If the following letters had been written by your best known and most esteemed neighbors they could be no more worthy of your confidence than they now are, coming, as they do, from well known, intelligent and trustworthy citizens, who, in their several neighborhoods, enjoy the fullest confidence and respect of all who know them. Out of thousands of similar letters received from former patrons, we have selected these few at random, and have to regret that we can find room only for this comparatively small number in this volume. BLOOD DISEASE.Raw Sores from Knee to Ankle. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.:
Dear Sirs—My little boy, Amasa Claude Peck, was severely stricken with what the doctors called erysipelas. We had employed two doctors for months without any effect, until he commenced taking your Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Two bottles effected a cure. His leg was raw from his knee to his ankle; it has never broken since, which has been several years. The same medicine also did great things for my now deceased husband in a case of erysipelas of long standing. Respectfully yours,
My daughter Mrs. Jennie Rice, was cured of catarrh in her head by using the "Discovery" with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. She derived great benefit from your medicines and gives the privilege of using her name.
Dear Sirs—Ten or twelve years ago I had a combination of diseases. Our family physician said I was bloodless and there was no hopes of my recovering. My mother advised me to consult you, which I did. After one month's treatment I was on foot again; it was truly astonishing how speedily I found relief after taking your preparations. I have also used your "Favorite Prescription" and "Golden Medical Discovery," which proved very beneficial.
Gentlemen—I am glad to say that the use of your medicine has saved me many doctors' bills, as I have for the past eleven years been using it for the erysipelas and also for chronic diarrhea, and am glad to say that it has never failed. I have also recommended it to many of my neighbors, as it is a medicine worth recommending. I give you the privilege of using my name
Dear Sir—I had been an invalid for nineteen years and had all the doctors in our country prescribe for me, but they could not say just what ailed me. When I wrote you giving the history and symptoms, you diagnosed my case as disease of the blood and kidneys, and advised me to try your "Golden Medical Discovery" and "Pellets" and I feel confident your medicines saved my life, and I hope all sufferers from kidney and blood diseases will try your valuable medicine.
Gentlemen—About five years ago I was taken with a discoloration of the skin on my legs and arms, which in a short time terminated in the most aggravated eczema. My sufferings were intense, and no relief did I experience, until I commenced the use of your preparations. I have taken five bottles of the "Golden Medical Discovery," and more than that number of the "Pellets," and believe that I am entirely cured. I never feel the least itching, or burning, which was at one time so unbearable. My appetite and digestion are splendid, and, although I will be seventy years old my next birthday, I am as hearty and strong as most men of fifty.
Mr. G. MILTON SYDNOR, Druggist, of Warsaw, Richmond Co., Va., writes: "My friend, Mr. J.P. Delano, has requested me to write you in confirmation of his statement, which I cheerfully do. I know Mr. Delano well personally, and can testify to the correctness of his statement. His case of eczema was the worst that I had ever seen. I saw him often during the time he was afflicted, as he came to my store often after medicine. He purchased the "Discovery" and "Pellets" from me, and has been one of the strongest champions of your medicines, and thus aided me very much in their sale. I am quite sure that he has been the means of my selling several dozens of that preparation." BOILS CURED.WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.:
Gentlemen—I was troubled with boils for thirty years. Four years ago I was so afflicted with them that I could not walk. I bought Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and took one "Pellet" after each meal. The boils soon disappeared and have had none since. I have also been troubled with sick headache. When I feel the headache coming on, I take one or two "Pellets," and am relieved of it.
