One of the most distressing ailments with which the human family is afflicted is asthma. Its symptoms are not to be mistaken. Suddenly and without apparent provocation the patient experiences the greatest difficulty in breathing. When warning is given, there is usually a sense of fullness in the stomach, flatulence, languor, and general nervous irritability. The countenance is a picture of anxiety and horror. The difficulty of breathing increases and the struggle for air commences. Windows and doors are thrown open, fans used, and, utterly regardless of consequences, the sufferer passes the whole night in exposure and torture, even though the temperature be below zero. Fearing suffocation, the patient dare not lie down; he rushes to the window for air, rests his head upon a table or chair, or upon his hands, with the elbows upon the knees, jumps up suddenly and gasps and struggles for air. The eyes are prominent and the veins of the forehead distended with blood; sometimes the bowels are relaxed. The urine is colorless and is passed in copious quantities. This symptom indicates great excitement of the nervous system. The voice is hoarse, articulation difficult, breathing limited, noisy and wheezy. The wheezing is pathognomonic of the disease. It can only be confounded with croup, and then only in the young. In croup there is pain and difficulty in swallowing, fever and cough, which are usually absent in asthma. A severe paroxysm of asthma is very distressing to witness, and one unused to it might well suppose the sufferer to be in his last agonies. No definite limit can be assigned to the duration of the attack or of the disease. It may last but a few minutes, may endure for hours, or with slight remission continue for days. The condition of the patient may be for years as changeable as the pointings of the weather-vane. In fact, the atmosphere has much to do with the disease. With every approaching storm, with every cloud of dust, even the dust from sweeping a room, with every foul odor, and, in some more sensitive organizations, with even the perfume of flowers, a paroxysm is provoked. Truly he is a "child of circumstances," a veritable football upon the toes of every atmospheric disturbance. UNPARALLELED SUCCESS.Persons affected with asthma or phthisic are numerous. With such an amount of suffering in our midst is it not a marvel, if not a disgrace, that the medical profession of to-day endorse the opinions of a half century ago and pronounce it incurable, rather than make stupendous and laudable efforts to discover plans of medication that will NATURE OF THE DISEASE.As to the exact pathological condition in this malady, opinions differ. Some physicians consider it a disease of the nervous system, others, of the blood, others, of the bronchial tubes, while not a few believe it to be dependent upon some disease of the stomach, heart, liver, kidneys, or due to urinary affections, or "female weakness." Respecting all these diseases of special organs, it is evident that any complication, and particularly one that is debilitating or causes irritation of the nervous system will increase its severity. This important fact we keep constantly in view in our treatment, and prescribe remedies to remove all complications. In heart disease there is often dyspnoea, or difficult breathing, but this is not of the nature of asthma, or phthisic. The condition of the lungs is readily understood. There being an obstruction to the free passage of the blood through the heart, any excessive muscular exertion, or anything, in fact, which increases the action of the heart, is very apt to produce congestion of the lungs, and then the blood becomes surcharged with carbonic acid, which causes increased efforts to take more air into the lungs. A Nervous Disease. A sudden fright, unfavorable news, grief, loss of property, etc., circumstances which affect the mind and nervous system, almost invariably throw the phthisical into a paroxysm. Nervines are demanded, particularly if the case be a chronic one, and we see that they are carefully and properly prepared and supplied, and in such a form as to be exactly fitted to the temperament and constitution. POPULAR REMEDIES USED FOR SELF-TREATMENT OF ASTHMA.There are numerous remedies that may be used to relieve paroxysms of asthma. Among them we will notice a few that are most frequently employed by the profession. They can be easily and inexpensively prepared by any patient or druggist: 1. Equal parts of the tinctures of lobalis capsicum and skunk NOTE.—This is an antispasmodic and relaxant. In considerable quantities it will produce sickness at the stomach and perhaps vomiting. It should not be used when there is disease of the heart. 2. Chloroform. Dose.—A small quantity (say thirty drops), may be poured upon a handkerchief or napkin, held about one inch from the nostrils and the vapor inhaled. It is quite unnecessary to use this until insensibility follows; in fact, such an effect would be hazardous to life in the hands of the inexperienced. 3. Sulphuric ether. Dose.