It is generally conceded that a multitude of human ailments arise from indigestion, and in its various forms it taxes the skill of the physician to prescribe the proper remedies. It is undeniable that the closest intimacy exists between happiness and good digestion. A healthy digestion aids materially in making a cheerful disposition, and the "feast of reason and flow of soul" is due as much to the functional integrity of the stomach as to a strong and generous mental organization. Dr. Johnson severely said: "Every man is a rascal as soon as he is sick." We all know that a morbid condition irritates the individual and excites sarcastic and disagreeable remarks. And, likewise, an irritable temper and, suddenly aroused passions may not only turn and disturb the stomach, but even poison the secretions. Anxiety, excitability, fear, and irritability frequently cause the perversion of physiological processes. The slightest functional disturbance of the stomach deranges, more or less, all the succeeding operations of digestion and tends to the vitiation and impairment of the delicate processes of nutrition. Dyspepsia may commence and proceed so insidiously as not to excite the suspicion of friends, although the patient generally desires active treatment, such as cathartics, emetics, and medicines to act upon the liver. When the disease becomes confirmed, it presents some of the following symptoms: Weight, uneasiness, and fullness in the region of the stomach, attended by impatience, irritability, sluggishness, anxiety, and melancholy; there is impairment of the appetite and taste, also sourness, flatulency, and, perhaps, frequent attacks of colic, loss of hope, courage, and energy; apathy, drowsiness, and frightful dreams are also symptoms common in the different stages of this disease. There are, furthermore, the accompanying symptoms of a coated tongue, bitter taste in the mouth, unpleasant eructations, scalding of the throat from regurgitation, offensive breath, sick headache, giddiness, disturbed sleep, sallow countenance, heart-burn, morbid craving after food, constant anxiety and apprehension, fancied impotency, and fickleness. The subjects of dyspepsia frequently imagine that they require medicines to act upon the liver, desire active treatment, are endlessly experimenting in diet, daily rehearse their symptoms, and are morbidly sensitive. Causes. Overtasking the body or mind, overloading the stomach, the use of improper food, such as stale vegetables and meat, unripe fruits, indigestible articles, improperly prepared food, irregular meals, disorderly habits, the use of alcoholic stimulants, loss of sleep, masturbation irritability of temper, anxiety, or grief may all give rise to indigestion. Whatever diminishes the general strength, impairs the health, or encroaches upon the functions of life, also hinders the perfect solution of food and disturbs in a measure the function of digestion. Whatever diminishes the normal amount of the digestive secretions or perverts their quality, deteriorating their solvent properties, is a cause of dyspepsia. This should be borne in mind in selecting remedies. Treatment. The hygienic treatment consists in the regulation of the daily habits, proper selection and preparation of the food, cultivation of cheerfulness, diversion of the mind, and cleanliness of person. We cannot give particular directions as to the kind of diet, as there are no established rules for guidance. Generally, a dyspeptic knows best, from experience, what articles of diet can be taken with the least injury. The directions applicable to the condition of one patient, are not suited to those of another. In dyspepsia, animal food is, as a rule, preferable. Foods rich in starchy matter often ferment and produce distress. Sometimes alkalies may be given with beneficial effect, when there seems to be an excess of acid in the gastric secretions. In some cases, the digestive fluids are weak and fermentation results, giving rise to flatulency and belching. An antiseptic, which may be prepared by mixing a teaspoonful of hydrochloric acid with four ounces of water, of which a teaspoonful may be taken after each meal, will prove beneficial to check the fermentation and aid digestion. The addition of one or two drops of a mixture of one part of carbolic acid and six of glycerine, to the above solution of hydrochloric acid improves its antiseptic properties. Or, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will stop undue fermentation, and from its tonic and invigorating effect upon the lining membranes of the stomach will generally overcome the indigestion. Some people are afraid to take it, when suffering from indigestion, because it has a sweet taste. But the sweet is not saccharine, or sugar sweet, but an entirely different sweet principle which prevents fermentation instead of promoting it. Acidity of the stomach and the attendant irritation may be allayed by the following mixture: Calcined magnesia, one drachm; refined sugar, one drachm; subnitrate of bismuth, one-half drachm; oil of cajeput, ten drops. The dose is half a teaspoonful an hour