
While some women pass through the whole period of pregnancy without inconvenience, others suffer from various sympathetic disturbances, as "morning sickness," impaired appetite, constipation, diarrhea, headache, "heart-burn," fainting fits, difficult breathing, and sometimes convulsions. A strong nervous sympathy exists between the uterus and every part of the system and this sympathy is greatly intensified by pregnancy, causing the distressing symptoms above mentioned.

Treatment. By proper treatment, most of these evils can be obviated and the patient made comfortable. By the moderate use of such a nervine and uterine tonic as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, this nervous irritability may be controlled or subdued, and the disagreeable symptoms thus avoided.

While the female is pregnant, she should avoid all compression of the waist and abdomen. For this reason tight clothing, stays, or corsets must be discarded. She should also carefully regulate her diet, selecting that which is most nutritious and easily digested.

The nausea which occurs in the morning may generally be avoided by partaking of a little light food and a cup of tea or coffee before leaving the bed. If vomiting occurs, and the ejected matter be very acid, carbonate of magnesia, taken in tablespoonful doses, or some alkali with aromatics, or pulverized charcoal, which can be obtained at any drug store, will afford relief. If constipation or diarrhea be experienced, small doses of Dr. Pierce's Pellets should be employed—one or two only at a time. Want of appetite, headache, or a tendency to convulsions, can be generally overcome by a persistent use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which should be taken in teaspoonful doses three or four times each day. Indeed, this valuable medicine not only relieves the distressing symptoms which frequently attend the pregnant state, but also prepares the system for the ordeal of parturition (delivery). One or two bottles of this nervine and tonic used previous to confinement, will, in many cases, save hours of terrible suffering, besides regulating the system, and thus insuring a speedy recovery. We have received the heartfelt thanks of hundreds of grateful mothers for the inestimable benefit thus conferred. The Favorite Prescription is perfectly safe and harmless to use at all times and under all circumstances in the doses above prescribed.



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