—The same as No. 2, and with the same precaution. Either of them should be used promptly upon the beginning of the paroxysm. 4. Take four ounces of stramonium leaves and strip from the stems, rubbing between the hands to partly pulverize. To this add one ounce of saltpetre, finely powdered. Dose.—Place a half teaspoonful upon a very hot shovel. Inhale the rising smoke. If the first few inspirations cause coughing, the smoke should not be evaded as the coughing incites deeper inspiration. 5. Stramonium and saltpetre as in No. 4. Dampen with water and make into balls or cones. These are more easily handled and are fired in the same way as the powder and used in the same way. 6. Take of sunflower leaves, stramonium leaves, mullein leaves, one ounce each; of lobelia leaves, half an ounce; of powdered nitre, one ounce; and benzoic acid, two drams. Mix thoroughly. Dose.—A pipeful, to be smoked the same as tobacco. 7. A cup of hot coffee or several of hot water. This is especially effective in cases arising from checked perspiration, from rheumatism, etc. These recipes are given to the public as being the principal agents employed by the medical profession throughout the world. It must be distinctly understood that they are not curative but merely palliative, and used to relieve paroxysms. We object to them wholly and unqualifiedly because they contain NARCOTICS. It is a fundamental principle in our treatment not to use this class of remedies. They stupefy the brain, debilitate the nervous system, and have, in not a few instances, formed an unfortunate appetite and habit, most difficult to overcome. We are of the opinion that one of the chief reasons why this malady has been considered incurable is the fact that physicians have almost universally relied upon narcotic drugs. With such medication a cure is the exception. A cure can only be effected under such circumstances when the powers of nature are sufficient to overcome both the NARCOTIC and the DISEASE. That they will relieve we do not deny, but they will never cure. It reminds us of an old country doctor who advised a lady to smoke tobacco to cure acid dyspepsia. She followed the prescription for over thirty years and at last accounts was not cured MILLIONS OF DOLLARSare annually spent upon the advice of physicians, in traveling expenses, and hotel bills, by sufferers from asthma, or phthisic, in seeking a change of climate that will be advantageous. It is the last expedient of the doctor who is annoyed by the continued complaint of his unrelieved patient, and can only be made available by the wealthy. In some instances the change is beneficial, but to be effectually so a permanent change of residence is required. Most patients are unable or unwilling to do this. In some cases change only affords temporary relief, the attacks returning after a few months. Even the wealthy dislike to take such chances. The less opulent cannot think of such methods, and hence are compelled to bear their sufferings as best they can. In the majority of instances the "change of climate" is only an illusion, or only temporarily beneficial at best. We can tell them a better way, and if they are wise they will follow it. HAY ASTHMA, OR HAY FEVER.This affection, known also as Hay Catarrh, Hay Fever, or Rose Cold differs but little in its manifestations, from coryza, or cold in the head, save in its inciting cause, and in its element of periodicity. In this latitude there are persons who, during summer or early fall, are invariably attacked with acute congestion or inflammation of the upper air-passages, giving rise to sneezing, watery discharges from the nose and eyes, difficult respiration, fever, and general prostration. These symptoms are supposed to be induced by the inhalation of pollen or odors from grasses or flowers, which at that time are supposed to give off certain exhalations of an Irritating character. Unless arrested by medical treatment, the disease lasts until cool weather, or the occurrence of a hard frost rids the atmosphere of the exciting influence. Some feather beds give off an odor which excites all the aggravated symptoms of this disease. Thus it appears that certain emanations Treatment. In mild cases, or when the attack first appears, the daily use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy fluid will neutralize and wash away the poisonous particles which have found lodgment in the nasal passages. The Remedy is best applied with Dr. Pierce's Nasal Douche. When the disease has existed the previous season it is necessary that the patient begin both constitutional and local treatment four or six weeks prior to an expected return of the disease. The nervous system should be strengthened, and the resistance of the patient to the irritating influence of these pollens and odors so increased, that even though he may be exposed, no severe symptoms will follow. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will be found invaluable as an alterative, blood purifier, and nerve tonic, and should be taken regularly while Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is being used locally for its antiseptic and curative properties. The action of the "Discovery" is especially desired in cases that are so far advanced as to be attended with asthmatic symptoms, such as difficult breathing, headache, and a feeling of lassitude and prostration. In very obstinate or distressing cases our specialists have been able to prescribe and send, by mail or express, special courses of treatment which have proven so effective as to cure the disease permanently, so that it has not reappeared the following season. The treatment seems to have produced such an impression upon the system as to have fortified the individual against a return of the disease. In rare cases morbid growths in the upper air-passages are of such a nature as in themselves to be a source of sufficient excitement to unbalance the nervous equilibrium so that the individual is thus rendered more susceptible to this disease. In such, or exceedingly obstinate cases a personal examination by our specialist is desirable, and often results in the use of such measures as give permanent relief. er, In dysentery, accompanied with severe pain and straining, injections of starch water and laudanum, from two to four ounces of the former to from twenty to fifty drops of the latter should be used. Hot fomentations applied to the abdomen are beneficial. If the discharges contain much blood, a flannel cloth moistened with the spirits of turpentine should be laid over the lower part of the abdomen, and kept there until slight irritation is produced. Lime water, bicarbonate of soda, bicarbonate of potash (saleratus), chalk, and the subnitrate of bismuth are valuable agents to correct the secretions, and allay irritation of the diseased mucous surface. The above-named preparations of soda, potash, and bismuth may be taken in doses of from five to twenty grains every few hours. Blackberry root and cranesbill (Geranium Maculatum), in the form of fluid extract or infusion, are beneficial in acute cases in which the discharges are profuse and watery, and in the chronic forms of these affections. In cholera infantum subnitrate of bismuth should be given in doses of from five to ten grains at intervals of from two to four hours. If the discharges are very profuse, the fluid extract of cranesbill may be administered in from two to ten-drop doses alternately with the bismuth. The camphorated tincture of opium (paregoric) is required in doses of from two to twenty drops, depending upon the age of the child and the severity of the case, if there is much pain, but great caution should be exercised in administering the preparations of opium to children. A single drop of laudanum given to a young infant has caused convulsions, coma, and death in more than one instance. To check the vomiting of cholera infantum, mild irritation over the stomach is sometimes effectual. For this purpose a weak mustard plaster, or a cloth moistened with turpentine, may be laid over the stomach for a few minutes at a time. If the child is old enough to suck pellets of ice, these are beneficial, or a piece can be wrapped in a cloth and sucked. COLIC.Colic is a term applied to griping pains in the abdomen, which are sometimes accompanied with nausea and vomiting. The derangement is recognized in several forms, some of which we shall briefly describe. Bilious Colic. This may be the result of a morbid condition of the liver. Symptoms. It is characterized by severe pain occurring in paroxysms, Cause. It may be induced by exposure to cold, in consequence of which the circulation is impeded, the pores of the skin obstructed, and all of the vitiated matters having to be expelled through the liver, stomach, and intestines. It may also be due to malaria in the atmosphere. It most commonly occurs during the autumn, after a season of hot weather. Flatulent Colic. Flatulent or "wind" colic is one of the results of indigestion. Symptoms. A sense of fullness in the pit of the stomach, attended with pain, which is transferred from one part of the bowels to another. There is fever, a quick pulse, nausea, and the presence of gas; by the latter feature it may be detected from the other forms. Causes. Cold or atmospheric changes, the eating of unripe fruits, uncooked vegetables and those articles of diet which ferment easily, are the principle causes. Painter's Colic. This form is also known by various names, such as colica pictonum, saturnine, or lead colic. Those persons who are engaged in the manufacture of lead, and painters, are the most frequent victims of this affection. Symptoms. Impaired appetite, fetid breath, thickly coated tongue, obstinate constipation, a dry skin, scanty urine, languor, severe pain in the umbilical region, and general derangement of the functions of the system. Causes. From the term applied to this form, the cause may be inferred. It is induced by the absorption of lead through the lungs, stomach, and skin. Treatment. The indication to be fulfilled in bilious colic is to relieve the intestinal spasm. This may be done by drinking freely of a decoction of yam-root, or dioscorea villosa, which is an effectual remedy in this affection. If