Chapter | | Page | I. | “Roseen Dhu” | 1 | II. | Brother and Sister | 11 | III. | Lady Betty and her Father | 18 | IV. | In the Woods of Althorpe | 27 | V. | Lady Sunderland | 42 | VI. | Lady Betty’s Toilet | 52 | VII. | At the Races | 61 | VIII. | Lady Betty and an Irish Jacobite | 72 | IX. | The Wearing of the Green | 81 | X. | An Irish Defiance | 89 | XI. | A Night of Portents | 104 | XII. | Master and Man | 110 | XIII. | Lady Betty takes the Field | 120 | XIV. | The Inn Garden | 129 | XV. | My Lady Sunderland takes Tea | 139 | XVI. | My Lord Clancarty | 147 | XVII. | At the Toy-Shop | 157 | XVIII. | The Duel | 165 | XIX. | My Lord Savile reaps his Reward | 170 | XX. | Lady Betty’s Search | 180 | XXI. | The Valley of the Shadow | 186 | XXII. | “Until Death us do Part” | 196 | XXIII. | My Lord Spencer | 211 | XXIV. | Melissa | 221 | XXV. | Mr. Secretary Vernon | 229 | XXVI. | The Arrest | 235 | XXVII. | The Traitor’s Gate | 245 | XXVIII. | Alice and Denis | 256 | XXIX. | Father and Daughter | 260 | XXX. | My Lord of Devonshire | 268 | XXXI. | Lady Russell | 276 | XXXII. | The King | 284 | XXXIII. | Donough! | 293 | My LADY CLANCARTY Being the True Story of the Earl of Clancarty and Lady Elizabeth Spencer