A TERRIBLE SKIN DISEASE.Jackson, N.C. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Dear Sirs—I had been troubled with skin disease all my life. As I grew older the disease seemed to be taking a stronger hold upon me. I tried many advertised remedies with no benefit, until I was led to try your "Golden Medical Discovery." When I began taking it my health was very poor; in fact, several persons have since told me that they thought I had the consumption. I weighed only about 125 pounds. The eruption on my skin was accompanied by severe itching. It was first confined to my face, but afterwards spread over the neck and head, and the itching became simply unbearable. This was my condition when I began taking the "Discovery." When I would rub the parts affected a kind of branny scale would fall off. For a while I saw no change or benefit from taking the "Discovery," but I persisted in its use, keeping my bowels open by taking the "Pellets," and taking as much outdoor exercise as was possible, until I begun to gain in flesh, and gradually the disease released its hold. I took during the year somewhere from fifteen to eighteen bottles of the "Discovery." It has now been four years since I first used it, and though not using scarcely any since the first year, my health continues good. My average weight being 155 to 160 pounds, instead of 125, as it was when I began the use of the "Discovery." Many persons have reminded me of my improved appearance. Some say I look younger than I did six years ago when I was married. I am now forty-eight (48) years old, and stronger, and enjoy better health than I have ever done before in my life. Yours truly,
Gentlemen—I was troubled with eczema, or salt-rheum, seven years. I doctored with a number of our home physicians and received no benefit whatever. I also took treatment from physicians in Rochester, New York, Philadelphia, Jersey City, Binghamton, and received no benefit from them. In fact I have paid out hundreds of dollars to the doctors without benefit. My brother came to visit us from the West and he told me to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. He had taken it and it had cured him. I have taken ten bottles of the "Discovery" and am entirely cured and if there should be any one wishing any information I would gladly correspond with them. If they enclose return stamped envelope.
Gentlemen—I am forty-eight years old, and have had four children. Three years ago the doctor said I had womb trouble, which was accompanied with backache and a tired and miserable feeling all over; left side hurt me very much, and could not lie on that side, and the doctor said it came from affection of the spleen; had a great deal of headache; was costive, and suffered terribly from erysipelas; it nearly set me crazy, so great was the burning and itching; sometimes experienced severe burning in the stomach. I took twelve bottles of your medicines, six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and the same amount of his "Favorite Prescription." Was using them for about six months, and can say that they did their work well. I have ever since felt like another person, and do not think I can say enough in their praise. I have no more weakness, and all evidence of erysipelas has disappeared.
Gentlemen—About four years ago my daughter, Helen G. Harris, was afflicted with Eczema in a distressing form. She tried medicines too numerous to mention, but they did no good. I told her that I would write to Dr. Pierce, which I did, and after a few months' use of his medicines she was entirely cured. I believe your medicines unequaled. MRS. JNO. H. RICHARDSON, a widow living near Wakefield, Va., a few years ago, was in extremely bad health, and used your proprietary medicines with entire success.
Gentlemen—It gives me pleasure to express my faith in the virtue of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Having suffered for three years from salt-rheum and after having been unsuccessfully treated by a good physician, I began the use of the "Discovery." The humor was in my hands. I was obliged to keep a covering on them for months at a time, changing the covering morning and night. The stinging, burning and itching sensation would be so intense that at times it seemed as if I would go crazy. When I bent the fingers the flesh would crack open and bleed. It is impossible for me to describe the intense pain and suffering which I endured night and day. After taking six bottles of the "Discovery" I was entirely cured.
Gentlemen—I desire to state that I am perfectly well and very thankful to you for curing me. The medicines which I used for two months only have effected a perfect and permanent cure of my case. My face looks as well as ever. I was six weeks under treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, and I got first-class accommodation. The case was a strange one. The pimples did not break out on my chin where I had let my beard grow, they broke out on my cheeks, forehead and nose. A doctor in San Francisco told me it was blood poison and said it was very hard to cure it. I think if it were blood poison it would run all through my system. When I first felt the disease coming on in winter—my face used to be very cold. I worked under the sun fourteen years every summer. I wore no hat—nothing but a skull cap. I thought I was sun-proof. The doctor in San Francisco stopped the disease for one year but it came back again. I had it for five years. It came on from hard work and exposure in the sun. When my face would break out in the fall it got so itchy, and then little pimples would break out on my face, nose and forehead. I think parasites were in my face. If I would drink a glass of beer, I would feel the effects of it in my face, and tobacco would affect me just the same. My face, nose and forehead would be spotted all over like a "fiddler's note book," every fall for five years. I never saw a case like mine. The doctor said if I would get tanned with the sun I would be all right. In the kind of work I had to do, I could wear no hat.
