
Diseases of the heart are classified as either functional or organic We shall dwell only briefly upon purely functional derangements of the heart; as increased, or excited action, defective, or enfeebled action, and irregular action.

Increased action of the heart, indicated by palpitation, or increased number of the beats, may be caused mechanically, as by distention of the stomach, which, by preventing the descent of the diaphragm, excites the action of this organ. Or it may be a sympathetic disturbance produced through the nervous system; thus the emotions and passions may suddenly arouse the heart to excessive action; or the presence of worms in the intestines, improper food, and masturbation, may be the cause. The use of tea, tobacco, and alcoholic drinks excites the heart. We have found that the excessive use of tobacco is very frequently the cause of functional derangement of this organ. Deficiency of the blood, as in anÆmia, may be the cause of palpitation of the heart.

Functional disturbance of the heart's action is manifested by palpitation, irregularity, intermissions, a rolling or tumbling movement, and a feeling as if the heart were in the throat. These symptoms often give rise to great apprehension, anxiety, fear, and depression of mind.

Treatment. The curative treatment of functional derangement of the heart must have reference to the causes producing it. If it is in consequence of indigestion, the appetite and digestion should be improved by observing regularity in the time of taking the meals, and eating very easily-digested food. The use of strong tea, coffee, tobacco, and spirits, should be interdicted, and regular exercise, rest, and sleep should be enjoined.

In all cases, the domestic management should include daily bathing, exercise in the open air, regular habits, and the avoidance of all causes which tend to excite the heart's irregularity.

The remedial treatment of these functional affections ought to be confided to some experienced physician, as the remedies are not within the ordinary reach of all families, nor if they were, would they have sufficient experience and knowledge to select and properly administer them.


By organic disease we mean disease pertaining to the structure of the heart itself, in contradistinction to functional disease, which has reference merely to the action of the heart. The heart is subject to various organic diseases, but we have only space to consider, in the briefest manner, those which are the most common. It is essential that the reader should have some knowledge of the anatomy and functions of the various parts of the heart in order that its diseases and their effects may be comprehended; therefore the anatomy and physiology of this [pg 548]organ, given in Part I, Chapter VII, of this work, should be carefully studied.

It is very evident that any disease which affects the structure and function of any part of the heart must, necessarily, give rise to certain modifications of the pulse, sounds, etc. It is through the observation and study of these modifications and changes that we arrive at a correct diagnosis as to the precise location and character of the disease.

Illustration: Fig. 1. Pond's Sphygmograph.
Fig. 1. Pond's Sphygmograph.

Until within comparatively recent years, physicians were very much in the dark regarding diseases of the heart. Now, however, with a thorough knowledge of the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the heart and the parts surrounding it, and with the aid of instruments which modern ingenuity has given us, we are able to diagnosticate with precision the slightest lesions of any part of this important organ, and, knowing their nature, to map out an appropriate course of treatment. With the aid of the stethoscope, invented by Laennec and improved upon by Camman, we are able to distinguish the slightest deviation from the normal sounds, and, by noting the character of the sound, the time when it occurs, the area over which It is heard most distinctly, and the direction in which it is transmitted, to locate the lesion which produces it. By the aid of the sphygmograph, first invented by Herrisson, and afterward improved upon by Ludwig, Vierordt, Marey, and lastly by Pond, of our own country, the pulsations at the wrist are registered, and thus made perceptible to the eye.

We herewith give a cut, Fig. 1, of Pond's instrument, and two tracings made by it. The first is a healthy tracing, and the second indicates enlargement, technically called hypertrophy, of the heart

Pericarditis, or inflammation of the membranous sac which surrounds the heart, may be either acute or chronic. The symptoms in acute pericarditis are made up from co-existing affections, and are frequently associated with articular rheumatism, Bright's disease of the [pg 549]kidneys, or pleuritis The intensity of the pain varies in different individuals. The action of the heart is increased, the pulse is quick, and vomiting sometimes takes place. When this disease is developed in the course of rheumatism, it is known as rheumatic pericarditis, and is almost always associated with endocarditis. In some cases acute pericarditis is very distressing, in others it is mild. The fatality is not due so much to the disease itself, as to co-existing affections. When it does not prove fatal, it sometimes becomes chronic.

In chronic pericarditis, pain is seldom present. The heart is generally more or less enlarged, its sounds are feeble, the first being weaker than the second.

Endocarditis, or inflammation of the membrane lining the cavities of the heart, is one of the most frequent forms of heart disease. It is almost invariably associated with acute rheumatism, or some of the eruptive fevers, as small-pox, scarlet fever, etc., and is due to the irritation of the unhealthy blood passing through the heart. The disease is generally attended with little or no pain, and, consequently, if the attending physician be not on the alert, it will escape his observation. When associated with acute rheumatism, the disease is only in rare instances directly fatal, but in the great majority of cases it leaves permanent organic changes, which sooner or later develop into valvular affections, and these may eventually destroy life. When the disease occurs, however, as the result of pyÆmia (blood-poisoning produced by the absorption of decomposing pus or "matter") or of diphtheria, or when it is associated with any other septic conditions, it constitutes a very grave element. Collections of matter formed on the membrane lining the heart and covering its valves, are liable to be detached and carried by the circulation to the brain, spleen, or liver, where they plug up some artery, and thus cause death of the parts which it supplies with blood.

