There are two essentials requisite to the successful treatment of the sick: (1.) Medical skill; (2.) Good nursing. The former is necessary in order that the condition of the patient be fully understood, and the proper means be employed to effect his recovery. The latter is essential, in order that all influences favoring the production and development of disease may be removed, the tendencies to restoration be promoted by every possible means, and the directions of the physician be properly observed. Success in the treatment of the sick requires good nursing. Without it, the most skillful physicians fail to effect a cure; with it, the most unqualified may succeed. If certain hygienic agencies are essential to the maintenance of health, how much more necessary it is that they be employed in sickness! If certain conditions cause disease, how great the necessity is that such conditions be obviated and hygienic ones substituted! Notwithstanding the importance of good nursing, in the rural districts it is frequently difficult to find a professional nurse, or, if one can be obtained, it is often impossible for the invalid to procure such services, on account of the expense which must necessarily be incurred. Hence, this office usually devolves upon some relative who is considered to be the best qualified for the position; or, as is often the case, necessity demands that the patient be left to a change of nurses. A woman is generally selected for this important position. Her A nurse should be attentive to the requirements of physician and patient, for she sustains an intimate relation to both. She should observe the directions of the physician, and faithfully perform them. She should note all the symptoms of the patient, and do everything in her power to promote comfort and recovery. She should anticipate the wishes, and not cause the patient to ask for everything which is desired. So far as practicable, let the wishes be gratified. The senses of the sick often become morbidly acute, and those things which in health would pass unnoticed, in sickness are so magnified as to occasion annoyance and vexation. Sick persons are not all alike, and the peculiarities of each must be studied separately. The nurse must be kind, but firm, and not yield to such whims of the patient as may be detrimental to recovery; neither must she arouse dislike or anger by opposition, but endeavor to win the patient from all delusions. The feelings of the patient should never be trifled with, for idealities become realities. The nurse should possess an inexhaustible store of patience. Disease affects the mind of the patient and fills it with strange delusions. The sick are often querulous, fretful, and unreasonable, and should be treated with kindness, forbearance, and sympathy. The nurse should always be cheerful, look on the bright side of every circumstance, animate them with encouragement, and inspire them with hope. Hope is one of the best of tonics. It stimulates the flagging, vital energies, and imparts new life to the weak and exhausted forces. Gloom, sadness, and despondency depress the vital forces and lead to death. We have seen patients rapidly sinking, who had given up all hope, and were quietly awaiting the coming of death, snatched, as it were, from its grasp, and restored to health, by words of cheer and encouragement. The nurse should possess moral principles, which alone can We deem it but justice to say a word in behalf of the nurse. She, too, is a human being, subject to disease, and, unless hygienic conditions be observed, will soon be stricken low by its presence. She must be relieved occasionally and get rest, or she cannot long withstand the combined influence of fatigue and disease. Her office is an arduous one at best, and the long, weary hours of night-watching should be compensated by exercise in the open air, as well as by sleep during the day. Unless this be done, the system will become exhausted, and sleep will intrude itself upon her at the time when the greatest diligence is required for the welfare of the patient, when the vital powers are at their lowest ebb. She should be supplied with plenty of suitable food during the night, to sustain her and to serve as a safeguard against the invasion of disease. She should be treated with kindness and respect, else her disposition may become morose and reflect itself upon the patient, causing peevishness and despondency. The Sick-room should be as comfortable, cheerful, and pleasant, as circumstances will allow. Let the room be large and airy, and furnished with a stove, or better still, a fireplace. All articles of clothing and furniture, not necessary to the comfort of the patient, should be removed from the room, and in malignant or contagious diseases the carpets, even, should not be permitted to remain. The surroundings beget happiness or gloom, in proportion as they are pleasant or disagreeable. A tidy attendant, a few flowers and books, wonderfully enhance the cheerfulness of the room. Permit no unnecessary accumulation of bottles, or any thing that can in any way render the room unpleasant. Medicines, drink, or nourishment should never be left uncovered in the sick-room, since they quickly absorb the gaseous emanations from the patient, and become unfit for the purpose which they were intended to serve. Their presence gives the room an untidy appearance, suggestive of filth and slovenliness, and imparts to the patient a feeling of loathing and disgust for articles of diet. The Bed should not be of feathers, on account of their Pure Air. The air in the sick-room should be kept as pure as possible. That which is so necessary in health, is indispensable in sickness. The importance, therefore, of a perfect and free ventilation of the sick-room cannot be too thoroughly impressed; and yet to properly secure this end, may call forth a considerable amount of ingenuity on the part of the nurse. A window should be open, but the current of air must not be allowed to blow directly upon the patient. One window may be raised from the bottom and another lowered from the top. This will permit the entrance of pure air from without, and the exit of the vitiated air from within. The patient, if sufficiently covered in bed, is not liable to take cold from a proper ventilation of the room. Especially is