Gentlemen—I can say that my health is better now than for the last fifteen years. I cannot say what my disease was, but I was as spotted as a leopard with brown spots; I was so miserable and nervous, and could not sleep. I took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery one year, and the brown spots all disappeared and I am well. Have not taken any medicine in two years. I think the "Golden Medical Discovery" a splendid medicine for stomach, liver and skin disease. I got no help from the other doctors. I used only the "Golden Medical Discovery."
WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, No. 663 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y.: Dear Sirs—I was sick eight long years with the scrofulous humor and I used Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and it cured me. I used five bottles and I have used it since for other troubles. It has helped me wonderfully, in fact cured me, and I recommend it to all my friends.
"HEART-RENDING TO BEHOLD".Terrible Suffering from Skin Disease. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—My baby when about three months old began to have little sores come out on his face; did not amount to much until six months old, then they began to spread all over his face and head until his face, head and ears were one solid sore. Our family physician was summoned at the early stages of the disease and tried everything he knew of for the cure of the same, but nothing did him any good. The disease baffled the skill of the doctor in every way, and I was advised by friends to try certain remedies, which I did, with very little effect. The child by this time was a heart-rendering sight to behold, and suffered unknown agonies with the torturing itching and burning of the sores, and so things ran on until my brother, who resides in Buffalo, visited me. As soon as he saw the child he advised me to have him treated at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute in Buffalo. I wrote to them stating my baby's case, asking them if they could help him, and they thought they could, so began their treatment at once by using salves externally and medicine internally and as soon as they began their treatment the child began to improve and continued so until he was entirely cured in six months' time. He is now two years and six months old and is as tough as any child you ever saw; weighs thirty-five pounds and is perfectly well, thanks to Dr. Pierce and his wonderful medicines.
Gentlemen—About four years ago I took scrofula, and did everything that doctors and others prescribed, but only got worse. Several abscesses formed about my neck and breast, discharging a quantity of matter. I got so weak I could scarcely walk about the house. I read all the medical works I could get hold of, and, among the rest, read some of your works. You described my case, and recommended Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery with his "Pleasant Pellets." So I procured some and commenced using them and soon began to mend. In six months my sores were all healed up, and in twelve months I was entirely well. I am forty-five years old and believe I am as stout as I ever was in my life. I used about one dozen bottles of the "Golden Medical Discovery" with the "Pellets," and used nothing else after I began using your medicines. So I must give your medicine all the praise for curing me, and I am bound to recommend it.
CROSS EYES.Convergent Strabismus. Instant and Painless Cure.
WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—I am happy to certify to your skill. I had been afflicted with badly crossed eyes from my birth, and my sight was impaired, and I was badly disfigured. By a painless operation my eyes were instantaneously restored to a proper position and my sight much improved. Your Hotel and skillful surgery merit every recommendation.
Gentlemen—When I was two years old my eyes broke out in little white pimples and itching all the time in the mornings; when I awakened my eyes would have to be washed open; I could not see and when they were washed open the corruption would run down my face and drop off. I have tried all of our physicians and their medicine did me no good. A physician attended them from Ellicott City and did them no good. He said it was the running scrofula in the eyelids and could never be cured; it had continued fourteen years, and I had given up all hopes of ever being cured until I saw your advertisement of the "People's Common Sense Medical Adviser," and I sent and got one, and I saw a great deal in it about the eyes. I wrote to you about them and you prescribed for me. Now my eyes are quite well. Some advised me to wear glasses, but you said not. I have been a great sufferer but am glad to say you did me all the good that I have received.