Chronic endocarditis generally occurs in rheumatic subjects, unassociated with any acute disease, It may exist without any marked symptoms, except, perhaps, a sense of oppression and uneasiness in the chest, with palpitation. It produces a thickening and hardening of the membrane lining the heart, and generally causes a retraction, adhesion, and degeneration of some of the valves of the heart, thus bringing on valvular disease.

Valvular Lesions are, as we have seen, very frequently the result of endocarditis. They are of two kinds. First, those which prevent the valves from flapping back close to the walls of the ventricles, or arteries, thus diminishing, to a greater or lesser extent, the size of the valvular orifices, and offering an obstruction to the free flow of blood through them; and which consist of a thickening and retraction, or adhesion of the valves, chalky deposits, morbid growths, etc. Secondly, those which prevent complete closure of the valves, and thus permit a return of the blood into the cavity from which it has just [pg 550]been expelled. These latter consist of retractions, perforations, and partial detachments of the valves, chalky deposits around the base of the valves and in them, and rupture of the chordÆ tendineÆ.

These two forms of lesions are usually co-existent, one generally being more extensive than the other. Thus, the regurgitation may be slight, and the obstruction great, or vice versa. The symptoms and disturbance of the circulation are altogether dependent upon the location and form of the lesion, or lesions. Each valvular lesion has its characteristic sound, or murmur, which is heard at a particular period in the cycle of the heart's action, and it is, as before stated, from these sounds, from tracings of the pulse, and from the many other indications, that we arrive at a diagnosis. Thus, in obstruction of the orifice at the junction of the aorta with the left ventricle, one of the most frequent of valvular lesions, a murmur, generally harsh in character, is heard with the first sound of the heart, with greatest intensity directly over the normal position or the aortic semilunar valves. This is conveyed along the large arteries, and may be heard, less distinctly, over the carotids. In the sphygmographic tracing, the line of ascent is less abrupt than in the normal tracing (Fig. 2), and not nearly so high, and it is rounded at the top. In aortic regurgitation, the line of ascent is similar to that of the healthy tracing, but the line of descent is very sudden. The left side of the heart is almost invariably the primary seat of these affections, but in the latter stages of their course, the right side also is liable to become involved, and, as a consequence, there then exists great disturbance of the venous circulation, with a damming back of the blood in the veins, and passive congestion of the liver, kidneys and brain, followed by dropsy, albumen in the urine, etc.

Illustration: Fig. 2. The above is a representation of a tracing of a healthy pulse as made with the Sphygmograph.
Fig. 2. The above is a representation of a tracing of a healthy pulse as made with the Sphygmograph.

Hypertrophy of the Heart consists of a thickening of the muscular walls of this organ. It may be confined to one portion of the heart, or it may affect the entire organ. The affection has been divided into the following three forms: Simple hypertrophy, in which there is an increase in the thickness of the walls of the heart, without any augmentation in the capacity of the cavities, and which is usually the result of chronic Bright's disease, or great intemperance; eccentric hypertrophy, in which there is an increase in the thickness of the walls of the heart, together [pg 551]with increase in the capacity of the cavities, and which is generally the result of some valvular lesion; and concentric hypertrophy, in which there is an increase in the thickness of the walls of the heart, with a decrease in the capacity of the cavities. Valvular lesions, obstructions in the large arteries, or, in fact, any thing which calls upon the heart to constantly perform an undue amount of labor must, necessarily, produce hypertrophy of its muscular walls, just as the undue amount of labor which the blacksmith's arm is called upon to perform produces hypertrophy of its muscles. With this condition, the pulse is hard and incompressible, and the line of ascent in the sphygmographic tracing (Fig. 3) is higher than in health.

Illustration: Fig. 3.
Fig. 3.

Dilatation of the Heart is a condition which is closely allied to hypertrophy of the heart, and which consists of an increase in the capacity of the cavities of the heart, with diminished contractile power. In simple dilatation, there is an increase in the capacities of the cavities, without any marked change in the walls of the organ. It is usually the result of some disease which has produced great muscular prostration, and which has interfered materially with nutrition. More frequently, however, dilatation is the result of valvular lesions, and is associated with hypertrophy, there being an increase in the thickness of the walls with a diminution of the contractile power. The hypertrophy from valvular lesions goes on increasing until it reaches a certain stage, when dilatation commences, the two conditions then being associated.

Atrophy of the heart is the opposite to hypertrophy, and signifies a wasting away of the muscular substance, and a diminution in the thickness of the walls of the heart. Its power is diminished in proportion to the degree of atrophy.