after every meal. Any dispensing druggist can put it up. It is frequently difficult to prevent the patient from over-distending the stomach, and thus impairing the tone of the muscular coats and prolonging the process of digestion. With plenty of time for scientific investigation, ample facilities to meet the demands upon his skill, and each succeeding case presenting some new phase, the treatment becomes a matter of absorbing interest to the specialist, and each success inspires greater confidence. We not only use in the treatment of indigestion, solvent remedies, like pepsin, which act only upon proteids, but also other remedies of recent discovery, which exert a remarkable curative influence in diseases of the digestive organs. The chemistry of digestion and of life is becoming better understood. Any of the free acids may serve to dissolve a precipitated phosphate; but it is only the investigating therapeutist and experienced practitioner who understands which of them is the most and which is the least efficacious. Alkalies may dissolve lithic deposits, but who, unless he be an experienced physician, can detect the fault of nutrition which leads to their formation, or rightly interpret the symptoms indicating it? These simple illustrations of the complications which attend dyspepsia, are mentioned merely to show that they must be anticipated and taken into account in the treatment. The number of cases of dyspeptic invalids treated by the staff of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute within file past few years, is so large as scarcely to be credited by those unacquainted with the prevalence A careful chemical and microscopical examination of the urine often discloses the actual morbid conditions which perpetuate this functional disease. CHRONIC DIARRHEA.On account of the frequency and importance of chronic diarrhea, we deem it worthy of special consideration. It is frequently the sequel of the acute form of the affection. The urgent and severe symptoms of acute diarrhea are often abated, but the disease is not completely cured. The bowels are left in an irritable condition, perhaps in a state of chronic ulceration, which perpetuates morbid discharges. The most noticeable symptom is the tendency to frequent and unhealthy discharges from the intestines. The evacuated matter varies much in appearance and character in different cases. The precise location of the morbid conditions which give rise to the discharges, as well as to their extent, modifies the color, consistency, and ingredients of the stools. Most frequently they are dark colored and of very offensive odor. They are of a more liquid character than is natural, except when, as is sometimes the case, periods of constipation alternate with periods of unnatural looseness. Tormina, or griping, is usually present, but not so severe as in the acute affection. Tenesmus, or straining, often accompanies it. The appetite is impaired, there is general debility, and the patient is nervous and irritable. The complexion becomes sallow, the skin dry and rough, the tongue dark colored, and the body emaciated. The affection may be the sequel of neglected or badly treated acute diarrhea, may arise from the injudicious use of powerful purgative medicines, may result from dissipation, unwholesome food, bad air, absence of light, long continued exposure to dampness and cold, overwork, and extreme mental anxiety. Sometimes it is associated with other diseases, such as Bright's disease of the kidneys, scurvy, or some of the various forms of scrofulous disease. Treatment. A warm, salt bath, several times a week, taken at bed-time, is beneficial. Flannel should be worn next to the skin, and the sleeping-room should be warm and well ventilated. As will be seen from testimonials hereinafter inserted, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has achieved great success in curing chronic diarrhea. Its use should be persisted in for a considerable time to strengthen and tone up the bowels. To relieve the discharges, take Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart Weed, as needed from time to time. CHRONIC INFLAMMATION OF THE LIVER.(CHRONIC HEPATITIS.)This is what is ordinarily termed liver complaint, torpid liver, and bilious disorder. Under this head may be considered all those chronic affections known as congestion, induration, and enlargement of the liver, and which result in deficient action, functional derangement, morbid secretion of bile, and various chronic affections. Symptoms. Owing to the liability of other organs to become diseased during the progress of chronic affections of the liver, great precision in diagnosis is required to determine, by the symptoms, the organ which is primarily diseased and those secondarily affected. This requires not only familiarity with the signs of a complicated disease, but also thorough anatomical knowledge of the diseased organ, of the morbid changes which occur in its structure, and their influence on its own functions, as well as on those of other organs. The symptoms may differ according to the circumstances, temperament, sex, age, or