Gentlemen—After taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for four weeks, at a cost of only $1.50, I am more than pleased to announce that my eyes are perfectly well and strong as ever. I doctored and fussed with quack medicines for about one year and a half and found no relief. Finally I consulted your "Medical Adviser" and found a case similar to mine so I wrote and got a speedy reply. I followed directions, which resulted in a speedy cure as above.
DR. R.V. PIERCE: Dear Sir—When about three years old I was taken with mumps, also had fever, finally I had that dreaded disease Scrofula. The most eminent physicians in this section treated me to no avail. I had running scrofulous sores on left side of neck and face. I was small and weakly when eight or nine years old, and in fact was nearly a skeleton. Six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery wrought marvelous changes. Although the sores were healed in eight months, I did not quit taking it until I was sure it had been entirely routed from my system. The only signs left of the dreadful disease are the scars which ever remind me of how near death's door I was until rescued by the "Discovery." I am now eighteen years old and weigh 148 pounds; and have not been sick in five years.
"FEVER SORES."WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—My daughter who is now 18 years of age was attacked with a severe pain and swelling in her ankle, which soon caused her to have high fever. We employed some of the best physicians in this locality who pronounced it rheumatism, did everything for her they could do, but she kept getting worse from day to day, and in about five weeks after she was first taken sick her ankles and legs came open and discharged a lot of yellow matter and finally slivers of bones came out of the openings in her ankles. All the doctors we consulted said that we would have to have an operation performed on her and have the dead bones taken out, or else she could not get well, with the exception of one of the doctors who said that if her health could be improved the dead bones would come out and be replaced with new ones, for the dead pieces would brake loose from the sound bone and come out through the opening with the matter; but he could not do anything to improve her health. After doctoring her three months she was reduced to a mere skeleton and had to be tended to like a mere baby and have her feet elevated, or else she would scream with pain. We commenced giving her Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. After using it for one month we could see, for the first time, that she was getting no worse, and after using about five bottles her health began to improve a little; but she still suffered with pain and could not have her feet down until she had taken twelve bottles. When she had taken fifteen bottles—she began to walk on crutches, and later with a cane, for about two or three months, when she could walk without a crutch or cane. The diseased bones gradually came out in pieces, some of them an inch to two inches long and one-fourth of an inch thick; the sores healed as soon as the last dead bone was out. She is now a strong healthy young lady as her photograph plainly shows.
GENERAL DECLINE, RUNNING SORE ON LEG.Fort Coulonge, Pontiac Co., Quebec. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—Thanks be to God, and you, I have the best of health since I have taken your special medicine and one bottle of "Favorite Prescription." I was as weak as any person could be without dying, and I am as healthy as any person can be to-day, and I have gained ten pounds since, and a great many people remark to me how much better I look. Also, I can mention to you another person who was cured by your "Golden Medical Discovery." His name is John McCoy. For near two years he never walked. He suffered from a running sore on his leg, and after using twelve bottles, he could walk all right and is well to-day The doctors wanted to have it taken off. You say in your letter you would like to have a photograph. I have none and there is no photograph gallery in this village or I would have one taken.
ECZEMA.DR. R.V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N.Y.: Dear Sir—When I was married I weighed 125 pounds. I was taken sick with a disease which my doctor said was eczema. He failed to do me any good, and I fell away to 90 pounds. I had dyspepsia so bad that I could not eat anything. My husband got me "sarsaparillas" and "cures" and "bitters," and nothing did me any good. Finally he got two bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I began using it, and, thank God and you, I improved; now I weigh 140 pounds, and my skin is as smooth as a baby's. My husband says I look younger than I did the first time he saw me. I have better health than ever, and I owe it all to you. It is a miracle that I am cured. I cannot say too much about the medicine.
