cure spermatorrhea and kindred maladies, we are certain it would be an utter failure, and this is entirely true of all such preparations now and heretofore offered for sale, and, from the very nature of the diseases they are recommended to cure, ever must be. Each case must have medicines carefully prepared to meet the conditions present, and when these conditions, from the effects of treatment or other causes, change, the treatment must be varied accordingly. Positive Injury instead of benefit often results from the employment of some of the nostrums advertised for the cure of spermatorrhea, impotency and kindred affections. Especially have we found that the use of "Soluble Urethral Crayons," "Boluses," "Pastiles", Although of pretended French origin, they are evidently the invention of an ignoramus, who knows nothing of the delicate anatomy of the generative organs or of the proper treatment of the diseases incident thereto, for none other would have thought of such a preposterous plan of treatment. No man should insert such absurdly devised and mischief breeding contrivances into his urethra (urinary canal), for thereby he is almost sure to do himself a permanent injury. So far from having been invented by an eminent French surgeon, as claimed, such treatment is entirely unknown in France, and ever has been, as the writer well knows from personal observation and enquiry while sojourning in that country and visiting its most noted hospitals and medical institutions. All the various "Troches," "Boluses," "Wafers," "Suppositories," "Pearls," "Rectal Pearls," "Rectal Capsules," and other contrivances which are recommended for the cure of Spermatorrhea and kindred weaknesses, and which are designed to be employed by inserting them into the lower bowel (rectum), and there permitting them to dissolve, are only so many irrational and filthy devices for duping the ignorant and innocent sufferers from these maladies. An Alluring Swindle. A still more enticing, and hence more dangerous, device for swindling unfortunate sufferers, is the widely advertised "Vacuum Treatment" or "appliance" so loudly and plausibly recommended for "Developing weak and wasted organs." A simple, little, brass air pump, connected with a glass tube, or cylinder, fitted with a valve at one end, which costs not to exceed one dollar and a half, is the worthless device palmed off on the confiding ones at from fifteen to thirty dollars. This is done under the false pretense that its daily use to pump blood into the weak or wasted organs, will cause their development and growth. Thousands have invested their hard earned cash in this worse than worthless, injurious, contrivance. In fact the head of the concern putting out this alluring device is said to have amassed a fortune out of the nefarious business. So far from benefiting any one, out of several hundreds of cases that have come under our personal observation, in which this apparatus has been faithfully used for a long period of time, we have never met with a single case that had derived the slightest benefit therefrom. On the contrary, we have been called upon to examine many who had been seriously injured by its use. The sudden congestion or filling and over-distention of the delicate blood-vessels of the organ operated upon, caused by placing it in a vacuum, is liable to rupture these minute vessels, causing the infiltration of blood into the tissues and giving rise to inflammation, and in some cases, to suppuration, mortification, sloughing and death. But this is only a small part of the story connected with the reprehensible business of palming off "The Vacuum Developing and Strengthening Appliance." The precious rascals, not content with making from a thousand to fifteen hundred per cent. profit on the miserable device furnished, while advertising fifteen dollars ($15.00) as the price of the "appliance" and "accompanying preparations," for "ordinary cases," make a general practice, when they have secured the fifteen dollars ($15.00), of sending it by express with a bill to be collected on delivery FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS ($15.00) MORE. With this bill they send an explanation, that "on re-examining the case" they "found it necessary, or thought it advisable, to send their stronger and more expensive preparations and appliances for the worst cases AND SO HAVE CHARGED FIFTEEN DOLLARS ($15.00) MORE TO COVER THE EXTRA EXPENSE." It is astonishing that there are those who can be induced to part with their money for such claptrap devices, and still more so that having been duped and swindled out of their hard earned money through false pretenses and promises of benefit held out to them, they should submit quietly to such extortion and not have the swindlers arrested and prosecuted for obtaining money under false pretenses as they richly deserve. For what crime can be more deserving of punishment than the holding out of false hopes and pretenses to the unfortunate? Employing the United States mails for swindling is a pretty dangerous business, and sooner or later these rascals will, we predict, find it out to their sorrow. They are pretty sure to get hold of some men, ere long, who will invoke the aid of the United States District Attorney to bring them to justice. Young Man, if you have, through ignorance, fallen into practices that have arrested your physical growth and development in any of your organs or parts, shun all such unscientific and worse than worthless contrivances as you would shun a pestilence. No matter how plausible the web of arguments woven to entrap you, be assured, they are the utterance of knaves who care not what false hopes they encourage so they secure your money. Consult only those whose well known skill, experience and integrity will insure honest dealings and the most scientific treatment known to the "healing art," and who supply the latter at reasonable cost. Be assured also, that when, through proper treatment, your weakness and functional derangements are overcome, the parts that have suffered |