this be not at hand, the spasm may be relieved by administering freely of Dr. Pierce's Extract of Smart-Weed. If the stomach be irritable, a tablespoonful of laudanum and one of tincture of lobelia, in four ounces of starch water, administered as an injection, is effectual. If simple means do not promptly arrest the attack, no time should be lost in summoning the family physician. In flatulent colic, the treatment should depend upon the cause. If it be occasioned by cold, a teaspoonful or two of the Extract of Smart-weed, in warm water or catnip tea, repeated a few times, will be sufficient. If it result from overloading the stomach, a dose of the Pleasant Pellets will answer the purpose. If the pain in the abdomen is severe, apply hot fomentations. Assist the action of physic, by giving an injection In painters' colic, the following cathartic mixture is an effectual remedy: sulphate of magnesia (epsom salts), twelve ounces; nitrate of potassa (saltpeter), half an ounce; sulphuric acid, one drachm; boiling water, one quart. Of this remedy give a teaspoonful every thirty minutes or every hour, until the bowels move. An injection of some diaphoretic tea, or of alum water, is a good remedy. Castor oil and molasses, containing a teaspoonful of spirits of turpentine, will add to the efficiency of an injection. If the colic be not promptly relieved, a physician should be employed. To eliminate the lead from the system, and thus prevent a return of the colic, or other injurious effects, two drachms of iodide of potassium should be added to a bottle of the Golden Medical Discovery, and a teaspoonful of this taken four times a day. JAUNDICE. (ICTERUS.)This affection is generally regarded as a symptom of disordered liver, since it frequently occurs during the progress of diseases of that organ. When the disease imparts a greenish tinge to the skin, it is termed green jaundice, and, when it imparts a blackish color, it is known as black jaundice. Jaundice is undoubtedly due to the presence of biliary elements in the blood. Causes. In consequence of the varied conditions from which it arises, Professor Da Costa has aptly remarked: "With the recognition of jaundice, the difficulty in diagnosis may be said to begin." He considers the causes of jaundice to be (1) diseases of the liver; (2) disease or the bile ducts; (3) diseases remote from the liver, or general disease leading to a disorder of that viscus; (4) certain causes acting upon the blood. Symptoms. It is characterized by a yellowish color of the skin and of the white of the eyes. The skin is usually dry and harsh; if it be moist, the linen will be tinged yellow from the perspiration. The tongue is coated yellow, the mouth is dry, and the appetite impaired; there is headache, nausea, and sometimes vomiting; there is pain in the abdomen after eating, and in the region of the liver, and it is also felt in the right shoulder, and between the shoulder-blades. In severe cases, there is fever, accompanied with chills, despondency and loss of flesh. The stools are generally of a light clay color, and very offensive; the urine is thick and yellow. When the disease terminates fatally, there is delirium followed by stupor. Treatment. The first step should be to eliminate from the system, as speedily as possible, all noxious materials. For this purpose, the spirit-vapor bath should be used. If the urine is scanty or voided with difficulty, take acetate of potash or queen of the meadow. These may In some cases, acids are of great value; good hard cider or hydrochloric acid and the acid bath are frequently valuable agents. In other cases the employment, both internally and externally, of alkalies in addition to the Golden Medical Discovery answers the purpose much better. Again, there are persons who, in addition to alteratives and baths, require tonics. In the treatment or this affection, whatever may be the nature of the case, the use of alteratives must not be forgotten, for without them, the auxiliary treatment with acids, alkalies, and tonics, will not produce the desired effect. The employment of drastic remedies is sometimes resorted to; but, although they may give temporary relief, the patient soon relapses into his former condition, while if the treatment above given be adopted, the recovery will be permanent. GALL-STONES. (BILIARY CALCULI.)These are concretions found in the gall-bladder or bile duct, and vary from the size of a pea to that of a hen's egg. There may be no indication of their existence in the gall-bladder until they begin to pass through the duct. Causes. The formation of gall-stones is undoubtedly due to an unhealthy condition of the bile. Corpulent persons, and those indulging in over-stimulating diet, or in the habitual use of fermented drinks, are most liable to be troubled by them. Symptoms. The patient is suddenly seized with excruciating pain in the right side. After a time it subsides, but is again renewed with as great severity as before. There is nausea, with vomiting, which is often excessive and severe. The pulse is sometimes slower than is natural, the