Fatty Degeneration of the heart consists in the deposition of particles of fat within the sarcolemma (the sheath which invests the fibrils), which are substituted for the proper muscular tissue. If the fatty degeneration exists to any extent the muscular walls present a yellowish color, and the heart is soft and flabby. This may be confined to one ventricle, or it may affect the inner layer of fibres, the outer layer remaining unchanged. Degeneration of the left ventricle occasions feebleness of the pulse. Difficulty in breathing is one symptom of this disease, especially when the right ventricle is affected. There is pallor, feeble circulation, cold extremities, and frequently dropsy. [pg 552]Fatty degeneration is more liable to occur in corpulent persons, and between the ages of forty and fifty years.

Angina Pectoris, also termed neuralgia of the heart, might be included among the diseases of the nervous system, but as it is usually associated with a derangement in the action of the heart, it may be properly considered in this connection. The pain varies in intensity, sometimes being very acute, at others assuming a milder form. The action of the heart is more or less disturbed. The beats are irregular, at times being strong, while again they are feeble. A feeling of numbness is experienced in those parts to which the pain penetrates. These paroxysms usually continue but a few minutes, although they sometimes last several hours. Persons suffering from angina pectoris are liable to sudden death. It is connected with ossification, or other organic changes of the heart. Usually these paroxysms, if the life of the patient continues, become more and more frequent. The danger is not to be measured by the intensity of the pain, but by the co-existing organic disease. Although it is not absolutely certain that organic disease is present in all cases of angina pectoris, yet the exceptions are so rare that when the signs of organic disease cannot be detected, it may be inferred that angina is not the real affection, or that the existing lesions escape observation. Those who suffer from this disease are, in the great majority of cases, of the male sex, and rarely under the age of forty.

Treatment. In the foregoing consideration of organic diseases of the heart, we have omitted to speak of their remedial management, for the obvious reason that unprofessional readers are unable to correctly distinguish between the various diseases of this vital organ; and it would, therefore, be useless for us to attempt to instruct them as to the medicinal treatment of the different cardiac affections.

In the vast majority of instances, diseases of the heart are not necessarily speedily fatal. Persons have been known to live twenty years or more with very extensive organic disease of this organ.

It is very important, however, that a correct diagnosis be made in the early stages of these diseases, in order that an appropriate course of hygiene and treatment may be adopted, which will check their progress. While we cannot cure extensive organic diseases of the heart, we can check their progress, and prolong life, and render the condition of the subject comparatively comfortable. Since we are able to diagnosticate with the utmost precision the various affections of the heart, and since the discovery of certain specific medicines which exert most beneficial effects, we are enabled to treat this class of maladies with the most gratifying results. Thus we have seen a case in a very advanced stage of the disease, with the breathing so difficult that the subject had been compelled to remain almost constantly in the sitting posture, in the greatest agony, for so long a time that immense bed sores had formed on the seat; in which the dropsy had become so extensive that [pg 553]the skin of the legs had burst open; and yet this patient, through the influence of a specific course of treatment, was speedily relieved, and enabled to live in a comparatively comfortable condition for many months.

One afflicted with heart disease should abstain from the use of all kinds of stimulants, tobacco, and whatever tends to lower vitality. His life should be an even one, free from all excitement of any kind whatsoever. He should avoid severe physical exertion, and everything which causes the heart to beat with undue frequency.

There are certain symptoms, the result of chlorosis (the green sickness), a deficiency of blood, dyspepsia, uterine disease, and certain nervous affections, which may simulate those of real organic disease, but the physician of education and experience, with a trained ear, is able to detect the difference speedily.


Stomatitis, or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth, may include the entire surface of the gums, tongue, and cheeks, or appear only in spots. Vesicles are formed, having swollen edges and a white or yellow center, which finally ulcerate. When mild, the affection is confined to these parts.

If the inflammation is acute, the mouth is dry and parched, or as is more frequently the case, the flow of saliva is abundant and acrid, and, when swallowed, irritates the stomach and bowels, producing fever, diarrhea, griping pains, and flatulency. The tongue is either coated white or red, and is glossy, and the sense of taste is considerably impaired. Digestion and nutrition are then disturbed, and the patient becomes rapidly emaciated.

Thrush, or Canker, is that form of stomatitis in which white ulcers locate on the inner side of the upper lip, the tongue, or roof of the mouth; the irritation which they cause not only interferes with eating, but produces fever, together with the symptoms previously mentioned.

ApthÆ, or follicular inflammation, is distinguished by very painful little ulcers, single or in clusters, scattered over the surface of the tongue and lining of the mouth. Sometimes it is complicated with little lumps in the tongue. These form ulcers and denote scrofulous inflammation. Fissures and cracks in the tongue indicate derangement of the stomach.

The Causes of stomatitis, in nursing infants, are unhealthy milk, or effete matter, which, for lack of proper care and cleanliness, accumulates upon the nipple. In older children, improper diet, irritants, debility of the digestive functions, or hereditary syphilitic taint, disorder the blood and induce local inflammation.

Treatment. Locally, use a wash of golden seal or gold thread sweetened with maple-sugar, and rendered slightly alkaline with borax or saleratus. Also use a very weak, alkaline tea, or one of slippery-elm [pg 554]flour, to obviate the acridity of the secretions. If the sores do not heal, constitutional treatment may be required, as the use of the Golden Medical Discovery. The family physician should be consulted if the sore mouth resists all these remedial measures.