Dear Sir—I write in regard to your great "Golden Medical Discovery." I cannot be thankful enough to you for what it has done for me. As a result of the grippe I had dropsy, and ulcers formed on my legs with a most intolerable itching at night after going to bed. My circulation was very poor and liver inactive. I feel perfectly well since I took the medicine. The old sores on my legs are all healed up, and I feel like a new man. I highly recommend your "Golden Medical Discovery" to any inquiring person, for it has saved my life.
Gentlemen—It pleases me to state that I had a running sore up on my neck, and had it operated upon three times, and still it was not cured. I was also run down very much. There was a decided change after using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I took a few bottles and was soon cured Later my husband had a lump behind his ear; he tried your medicine, and one bottle cured him. I shall always recommend your medicines.
"OLD SORES" ON LEGS.Alexander, N.C. DR. R.V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N.Y.: Dear Sir—Your "Golden Medical Discovery" has proven a blessing to me. It was recommended to me by Rev. P.A. Kuykendall. I have been a sufferer with old sores on my legs for four years. I used three bottles of it, and my legs are sound and well and my health is better than it has been for some time. I had the best doctors of this country treat my case and they failed to effect a cure.
Gentlemen—At the age of eight years I became afflicted with "Hip-joint Disease." For a year I suffered as much as it was possible for a human being to suffer. My physicians told me I would have to wait patiently, but my father procured me some of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, and I found my falling health restored. I can cheerfully say that I believe I owe my life to the use of that valuable medicine.
Miss MARY E. RIDGLEY, of Gales Creek, Washington Co., Oregon, when only three years old, had lameness in one of her lower limbs but the use of liniment and Dr. Pierce's Pellets relieved her, and she got better. When six years old the trouble developed into hip-joint disease, so pronounced by her physician. She lost the use of the limb. Was three months under the doctors, but got no better. She complained of great pain in the limb, especially in the knee and hip. The limb wasted away, becoming small and short, and her back became crooked. She had no appetite; was very weak. Hip and knee were very tender to the touch. Physician's treatment not helping her, her mother began to give her "Golden Medical Discovery." Four months afterwards she wrote Dr. Pierce as follows: "She is growing fast, and never complains of any pain or ache. She sleeps well, and eats heartily. Her leg has filled up, and is as big as the other. She plays around all day with the other children. Everybody is astonished to see how she has improved." In the margin we print Miss Ridgley's picture as she appears twelve years after this treatment, at the age of eighteen. The young lady herself, writes Dr. Pierce as follows: "Your medicines are worth their weight in gold. I was cured of hip-joint disease by the "Golden Medical Discovery" and "Pellets," and I feel sure that they can cure the worst cases if given a chance." HIP-JOINT DISEASE OF 11 YEARS' STANDING.P.O. Box 128, Gagetown, Tuscola Co., Mich. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.: Gentlemen—When I began taking your medicines I was in bed, nothing would relieve me, my hip being swelled seemingly ready to burst. When I began to take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and "Pellets," the swelling gradually decreased; when I had taken one bottle I was able to be up. I don't know how long I will remain well, but I am satisfied that it is the medicine that did the work: I take it right along; as long as I can keep the way I am now, I am satisfied. I have recommended your remedies, and will continue to do so.
Gentlemen—I am willing and pleased to have you publish anything I have written in regard to the cure of my little son of Goitre (that a surgeon of N. Adams said could never be cured). I do hope that by so doing some little one may escape the misery my little one suffered for over a year until I began the use of the "Golden Medical Discovery." I followed your directions found in the little book around the bottles. Before the first bottle was gone, he could eat and sleep without that coughing and choking that, before the use of the "Discovery," was impossible. The tumor began to lessen in size, and after the third bottle I would never have known he ever had a tumor there. He is now hearty and healthy. Sleeps as good as any child and is full of life. He does not take anything to prevent a return, and has not for over a year. I have one of your Common Sense Medical Advisers, and found it worth five times what I gave for it; I have helped others to get it and the "Medical Discovery" and "Favorite Prescription" have brought relief to many through me I use the "Prescription" off and on; it has given me strength; I think I should have been an invalid long ago without it. Every one here knows the truth of this letter, and I would tell it to the world if I could. Respectfully,
THICK NECK (GOITRE),Nervous Debility and Weakness Cured.