constitution of the individual, and the complications of the disease. The local indications are fullness of the right side, thus denoting congestion of the liver; a dull, heavy pain, which is increased The foregoing symptoms are not all present in one case, nor are any two cases alike in every respect. They vary according to the organs most implicated in the hepatic derangement. Thus, when chronic inflammation of the liver is associated with heart disease, the subject may have palpitation, excessive or defective action of the heart, attended with more or less pain and shortness of breath. If the lungs be specially influenced, then, in addition to the ordinary hepatic symptoms, there may be a dry cough, asthma, hurried respiration, bronchitis, hoarseness, and pain in the chest. If the stomach be the sympathizing organ, the tongue is coated white or brown, there is nausea, loss of appetite, flatulency, acidity, dyspepsia, fullness, and oppression, amounting, sometimes, to pain in the stomach after taking food; the food ferments and gives rise to eructations and various other manifestations of disorder. If the bowels are morbidly influenced by this affection, there is constipation or diarrhea, griping pain, distension of the abdomen, piles, and pain just within the points of the hips, thus indicating irritation of The colon. If the brain or nervous system sensitively responds, there is The preceding allusion to the complications of chronic inflammation of the liver shows the necessity of clearly distinguishing between the symptoms of this disorder and those reflected by the organs which sympathetically respond. To discriminate more effectually, and place the correctness of the diagnosis beyond doubt, we make a chemical and microscopical examination of the urine, and thereby detect the morbid products which it contains, and direct our attention to the diseased organs furnishing them. These examinations together with a complete history of the case, enable us to make a correct and definite diagnosis of the disease, and the extent to which it has affected the other organs. Before entering upon the consideration of treatment, let us briefly enumerate the functions of the liver: First, it removes matter, which, if allowed to remain in the blood, would become noxious and unfit it for the further support of the body. Secondly, by secreting bile, it furnishes to the digestive organs a fluid which assists in converting the food into chyle, stimulates the intestine to action, and then is itself transformed and absorbed with the chylous products, after which it circulates with the blood and assists in nutrition until, becoming injurious and pernicious, it is re-secreted and re-elaborated to serve again, as described. For its growth and nourishment, the liver is furnished with blood by the hepatic artery; but for the purpose of secretion and depuration, it is abundantly supplied with venous blood by the portal system, which is made up of veins from the spleen, stomach, pancreas, and intestines. This impure, venous blood, surcharged with biliary elements, which must be withdrawn from it, is freely poured into the minute network of this glandular organ. In a healthy condition of the liver, the carbonaceous elements of the blood are converted into sugar, and the constituents of the bile are liberated by the liver, and set apart for further duties. When it fails to eliminate these noxious elements from the blood, it is itself thoroughly vitiated by them. The Door of Life. The fear of pain and the dangers of childbirth fill many a woman's breast with dismay. In the olden days of leeches and witchcraft, it was considered sacrilegious to lessen the pains of labor. Latterly, anÆsthetics have been used at the time of parturition, and now people are beginning to find out that pain and danger can be almost wholly avoided. Proper preparation during gestation will make both as rare as they used to be common. There is no reason why childbirth should be fraught with danger and distress. It is a perfectly natural function, and should be performed in a natural way without undue suffering. Nature never intended that women should be tortured when doing the one thing which makes them wholly womanly. The perversion of nature's laws has brought this suffering about, and a return to right living will stop it. Nine out of ten women are troubled more or less by weakness and diseases peculiar to their sex. It is so because they do not take proper care of themselves—because they neglect little ills and little precautions. A woman in perfectly hearty health goes through her time of trial with comparative ease. The thing to do then, is to make all pregnant women healthy—to strengthen them generally and locally. The medicine and tonic to do it with is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a powerful invigorant and nervine. It soothes and strengthens the nerves and acts directly on the feminine organism in a way which fits it for the proper and regular performance of all its functions at ill times. Taken during gestation it robs childbirth of its dangers to both mother and