During the period of nursing, and sometimes in the latter months of pregnancy, women are liable to a peculiar variety of sore mouth. The soreness is sometimes so great that, although the appetite may be ravenous, the patient cannot eat. When this condition extends to the stomach and bowels, symptoms of a very grave character appear, and the disease, by interfering with the process of nutrition, causes emaciation and debility, and in extreme cases, death. It is a strange affection, nearly always disappearing upon weaning the child, though this course is not absolutely necessary. It appears to depend upon a hepatic, or gastric derangement, in connection with a vitiated condition of the blood, but how this is brought about is unknown.

Symptoms. The disease sometimes comes on suddenly, at others more slowly. The fact that the woman is either pregnant or nursing, is of importance in forming a diagnosis. At first there is a severe, scalding sensation of the tongue, mouth, and fauces, with pain, which is sometimes intense. The color of the tongue is often pink, or a light red, while the mouth is generally of a deeper hue. This stinging, biting sensation is accompanied by a profuse, watery discharge from the mouth, which seems extremely hot and acrid, causing excoriation whenever it comes in contract with the face or chin. The appetite is good, sometimes ravenous, but food or drinks, except of the blandest character, occasion such intense pain that the patient avoids their use. Ulceration occurs after a little time. The bowels are generally constipated, but when the disease extends to the stomach or intestines, diarrhea occurs. There is generally anÆmia, debility, and impairment of the vital powers.

Treatment. The indications for treatment in this affection are to overcome the vitiated condition of the blood, and to sustain the vital powers. The remedies for this purpose are alteratives, antiseptics, and tonics. Give the Golden Medical Discovery, the value of which may be greatly enhanced by adding one-half ounce of the fluid extract of baptisia to each bottle, in doses of a teaspoonful four times a day. Chlorate of potash, half an ounce in a pint of water, used as a wash and gargle, is of great value. A teaspoonful of the same may be swallowed several times a day. This will not interfere with other medicines. As a tonic, the tincture of the muriate of iron, in five to ten-drop doses, diluted with water, may be taken three or four times daily. Quinine, in one or two-gram doses, should be given with the iron if the debility be extreme. When there is great acidity of the stomach, which may be known by heart burn, saleratus may be taken in water, to neutralize it, [pg 555]but should not be drunk within an hour of the time for taking other medicines. If constipation exists, use the Pleasant Pellets. This course of treatment, thoroughly carried out, will seldom fail to effect a perfect cure, without weaning the child, yet this latter course may sometimes become advisable to promote the recovery of the patient. Should the treatment advised not produce the desired result, a skillful physician's services should be secured, as he may, in individual cases, distinguish other important indications which may enable him to modify the treatment to advantage.


These diseases are usually considered separately by medical writers but, as they are closely related, a simple diarrhea not unfrequently running into a cholera infantum or a dysentery, we shall consider them together.

Diarrhea is an affection characterized by unnaturally frequent evacuations from the bowels of a liquid of morbidly soft consistency. It may be simple or inflammatory, and acute or chronic.

A diarrhea is said to be bilious when the discharges are composed principally of serum, highly colored with yellow or green bile; catarrhal, when they are of a semi-transparent, mucous character; serous, when the dejections are thin and watery, sometimes mixed with blood, bile, or ingesta.

The symptoms of the affection are usually at first those of indigestion, a fullness of the stomach, flatulency, and colicky pains. The pains, which precede each evacuation, are intermittent in character. There may be an unpleasant sinking sensation in the abdomen, and, with the discharge, exhaustion, a feeble pulse, and a cool skin. In the inflammatory variety, there is more or less fever.

Cholera Infantum, or summer complaint, is a disease peculiar to the warm season, and more prevalent in cities, and among those children who do not nurse at the breast. It is characterized by great irritability of the stomach, and persistent vomiting and purging, the discharges from the bowels being copious and watery, and sometimes containing specks of curd, yellowish-green matter, and mucus. The limbs of the little sufferer are usually drawn up, indicating pain in the bowels, and there is great prostration with cold extremities. The invasion may be so sudden, and the disease so violent as to destroy life in a few hours.

Dysentery, also known as bloody-flux, consists of an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine, with ulceration of the affected surfaces. The disease is accompanied with much nervous prostration, and is distinguished by severe pains in the abdomen of a griping nature, followed by frequent scanty and bloody stools, and [pg 556]much straining. Occasionally the attack is ushered in with a chill and aching pains in various parts of the body, with copious fecal dejections. In other cases the attack is preceded by loss of appetite, a sense of uneasiness with dull pains in the abdomen, and weariness. The disease, like diarrhea, may be either acute or chronic.