Miss ELLA A. HOUGHTON, of Theresa, Jefferson Co., N.Y., was cured of Thick Neck, Nervous Prostration, Weakness and a complication of ailments by Dr. Pierce's "Discovery" and "Favorite Prescription." She says: "My health is now as good as it was before I was sick. The swelling (goitre) has all gone from my neck. I don't have any bad feelings. My gratitude for the benefit I have received from your treatment has induced me to recommend you to all whom I know to be sick." "I have known of two or three middle aged ladies residing near here, who have been cured by your 'Favorite Prescription.'" GOITRE CURED.WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.:
Dear Sirs—I can say that your medicine has done its work well in the case of my sister, Miss Rachel Mann. She is entirely well of Goitre and throat trouble. I am glad to say that we can recommend your medicines very highly.
CARBUNCLES LARGE AS HEN'S EGGS!Eight or Ten Years Afflicted. Two Bottles only, Cure. WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, Buffalo, N.Y.:
Gentlemen—For about eight or ten years my father was laid up with carbuncles, the worst that I ever saw. He tried everything he heard of, and his doctor did everything he could for him, but nothing did him any good. Had six or seven carbuncles at a time, as large as a hen's egg; he got so weak and suffered so much he could not walk a step. It was in the summer of '72 or '73 that he had his bed put in the middle of his chamber and got on it to die. No one expected him to get well. Looking over the newspapers, he saw your "Golden Medical Discovery" advertised, and the good it had done. There was not any sold then in the country, so he sent to Richmond—forty-five miles—and got a bottle. When he began to take it he was nearly covered with carbuncles—little and big together. Before he had taken half-a-bottle they began to go away. Before he had taken two bottles he was entirely cured, and he has never been bothered with them since. Every time he sees any sign of them, he gets a bottle of "Golden Medical Discovery" and it cures them. My father, Col. T.U. Fogg, lives in West Point, King William Co., Va. He is now seventy-eight years old, and enjoys good health.
THICK NECK. (GOITRE.)Thick neck, or goitre, also sometimes called bronchocele, consists of an enlargement of the thyroid gland, which lies over and on each side of the trachea, or windpipe, between the prominence known as "Adam's apple" and the breast bone. The tumor gradually increases in front and laterally, until it produces great deformity, and often interferes with respiration and the act of swallowing. From its pressure on the great blood-vessels running to and from the head, there is a constant liability to engorgement of blood in the brain, and to apoplexy, epilepsy, etc. When the enlargement once makes its appearance, it continues to increase in size as long as the person lives, unless appropriate treatment be resorted to. It never disappears spontaneously. These tumors are much larger than those not familiar with them would suppose from their outward appearance, as they extend under and are bound down by the muscles on each side of the neck, so that they become embedded in the cellular tissues underneath, while the sides of the neck retain, to a considerable extent, their round and even appearance, whereby the real magnitude of the tumor is not apparent. Figure 7 represents the appearance of the neck of a person afflicted with this disease. The form of protuberance varies materially with different persons, that shown in the engraving being the shape which it ordinarily assumes.