this true, when the bodily temperature is raised by febrile or inflammatory affections. The temperature of a room is no indication of the purity of the air. It is a prevalent, but mistaken notion, that when a room is cold, the air must be pure. Cold air is as readily contaminated with impurities as warm air, therefore, it is not sufficient that the room be kept cool, but the air should be frequently changed. During convalescence, great care is necessary to protect the patient from taking cold. Air which is admitted into the sick-room should not be contaminated by passing over foul drains, privies, or other sources of infection, since, instead of invigorating, it depresses the physical forces and generates disease. Light is as necessary to health as is pure air. Banish either for any continuous period of time, and serious results follow. The strong, robust man, when deprived of light, soon degenerates into a feeble, sickly being, and finally dies. According to the investigations of the Massachusetts Medical Society, it was found that absence of sunlight, together with moisture, not only favor the development of tubercular consumption, but act as an exciting cause. It is well known that The physician to the Emperor of Russia found upon examination that patients confined in well lighted wards, were four times as liable to recover as were those in poorly lighted rooms. Children reared away from the sunlight are apt to be deformed and idiotic, while those partially deformed have been restored by being admitted to the light. Patients sometimes wish to have their rooms darkened, because the light is painful to their weak and sensitive eyes. It is far better to shade the eyes and admit the sunlight into the room, since its rays cause chemical changes to take place, which favor the return of health. Many invalids can ascribe their recovery to the influence of a sun bath. There are, however, conditions in which the patients should be screened from the light. In such cases a little arrangement of the curtains or shutters will accomplish all that is to be desired. Patients convalescing from acute, or suffering from chronic diseases, should receive the influence of light in the open air, and be in it several hours every day. Light and pure air stimulate a healthful development, induce cheerfulness, hope, and recovery, while darkness begets gloom, sadness, despondency, disease, and ultimately death. Warmth is essential to the well-being of the patient, and it is necessary that a proper temperature be maintained in the room. Except in very warm weather, a little fire should be kept in the room, and at the same time fresh air should be admitted from without, and a uniform temperature thus preserved. This arrangement is especially necessary in localities where great variations in temperature are experienced during the day and night. The normal temperature of the body ranges from 98° to 99° Fahr. The minimum occurs from 2 to 6 A.M.; the maximum, from 1 to 6 P.M. The deviation of a few degrees from this standard indicates disease, and the greater the deviation, the greater is its severity. During the early stages of acute diseases, the animal heat is generally increased, and should be allayed by bathing, and cooling or acidulated drinks. In the Persons suffering from chronic diseases, or those in feeble health, should preserve their vital energies by dressing warmly, by wearing flannels next to the skin, and by carefully protecting the feet from cold and moisture. Cleanliness cannot be too thoroughly impressed upon the minds of those who have the care of the sick. Filthiness is productive of disease and favorable to its development. Bathing at least once a day, with pure, soft water and toilet-soap, is strongly urged, and as this is designed for cleanliness, the temperature of the bath should be made agreeable to the patient. The Clothing and Bedding of the Patient in acute diseases, should be changed frequently and thoroughly aired, if not washed. As soon as removed, these articles should be taken from the room, replaced by others well aired and warmed. The hands and face of the patient should be bathed frequently, the hair combed, the teeth brushed, the nails cleaned, the lips moistened, and everything about him kept clean and tidy. These observances, although in themselves trifling, promote comfort and cheerfulness, and contribute largely to the recovery of the sick. All excretions from the patient should be buried, and not committed to privies to communicate disease to those who frequent them. The Diet contains a very important relation to health. During the process of acute disease, the appetite is generally much impaired, if not entirely absent. It should then be the study of the nurse to devise such articles of nourishment as will Each individual disease requires a diet adapted to its peculiarities. Those of an inflammatory character require an unstimulating diet, as gruel, barley-water, toast, etc. An exhausted or enfeebled condition of the brain, unattended by irritability, demands a stimulating diet, as beef, eggs, fish, Graham bread, oysters, etc. In wasting diseases, in which the temperature of the system is low, beef, fatty substances, rich milk, sweet cream, and other carbonaceous articles of diet are recommended. In the various forms of chronic ailments, the diet must be varied according to the nature of the disease and the peculiarities of the patient. Deranged digestion is generally an accompaniment of chronic disease. A return to normal digestion should be encouraged by selecting appropriate articles of food, paying due regard to its quantity and quality, as well as to the manner and time of eating. The appearance of food, and the manner in which it is offered, have much to do with its acceptance, or rejection by the patient. Let the nourishment be presented in a nice, clean dish, of a size and shape appropriate to the quantity. More food than can be eaten by the patient should not be placed before him at one time, since a great quantity excites disgust and loathing. In taking nourishment, drink, or medicine, the patient, if feeble, should not be obliged to change his position. Milk is one of the most important foods in fevers and acute diseases attended with great prostration, and in which the digestive powers are enfeebled. It