The Causes of these affections of the bowels are many and varied. They may be brought on by exposure to cold and wet, or by improper and indigestible articles of food, such as unripe fruits, salads, pastries, and, in fact, anything which interferes with the normal operations of the digestive apparatus. One of the most fertile sources of diarrhea in infants, and of cholera infantum, is the administration of unsuitable food, the ill effects of which are greatly increased by exposure to heat or cold. Uncleanliness, and the inhalation of impure air, are prolific causes Of these diseases. Epidemics have been supposed to be due to some peculiarity in the condition of the atmosphere, or to some impalpable germ of a vegetable or animal nature.

Treatment. In the treatment of these diseases, one should first endeavor to ascertain the cause of the trouble, and then, if possible, effect its removal. Attention should be given to the hygienic surroundings of the individual afflicted; if he reside in a miasmatic district, or in a location in which the atmosphere is contaminated by the decomposition of animal or vegetable matter, or filled with noxious gases, his abode should be changed. A pure, dry air is most beneficial in these cases.

Only the least irritating and most easily digestible articles of food should be taken. Healthy cow's milk is slightly alkaline, but that of cows fed on slops is usually acid, and unfit for infants. It is, therefore, well to test all milk with blue litmus paper before feeding it to young children. If found to be strongly acid, that is if it turns the paper red, it should be rejected, but if only slightly so, sufficient lime water may be added to render it slightly alkaline. For adults and older children, the diet should consist of such starchy foods as arrow-root, sago, corn starch, and rice, and of ripe grapes, freed from the skins and seeds, peaches, and boiled milk, or milk and lime water. In some cases the animal broths are beneficial, especially mutton broth. To quench the thirst, crust coffee, rice coffee, and lemonade, in small quantities, may be taken.

Rest is important in these diseases. In severe cases, the patient should be kept in bed.

At the onset of an attack of diarrhea or dysentery, if there be reason to believe that the intestinal tract contains irritating matter, a dose of castor oil, with a few drops of anise oil added to render it palatable, should be administered. After all irritating ingesta have been removed, Dr. Pierce's Compound Extract of Smart-weed should be given in doses proportionate to the age of the patient, and the severity of the case. Being composed of the extract of smart-weed, or water pepper, [pg 557]Jamaica ginger, camphor, and genuine French grape brandy, it exerts a most wonderful effect not only in those diseases but in cholera morbus and intestinal colic. It allays the irritation and inflammation of the affected mucous surfaces, and soothes the nervous system. In the great majority of cases, the above course of treatment will be found sufficient, but in the more severe forms of these diseases additional remedies may be required.

In dysentery, accompanied with severe pain and straining, injections of starch water and laudanum, from two to four ounces of the former to from twenty to fifty drops of the latter should be used.

Hot fomentations applied to the abdomen are beneficial. If the discharges contain much blood, a flannel cloth moistened with the spirits of turpentine should be laid over the lower part of the abdomen, and kept there until slight irritation is produced.

Lime water, bicarbonate of soda, bicarbonate of potash (saleratus), chalk, and the subnitrate of bismuth are valuable agents to correct the secretions, and allay irritation of the diseased mucous surface. The above-named preparations of soda, potash, and bismuth may be taken in doses of from five to twenty grains every few hours.

Blackberry root and cranesbill (Geranium Maculatum), in the form of fluid extract or infusion, are beneficial in acute cases in which the discharges are profuse and watery, and in the chronic forms of these affections.

In cholera infantum subnitrate of bismuth should be given in doses of from five to ten grains at intervals of from two to four hours. If the discharges are very profuse, the fluid extract of cranesbill may be administered in from two to ten-drop doses alternately with the bismuth. The camphorated tincture of opium (paregoric) is required in doses of from two to twenty drops, depending upon the age of the child and the severity of the case, if there is much pain, but great caution should be exercised in administering the preparations of opium to children. A single drop of laudanum given to a young infant has caused convulsions, coma, and death in more than one instance. To check the vomiting of cholera infantum, mild irritation over the stomach is sometimes effectual. For this purpose a weak mustard plaster, or a cloth moistened with turpentine, may be laid over the stomach for a few minutes at a time. If the child is old enough to suck pellets of ice, these are beneficial, or a piece can be wrapped in a cloth and sucked.


Colic is a term applied to griping pains in the abdomen, which are sometimes accompanied with nausea and vomiting. The derangement is recognized in several forms, some of which we shall briefly describe.

Bilious Colic. This may be the result of a morbid condition of the liver.

Symptoms. It is characterized by severe pain occurring in paroxysms, [pg 558]which may be relieved by pressure upon the bowels. The pulse is quick, the tongue coated, and the skin harsh and dry; there is headache, impaired appetite, acrid taste in the mouth, thirst, nausea, attended with vomiting and general chilliness, followed by febrile symptoms.

Cause. It may be induced by exposure to cold, in consequence of which the circulation is impeded, the pores of the skin obstructed, and all of the vitiated matters having to be expelled through the liver, stomach, and intestines. It may also be due to malaria in the atmosphere. It most commonly occurs during the autumn, after a season of hot weather.

Flatulent Colic. Flatulent or "wind" colic is one of the results of indigestion.

Symptoms. A sense of fullness in the pit of the stomach, attended with pain, which is transferred from one part of the bowels to another. There is fever, a quick pulse, nausea, and the presence of gas; by the latter feature it may be detected from the other forms.