extremities are cold, there is great exhaustion, together with perspiration and spasmodic contraction of the abdominal muscles. As soon as one stone has passed through the duct into the intestine, immediate relief is experienced until another commences to pass, and the larger the concretion, the greater is the pain. If the stools be washed, the gall-stones may be seen floating on top of the water. Treatment. This consists chiefly in relieving the patient of pain and vomiting during the passage of the gall-stones. Hot fomentations made with stramonium leaves and lobelia, and applied over the painful parts, are beneficial. Small doses of lobelia may be taken, but not in sufficient quantities to produce vomiting. Doses of opium should also These distressing symptoms are apt to recur until the removal of all the gall-stones is effected. To aid in removing them, take the Golden Medical Discovery rather freely for a day or two, and continue its use with lobelia, in doses sufficiently large to produce nausea, but not vomiting. From four to eight ounces of sweet oil may be given, and, if the bowels do not respond within three hours, repeat the dose, and the gall-stones will generally be evacuated. To prevent the formation of these concretions take the Golden Medical Discovery, together with alkaline drinks made with carbonate of soda. Tone and energy will thereby be imparted to the liver, the free flow of bile will be insured and the subsequent formation of gall-stones prevented. INTESTINAL WORMS.We have not the space to discuss the numerous theories which have been offered to account for the presence of these parasites in the human body. We shall enumerate the principal species, describe the symptoms indicating their presence, and indicate the proper remedies. There are five species of intestinal worms, sufficiently common to merit a description. (1.) The round worm, termed by naturalists, ascaris lumbricoides, varies from six inches to a foot in length, and resembles the common earth-worm. It infests the small intestines, and seldom migrates into the stomach or large bowel. Instances are recorded, however, in which it has crept upward in the esophagus, larynx, nostrils, and eustachian tube; but their presence in these parts is of comparatively rare occurrence, and is generally caused by some local irritation which compels their migration. The fact that they have been found in the peritoneal sac, gave rise to the opinion that they perforate the intestine; but careful observations have proved that they can only escape through openings made by ulcers. This species has been found in adults, but is more common in children from three to twelve years of age. The number of this species existing in a human body is variable. Sometimes only two or three are found. At other times a hundred, and even twice that number, are voided in a few days. (2.) The ascaris vermicularis, thread, pin, or seat-worm, is round, very slender, and about half an inch in length. The habitation of this species is the rectum, and they are often found matted together in the excrement. They are very active, even after ejection, and have been known to cause great local irritation by entering the vagina and urethra. Their presence is an occasional cause of masturbation. It (3.) The tricocephalus dispar is a third variety of the round worm, and is said to infest the bodies of almost every species of mammalia. As its name indicates, the upper portion of its body is slender, hair-like, and terminates at the lower extremity in a thick, spiral portion. It is from one to two inches in length, and is found attached by its head to the mucous membrane of the cÆcum, and, in rare instances, in the colon and small intestine. They are rarely numerous. TÆceniÆ or tape-worms, are hermaphrodites, of a flat, ribbon-like form, and are composed of numerous segments, each of which is provided with a complete set of generative organs, and contains ova for the production of thousands of individuals. Some authors have supposed that each segment, or joint, is a distinct individual, but the existence of one head for the whole precludes this theory. There are two species of tÆniÆ developed in the human intestine; the tÆnia solium and the tÆnia lata. (4.) The tÆnia solium is the species commonly found in America and all the countries of Europe, except France, Russia, and Switzerland. In France, both species are found, but the tÆnia lata seems to be indigenous to Russia and Switzerland. The tÆnia solium varies in length from four or five to thirty, thirty-five, or even forty feet. The head is hemispherical and armed with a double row of twenty or thirty hooklets. The genital organs are alternate and placed upon the outer edges of each segment. It inhabits the small intestine, and is usually solitary. (5.) The tÆnia lata, or broad tape-worm, is distinguished by the greater breadth of its segments, and the location of the genital organs, which are found in the centre of each segment. Its small elongated head is unarmed, and has a longitudinal fissure on each side. It usually attains a greater length than