The causes of the affection are not well understood. The use of snow-water, or water impregnated with some particular saline or calcareous matter, has been assigned as a cause. It has also been attributed to the use of water in which there is not a trace of iron, iodine, or bromine. A writer in a Swiss journal, Feuilles d' Hygiene, states that the disease is often due to an impeded circulation in the large veins of the neck, from pressure of the clothing, or from the head being bent forward, a position which is often seen in school children, when the muscles of the back of the neck have become fatigued. Treatment. We have obtained wonderful results by a new method of treatment, which consists in the employment of electrolysis in conjunction with other therapeutic means. There is scarcely a case in which this treatment, properly carried out, will not effect a radical cure. It is attended with no danger whatever. Those who are afflicted with this disease and unable to avail themselves of special treatment, cannot do better than to take Dr. Pierce's Alterative Extract, or Golden Medical Discovery, and apply to the skin over and around the tumor, night and morning the following solution which may be prepared at any drug store: iodine, one MUMPS. (PAROTITIS.)This is an inflammation of the parotid glands and generally occurs in childhood. It is often epidemic, and is manifestly contagious. It usually, though not always, appears on both sides of the neck at the same time. Symptoms. An external, movable swelling, just below and in front of the ear, near the angle of the jaw, is the prominent symptom. The enlargement is not circumscribed, but hard and painful, and attended with more or less fever, derangement of the secretions, and difficulty in swallowing. The swelling increases until the fourth and fifth day, when it gradually diminishes, and by the eighth or tenth is entirely gone. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by swelling of the breasts in the female, or the testicles in the male. Treatment. Usually but little treatment is necessary. Exposure to cold should be avoided. If severe or painful, with febrile symptoms, a hot foot-bath and small doses of the "Compound Extract of Smart-Weed," in some diaphoretic infusion, to induce sweating, together with small doses of aconite, will produce good results. If swelling of the testicles threatens (which seldom happens except on taking cold), resort should be had to mild cathartics, the spirit vapor-bath, stimulating liniments to the neck, and warm fomentations to the part attacked If delirium occurs, a physician should be summoned. INFLUENZA, OR LA GRIPPE.This is an infectious disease, characterized by depression, and usually associated with a catarrhal condition of the mucous membrane. It may affect the respiratory organs or the intestinal canal. There is a marked liability to serious complications, of which pneumonia is the most dangerous. The disease is evidently due to a specific virus of great infectiveness, and is more active and contagious at certain seasons and under certain conditions of the atmosphere. By some it has been supposed that it is due to a miasma in the air, but the character of its infection indicates that the true virus is of a germinal nature. Uncomplicated cases recover, but in the aged and in the delicate we may see fatal results, due usually to the profound depression or the high temperature to which the individual is subjected. There is much redness and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat—a bronchitis—and a catarrhal state of the stomach and intestines. These may all be present, or the disease may center upon one particular portion of the animal economy, and manifest its ravages there alone. The most dangerous complication is pneumonia. These cases may follow bronchitis, or the grip may begin with well-characterized symptoms of this disease, for which see the chapters upon this trouble. The sputa may not be rusty until after several days. The crisis is usually slow, and a considerable proportion recover, the disease frequently showing a sudden change for the better, and the patient being up and around in a few days. Cases complicated with pneumonia are the most indefinite in their symptoms, and require the closest attention. Treatment. In every case the disease must be regarded as a dangerous one, and the patient be confined to bed and indoors until all fever has disappeared, otherwise sudden and serious manifestations are liable to appear at any time. The patient must be well fed and nourished from the outset. The bowels should be acted upon by mild laxatives, such as castor oil or Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, using from one to three. It is also of advantage afterward to move them twice each day, by the injection of warm water, to which has been added a teaspoonful of table salt to each pint. This injected into the rectum, using the water slightly tepid, or cool if the patient is feverish, will tend to soften the actions from the bowels and favor the escape of poisonous matter. The cool water has also a soothing effect upon the fever and nervous system. If the fever is high, and there is delirium, small doses of aconite, with water, should be used every half hour or hour, but all depressing agents of this kind must be used with caution, as profound prostration sometimes develops. Warm baths, repeated frequently, and followed by hot lemonade, are of the greatest benefit in reducing the feverish condition and quieting the patient. The bed should be warmed after these are administered and the patient given hot lemonade to bring on free action of the skin, kidneys, and bowels. Where the pulse is weak, the free use of stimulants, as wine, coffee, tea, and brandy or whiskey, are required, as the great danger of the disease is a depression of the heart. In severe bronchitis, pneumonia, and other complications, appropriate treatment should be applied. |