Causes. Cold or atmospheric changes, the eating of unripe fruits, uncooked vegetables and those articles of diet which ferment easily, are the principle causes.

Painter's Colic. This form is also known by various names, such as colica pictonum, saturnine, or lead colic. Those persons who are engaged in the manufacture of lead, and painters, are the most frequent victims of this affection.

Symptoms. Impaired appetite, fetid breath, thickly coated tongue, obstinate constipation, a dry skin, scanty urine, languor, severe pain in the umbilical region, and general derangement of the functions of the system.

Causes. From the term applied to this form, the cause may be inferred. It is induced by the absorption of lead through the lungs, stomach, and skin.

Treatment. The indication to be fulfilled in bilious colic is to relieve the intestinal spasm. This may be done by drinking freely of a decoction of yam-root, or dioscorea villosa, which is an effectual remedy in this affection. If this be not at hand, the spasm may be relieved by administering freely of Dr. Pierce's Extract of Smart-Weed. If the stomach be irritable, a tablespoonful of laudanum and one of tincture of lobelia, in four ounces of starch water, administered as an injection, is effectual. If simple means do not promptly arrest the attack, no time should be lost in summoning the family physician.

In flatulent colic, the treatment should depend upon the cause. If it be occasioned by cold, a teaspoonful or two of the Extract of Smart-weed, in warm water or catnip tea, repeated a few times, will be sufficient. If it result from overloading the stomach, a dose of the Pleasant Pellets will answer the purpose. If the pain in the abdomen is severe, apply hot fomentations. Assist the action of physic, by giving an injection [pg 559]of senna and catnip tea, or if the stomach is very sour, take internally some mild alkali, such as common saleratus.

In painters' colic, the following cathartic mixture is an effectual remedy: sulphate of magnesia (epsom salts), twelve ounces; nitrate of potassa (saltpeter), half an ounce; sulphuric acid, one drachm; boiling water, one quart. Of this remedy give a teaspoonful every thirty minutes or every hour, until the bowels move. An injection of some diaphoretic tea, or of alum water, is a good remedy. Castor oil and molasses, containing a teaspoonful of spirits of turpentine, will add to the efficiency of an injection. If the colic be not promptly relieved, a physician should be employed. To eliminate the lead from the system, and thus prevent a return of the colic, or other injurious effects, two drachms of iodide of potassium should be added to a bottle of the Golden Medical Discovery, and a teaspoonful of this taken four times a day.


This affection is generally regarded as a symptom of disordered liver, since it frequently occurs during the progress of diseases of that organ. When the disease imparts a greenish tinge to the skin, it is termed green jaundice, and, when it imparts a blackish color, it is known as black jaundice. Jaundice is undoubtedly due to the presence of biliary elements in the blood.

Causes. In consequence of the varied conditions from which it arises, Professor Da Costa has aptly remarked: "With the recognition of jaundice, the difficulty in diagnosis may be said to begin." He considers the causes of jaundice to be (1) diseases of the liver; (2) disease or the bile ducts; (3) diseases remote from the liver, or general disease leading to a disorder of that viscus; (4) certain causes acting upon the blood.

Symptoms. It is characterized by a yellowish color of the skin and of the white of the eyes. The skin is usually dry and harsh; if it be moist, the linen will be tinged yellow from the perspiration. The tongue is coated yellow, the mouth is dry, and the appetite impaired; there is headache, nausea, and sometimes vomiting; there is pain in the abdomen after eating, and in the region of the liver, and it is also felt in the right shoulder, and between the shoulder-blades. In severe cases, there is fever, accompanied with chills, despondency and loss of flesh. The stools are generally of a light clay color, and very offensive; the urine is thick and yellow. When the disease terminates fatally, there is delirium followed by stupor.

Treatment. The first step should be to eliminate from the system, as speedily as possible, all noxious materials. For this purpose, the spirit-vapor bath should be used. If the urine is scanty or voided with difficulty, take acetate of potash or queen of the meadow. These may [pg 560]be taken in connection with the Golden Medical Discovery and Purgative Pellets, the efficacy of which has already been described in the treatment of chronic inflammation of the liver. They are indeed valuable agents in this disease, since they increase the action of all the excretory glands, and rapidly remove those matters, which, if retained, would poison the system.

In some cases, acids are of great value; good hard cider or hydrochloric acid and the acid bath are frequently valuable agents.

In other cases the employment, both internally and externally, of alkalies in addition to the Golden Medical Discovery answers the purpose much better.

Again, there are persons who, in addition to alteratives and baths, require tonics. In the treatment or this affection, whatever may be the nature of the case, the use of alteratives must not be forgotten, for without them, the auxiliary treatment with acids, alkalies, and tonics, will not produce the desired effect.

The employment of drastic remedies is sometimes resorted to; but, although they may give temporary relief, the patient soon relapses into his former condition, while if the treatment above given be adopted, the recovery will be permanent.


These are concretions found in the gall-bladder or bile duct, and vary from the size of a pea to that of a hen's egg. There may be no indication of their existence in the gall-bladder until they begin to pass through the duct.