child, by preparing the system for delivery, thereby shortening ABORTION. (MISCARRIAGE.)The term abortion is used to denote the premature expulsion of the foetus. If the expulsion takes place within four months after impregnation, it is termed abortion; if between the fourth and seventh month, miscarriage; if after the seventh month, but before the completion of the full period of gestation, premature labor. Abortion may be due to those agents which act directly upon the uterus and cause the expulsion of the foetus; to those which occasion the death of the foetus, thereby effecting its ejection; and it may be criminal, that is, produced intentionally by direct agencies intended for that purpose. Symptoms. The premonitory symptoms are pain in the loins and lower part of the back, a dull pain in the abdomen and thighs, nausea, chills, and palpitation. The membranes and blood-vessels of the uterus become lacerated, causing profuse hemorrhage. The discharge of blood from the vagina is sometimes attended with excessive pain. The Causes which act directly upon the uterus to produce abortion may be violent exercise, lifting, accidents, or injuries from blows or falls. Nervous susceptibilities, a plethoric condition of the system, anÆmia, exhaustive discharges, use of improper food, uterine displacements, congestion caused by excessive sexual excitement, general debility or muscular irritability, which is sometimes so great as to produce contractility of the uterus before the term of pregnancy is completed, inflammation of the cervix, ulcerations of the uterus, or any previously existing disease may produce abortion. When it has once taken place, it is apt to recur at about the same time in subsequent pregnancies. The death of the foetus may be occasioned by a diseased condition of the embryo, amnion, or placenta, and also by convulsions or peritoneal inflammation. Criminal Abortion is secretly practiced by women who desire to rid themselves of the evidence of immorality, and by those in wedlock who wish to avoid the care and responsibility of rearing offspring. Statistics show that it is very prevalent, undermining the health of women and corrupting the morals of society. We cannot pass over this subject in silence. Those who frustrate the processes of nature by violating the laws of life incur just penalties. All the functions of life and body are vitally concerned in reproduction. Any infraction of the Divine law, "Thou shalt not kill," is inevitably followed by punishment. The obligations to nature cannot be evaded without inevitable
What shall we say concerning abortionists, men and women who are willing to engage in the murder of innocents for pay? True, there may be circumstances in which it is not right to continue in the pregnant condition, such as when the children of an unfortunate marriage are idiots, or the pelvis of the woman is so deformed that she cannot bear a living child. All such cases should be submitted to the family physician, who ought to be made acquainted with all the circumstances and facts relating to the case, when he can summon other physicians for counsel, and their deliberations may determine the propriety or necessity of bringing on an abortion. Parties have written to us and others have made personal application under circumstances when it might have been right for their family physician to have induced abortion. We wish to have it distinctly understood that we will not under any circumstances prescribe medicines or perform any operation to relieve women of pregnancy. Mechanical means are resorted to by abortionists, and many women produce abortion upon themselves. It always terminates in lasting injury and sometimes in speedy death. Certain medicines will sometimes produce abortion but they are very unsafe. An opinion is very prevalent that if abortion be produced before the movements of the foetus are felt, there is no crime committed. It should be remembered that life begins with conception, and, at whatever period of pregnancy abortion is committed, life is destroyed. Whoever disobeys the Divine injunction cannot escape his own consciousness of the deed, and the anguish and bitter remorse which ever after disturb the soul. Treatment. In threatened abortion, there is pain in the back or lower part of the abdomen, and later some flow of blood. The first object is to obtain perfect rest and quiet, and assume the recumbent position. By lying down, the blood will be more easily diverted to the surface of the body. Gallic acid, in doses of five grains every two or three hours, is often a valuable agent to arrest the hemorrhage, but opium in some form should be relied upon principally. A Dover's powder, ten grains, may be administered, to assist in determining the blood to the surface and extremities of the body and to allay irritation. The room should be cool, the patient should lie on a hard bed, and all company should be avoided, for excitement favors abortion. If the flow of blood equals a gill in amount, there is little hope of preventing abortion, and the treatment of the case should be entrusted to the family physician. |