the tÆnia solium. Symptoms. The symptoms which the long worms occasion, are frequently somewhat obscure. Thirst, irregular appetite, colicky pains, excessive flow of saliva, enlargement of the abdomen, itching of the nose, pallor of the face, offensive breath, disturbed sleep, and grinding of the teeth, all are common symptoms. Occasionally, convulsions and other nervous affections are produced by the presence of the ascaris lumbricoides, but generally they produce less constitutional disturbance than the other varieties. The passage of this species of worms from the bowels, or their ejection from the stomach, is the only positive evidence of their presence. The ascaris vermicularis, thread, pin, or seat-worm, gives rise to most of the symptoms produced by the long worms, but in addition produces intense itching at the anus, and, not unfrequently, an eruption upon that part. The itching is particularly distressing at night. When the little sufferer is well covered, the The Symptoms produced by the tape-worm are dizziness, ringing in the ears, increased secretion of saliva, indigestion, ravenous appetite, sharp abdominal pains, and emaciation. The only positive sign of the presence of these parasites, is the passage of pieces of them in the feces. The nervous and other symptoms produced by the ordinary long worms are also caused by the tape-worm. Causes. Careful observations have proved that there are certain causes which favor the generation or development of intestinal worms. Among others, we may mention fatty or farinaceous articles of food, gormandizing, constant exposure to a moist atmosphere, and sedentary habits. It is now generally conceded that the development of tape-worms is due to the swallowing of an egg or germ-cell, which is contained in many kinds of animal food, and which the process of cooking has failed to destroy. People living near low marshes, lakes, or the seacoast, are liable to tÆniÆ. Treatment. The expulsion of the ascaris lumbricoides may be very easily and pleasantly effected. Santonin is an effectual remedy for this variety of worms. For a child three years old, take santonin, six grains; podophyllin, one grain; white sugar, thirty grains; mix, triturate, and divide into twelve powders, and give one every three or four hours, until they act upon the bowels; or take santonin, ten grains; white sugar, twenty grains; mix, triturate, and divide into ten powders, and give one every night at bed-time, and after giving two or three in this way, administer a mild cathartic. As santonin is almost entirely tasteless, if not combined with other medicines which are unpalatable, no difficulty will be experienced in administering it to children. By reference to the article on anthelmintics in this volume, other valuable vermifuges may be selected, and directions found for their employment. In the removal of thread or pin-worms, anthelmintic medicines taken into the stomach are of little or no value. An injection of a strong solution of salt, is a very efficient remedy. A teaspoonful of turpentine in half a pint of milk makes a good injection. Strong coffee has been Various remedies have been used to destroy tape-worms. Among others we may mention the old and time-honored remedy, which consists of two or three ounces of the oil of turpentine, taken in castor oil or some aromatic tincture. A decoction made by boiling two or three ounces of freshly powdered pomegranate bark in a pint of water was used by the ancients, and is now highly recommended as a remedy. Some American physicians have used an emulsion of pumpkin seeds with marked success. Twenty or thirty grains of the extract of male fern, followed by a cathartic is highly recommended for the destruction and removal of tÆniÆ. TRICHINA SPIRALIS.In 1835, Owen discovered a peculiar parasite, which sometimes infests the human body, and is termed the trichina spiralis. The presence of these parasites has given rise to morbid conditions of the system, followed by the most serious results. They are developed in the alimentary canal, and then perforate its tissues and enter the muscles. Twelve trichinÆ have been found in a section of human muscle only one-twelfth of an inch square and one-fifth of an inch in thickness. The early symptoms of trichinÆ are very uncertain, being the same as those of some other disease. The patient complains of severe pain in the abdomen and is troubled with diarrhea. When the trichinÆ pass into the muscles, they occasion great suffering. There are sharp pains in the muscles, the perspiration is profuse, and the patient becomes exhausted. Cause. Nearly every case of trichinÆ, which has been brought to the notice of the profession, has been attributed to the eating of raw or improperly cooked pork. The parasites can only be detected with a microscope. Treatment. The impossibility of removing the trichinÆ after they have passed into the muscles is apparent; and, as yet, no special remedy has been recommended to remove them from the alimentary canal. The only safety lies in prevention. Hence raw or imperfectly cooked pork should never be eaten. |