Causes. The formation of gall-stones is undoubtedly due to an unhealthy condition of the bile. Corpulent persons, and those indulging in over-stimulating diet, or in the habitual use of fermented drinks, are most liable to be troubled by them.

Symptoms. The patient is suddenly seized with excruciating pain in the right side. After a time it subsides, but is again renewed with as great severity as before. There is nausea, with vomiting, which is often excessive and severe. The pulse is sometimes slower than is natural, the extremities are cold, there is great exhaustion, together with perspiration and spasmodic contraction of the abdominal muscles. As soon as one stone has passed through the duct into the intestine, immediate relief is experienced until another commences to pass, and the larger the concretion, the greater is the pain. If the stools be washed, the gall-stones may be seen floating on top of the water.

Treatment. This consists chiefly in relieving the patient of pain and vomiting during the passage of the gall-stones. Hot fomentations made with stramonium leaves and lobelia, and applied over the painful parts, are beneficial. Small doses of lobelia may be taken, but not in sufficient quantities to produce vomiting. Doses of opium should also [pg 561]be taken; this anodyne must, however, be used with care. Gelseminum is often useful. Chloroform, ether, or the spirit vapor-bath generally allays the pain. Carbonate of soda, dissolved in water, often relieves the vomiting.

These distressing symptoms are apt to recur until the removal of all the gall-stones is effected. To aid in removing them, take the Golden Medical Discovery rather freely for a day or two, and continue its use with lobelia, in doses sufficiently large to produce nausea, but not vomiting. From four to eight ounces of sweet oil may be given, and, if the bowels do not respond within three hours, repeat the dose, and the gall-stones will generally be evacuated. To prevent the formation of these concretions take the Golden Medical Discovery, together with alkaline drinks made with carbonate of soda. Tone and energy will thereby be imparted to the liver, the free flow of bile will be insured and the subsequent formation of gall-stones prevented.


We have not the space to discuss the numerous theories which have been offered to account for the presence of these parasites in the human body. We shall enumerate the principal species, describe the symptoms indicating their presence, and indicate the proper remedies.

There are five species of intestinal worms, sufficiently common to merit a description.

(1.) The round worm, termed by naturalists, ascaris lumbricoides, varies from six inches to a foot in length, and resembles the common earth-worm. It infests the small intestines, and seldom migrates into the stomach or large bowel. Instances are recorded, however, in which it has crept upward in the esophagus, larynx, nostrils, and eustachian tube; but their presence in these parts is of comparatively rare occurrence, and is generally caused by some local irritation which compels their migration. The fact that they have been found in the peritoneal sac, gave rise to the opinion that they perforate the intestine; but careful observations have proved that they can only escape through openings made by ulcers.

This species has been found in adults, but is more common in children from three to twelve years of age. The number of this species existing in a human body is variable. Sometimes only two or three are found. At other times a hundred, and even twice that number, are voided in a few days.

(2.) The ascaris vermicularis, thread, pin, or seat-worm, is round, very slender, and about half an inch in length. The habitation of this species is the rectum, and they are often found matted together in the excrement. They are very active, even after ejection, and have been known to cause great local irritation by entering the vagina and urethra. Their presence is an occasional cause of masturbation. It [pg 562]is impossible to estimate the number of these parasites that may exist in the human rectum. Great numbers, sometimes, are voided at a single evacuation.

(3.) The tricocephalus dispar is a third variety of the round worm, and is said to infest the bodies of almost every species of mammalia. As its name indicates, the upper portion of its body is slender, hair-like, and terminates at the lower extremity in a thick, spiral portion. It is from one to two inches in length, and is found attached by its head to the mucous membrane of the cÆcum, and, in rare instances, in the colon and small intestine. They are rarely numerous.

TÆceniÆ or tape-worms, are hermaphrodites, of a flat, ribbon-like form, and are composed of numerous segments, each of which is provided with a complete set of generative organs, and contains ova for the production of thousands of individuals. Some authors have supposed that each segment, or joint, is a distinct individual, but the existence of one head for the whole precludes this theory. There are two species of tÆniÆ developed in the human intestine; the tÆnia solium and the tÆnia lata.

(4.) The tÆnia solium is the species commonly found in America and all the countries of Europe, except France, Russia, and Switzerland. In France, both species are found, but the tÆnia lata seems to be indigenous to Russia and Switzerland.

The tÆnia solium varies in length from four or five to thirty, thirty-five, or even forty feet. The head is hemispherical and armed with a double row of twenty or thirty hooklets. The genital organs are alternate and placed upon the outer edges of each segment. It inhabits the small intestine, and is usually solitary.

(5.) The tÆnia lata, or broad tape-worm, is distinguished by the greater breadth of its segments, and the location of the genital organs, which are found in the centre of each segment. Its small elongated head is unarmed, and has a longitudinal fissure on each side. It usually attains a greater length than the tÆnia solium.