contains within itself all the elements of nutrition. Beef Tea furnishes an excellent nourishment for the sick, but there are few, even among professional nurses who know how to properly prepare it. We give three good recipes. One method is to chip up lean beef, put it in a porcelain or tin saucepan, cover it with cold water, and bring it up to just below the boiling point, at which temperature retain it for ten minutes, then season and serve. Another method is similar to the foregoing, with this difference, that the juices of the meat are squeezed through a piece of muslin or crash, making the tea richer. Another way, which we consider preferable to Sleep is "Nature's grand restorer, a balm to all mankind; the best comforter of that sad heart whom fortune's spite assails." It is necessary in health, and doubly so in sickness. During sleep, the vital energies recuperate, the forces are less rapidly expended, and the strength increases. It is the great source of rest and refreshment. Often a day's rest in bed, free from the cares and anxieties of an active life, is sufficient to ward off the approach of disease. If quiet and rest are essential to recuperation in health, their necessity in disease must be apparent. Life frequently depends on tranquility and repose, and the least noise or confusion disturbs the sufferer and diminishes the chances of recovery. Nothing annoys sick or nervous persons more than whispering and the rustling of newspapers. If conversation be necessary, let the tones be modified, but never whisper. In sickness, when the vital forces are low, the more natural rest and sleep the patient obtains, the greater is the prospect for recovery. As a rule, a patient should never be awakened when sleeping quietly, not even to take medicine, unless in extreme cases. If the patient does not sleep, the cause should be ascertained and the appropriate remedies employed; if it arise from rush of blood to the head, cooling lotions should be applied, and warmth to the feet; if, from restlessness or general irritability, a sponge bath, followed by friction should be administered; if the wakefulness is due to noise or confusion, quiet is the remedy. When these means fail, anodynes, or nervines, should be employed. Lying on the side instead of on the back should be practiced. Patients afflicted with chronic diseases, on rising, should take a cold bath, dry the surface quickly with a coarse towel, followed by friction with the hand. Great benefit may be derived by following these suggestions when the nature of the disease is not such as to forbid it. Exercise and rest necessarily alternate with each other. Convalescing patients, or those suffering from chronic diseases, whenever the weather will permit, should take exercise every day in the open air. This should be done with regularity. The amount of exercise must be regulated by the strength of the patient; never take so much as to produce fatigue, but, as the strength increases, the exercise may be increased proportionately. Some interesting employment, commensurate with the patient's strength, should be instituted, so that the mind may be agreeably occupied with the body. When unable to take active exercise, the invalid, properly protected by sufficient clothing, should ride in a carriage or boat, and each day a new route should be chosen, so that a change of scenery may be observed, thus arousing new trains of thought, which will be exhilarating and prove beneficial to him. Sexual Influences. During the progress of disease or convalescence, entire continence must be observed. It is then necessary that all of the vital energies should be employed in effecting a recovery from disease, without having the additional tax imposed of overcoming the debilitating effects of sexual expenditure. This holds true with regard to all diseases, and especially those of the nervous system and genitourinary organs. Visiting the Sick may be productive of good or evil results. Mental impressions made upon the sick exert a powerful influence upon the termination of disease. The chances of recovery are in proportion to the elevation or depression of spirits. Pleasant, cheerful associations animate the patient, inspire hope, arouse the vital energies, and aid in his recovery; while disagreeable and melancholy associations beget sadness and despondency, discourage the patient, depress the vital powers, enfeeble the body, and retard recovery. Unless persons who visit the sick can carry with them joy, If the patient is very weak the visitor may injure him by staying too long. The length of the visit should be graduated according to the strength of the invalid. Never let the sufferer be wearied by too frequent or too lengthy visits, nor by having too many visitors at once. Above all things, do not confine your visitations to Sunday. Many do this and give themselves credit for an extra amount of piety on account of it, when, if they would scrutinize their motives more carefully, they would see that it was but a contemptible resort to save time. The sick are often grossly neglected during the week only to be visited to death upon Sunday. The use of Tobacco and Opium. The recovery of the sick is often delayed, sometimes entirely prevented, by the habitual use of tobacco or opium. In acute diseases, the appetite for tobacco is usually destroyed by the force of the disease, and its use is, of necessity, discontinued; but in chronic ailments, the appetite remains unchanged, and the patient continues his indulgence greatly to the aggravation of the malady. The use of tobacco is a pernicious habit in whatever form it is introduced into the system. Its active principle, Nicotin, which is an energetic poison, exerts its specific effect on the nervous system, tending to stimulate it to an unnatural degree of activity, the final result of which is weakness, or even Dr. King says, "A patient under treatment should give up the use of tobacco, or his physician should assume no responsibility in his case, further than to do the best he can for him." In our own extensive experience in the treatment of chronic diseases, we have often found it necessary to resort to the same restriction. The opium habit, to which allusion has also been made, is open to the same objections, and must be abandoned by all who would seek recovery. |