Symptoms. The symptoms which the long worms occasion, are frequently somewhat obscure. Thirst, irregular appetite, colicky pains, excessive flow of saliva, enlargement of the abdomen, itching of the nose, pallor of the face, offensive breath, disturbed sleep, and grinding of the teeth, all are common symptoms. Occasionally, convulsions and other nervous affections are produced by the presence of the ascaris lumbricoides, but generally they produce less constitutional disturbance than the other varieties. The passage of this species of worms from the bowels, or their ejection from the stomach, is the only positive evidence of their presence. The ascaris vermicularis, thread, pin, or seat-worm, gives rise to most of the symptoms produced by the long worms, but in addition produces intense itching at the anus, and, not unfrequently, an eruption upon that part. The itching is particularly distressing at night. When the little sufferer is well covered, the [pg 563]warmth occasioned by the bed-clothes causes these little parasites to crawl out upon the anus, and produces such paroxysms of itching and pain as to cause the child to kick the covering oft and lie naked. The persistent manifestations of a disposition to lie naked, should excite the parents' suspicions of seat-worms, and lead them to investigate all the symptoms. By examining the child's stools the worms may he found adhering to the feces, and they may also be seen on the anus. Thousands of children suffer untold agony from these little seat-worms, which are left unmolested to torment them, because the parents are unfamiliar with the meaning of the symptoms manifested, and therefore pay no heed to them. We have been thus particular in describing the symptoms indicating the presence of these pestiferous parasites, in order that they may be readily detected.

The Symptoms produced by the tape-worm are dizziness, ringing in the ears, increased secretion of saliva, indigestion, ravenous appetite, sharp abdominal pains, and emaciation. The only positive sign of the presence of these parasites, is the passage of pieces of them in the feces. The nervous and other symptoms produced by the ordinary long worms are also caused by the tape-worm.

Causes. Careful observations have proved that there are certain causes which favor the generation or development of intestinal worms. Among others, we may mention fatty or farinaceous articles of food, gormandizing, constant exposure to a moist atmosphere, and sedentary habits.

It is now generally conceded that the development of tape-worms is due to the swallowing of an egg or germ-cell, which is contained in many kinds of animal food, and which the process of cooking has failed to destroy. People living near low marshes, lakes, or the seacoast, are liable to tÆniÆ.

Treatment. The expulsion of the ascaris lumbricoides may be very easily and pleasantly effected. Santonin is an effectual remedy for this variety of worms. For a child three years old, take santonin, six grains; podophyllin, one grain; white sugar, thirty grains; mix, triturate, and divide into twelve powders, and give one every three or four hours, until they act upon the bowels; or take santonin, ten grains; white sugar, twenty grains; mix, triturate, and divide into ten powders, and give one every night at bed-time, and after giving two or three in this way, administer a mild cathartic. As santonin is almost entirely tasteless, if not combined with other medicines which are unpalatable, no difficulty will be experienced in administering it to children. By reference to the article on anthelmintics in this volume, other valuable vermifuges may be selected, and directions found for their employment.

In the removal of thread or pin-worms, anthelmintic medicines taken into the stomach are of little or no value. An injection of a strong solution of salt, is a very efficient remedy. A teaspoonful of turpentine in half a pint of milk makes a good injection. Strong coffee has been [pg 564]recommended as an injection. The anus should be well anointed with vaseline, lard, oil, or fresh butter, after each movement of the bowels. Whatever injection or remedy is used, it should be followed by the application of some ointment to the anus, otherwise they will continue to deposit their eggs about that orifice and multiply there.

Various remedies have been used to destroy tape-worms. Among others we may mention the old and time-honored remedy, which consists of two or three ounces of the oil of turpentine, taken in castor oil or some aromatic tincture.

A decoction made by boiling two or three ounces of freshly powdered pomegranate bark in a pint of water was used by the ancients, and is now highly recommended as a remedy.

Some American physicians have used an emulsion of pumpkin seeds with marked success.

Twenty or thirty grains of the extract of male fern, followed by a cathartic is highly recommended for the destruction and removal of tÆniÆ.


In 1835, Owen discovered a peculiar parasite, which sometimes infests the human body, and is termed the trichina spiralis. The presence of these parasites has given rise to morbid conditions of the system, followed by the most serious results. They are developed in the alimentary canal, and then perforate its tissues and enter the muscles. Twelve trichinÆ have been found in a section of human muscle only one-twelfth of an inch square and one-fifth of an inch in thickness.

The early symptoms of trichinÆ are very uncertain, being the same as those of some other disease. The patient complains of severe pain in the abdomen and is troubled with diarrhea. When the trichinÆ pass into the muscles, they occasion great suffering. There are sharp pains in the muscles, the perspiration is profuse, and the patient becomes exhausted.

Cause. Nearly every case of trichinÆ, which has been brought to the notice of the profession, has been attributed to the eating of raw or improperly cooked pork. The parasites can only be detected with a microscope.

Treatment. The impossibility of removing the trichinÆ after they have passed into the muscles is apparent; and, as yet, no special remedy has been recommended to remove them from the alimentary canal. The only safety lies in prevention. Hence raw or imperfectly cooked pork should never be eaten.

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