Size large; ears moderate, ear from crown (taken in dry skin) 9 or 10 millimeters; eyes prominent; whiskers long and sensitive; fore feet short and weak; hind feet long and powerful, provided with four well-developed toes; tail very long, usually 30 to 40 per cent COLOR.General color above, brownish buffy, varying in some specimens to lighter buffy tints, grizzled with black; oblique hip stripes white; tail with dark-brown or blackish stripes above and below, running into blackish about halfway between base and tip, and with two lateral side stripes of white to a point about halfway back; tail tipped with pure white for about 40 millimeters (Pl. I). Underparts white, hairs white to bases, with some plumbeous and buffy hairs about base of tail; fore legs and fore feet white all around; hind legs like back, brown above, hairs with gray bases, becoming blackish (fuscous-black or chÆtura-black) about ankles, hairs on under side white to bases; hind feet white above, dark-brown or blackish (near fuscous) below. Color variations in a series of 12 specimens from the type locality and points widely scattered through the range of spectabilis consist in minor modifications of the degree of coloration, length of white tip of tail, and length of white lateral tail stripes. In general the color pattern and characters are remarkably uniform. Young specimens, while exhibiting the color pattern and general color of adults, are conspicuously less brown, and more grayish. There appears to be little variation in color with season. In the series at hand, most specimens taken during the fall, winter, and spring are very slightly browner than those of summer, suggesting that the fresh pelage following the fall molt is a little brighter than is the pelage after being worn all winter and into the following summer. But at most the difference is slight. OIL GLAND.Upon separating the hairs of the middle region of the back about a third of the distance between the ears and the rump, one uncovers a prominent gland, elliptical in outline, with long axis longitudinal and about 9 millimeters in length. The gland presents a roughened and granular appearance, and fewer hairs grow upon it than elsewhere on the back. The hairs in the vicinity are frequently matted, as if with a secretion. In worn stage of pelage the gland may be visible from above without separating the hairs. Bailey has suggested that this functions as an oil gland for dressing the fur, and our observations bear out this view. Kangaroo rats kept in captivity without earth or sand soon come to have a bedraggled appearance, as if the pelage were moist. When supplied with fine, MEASUREMENTS AND WEIGHTS.External measurements include: Total length, from tip of nose to tip of tail without hairs, measured before skinning; tail vertebrÆ, length of tail from point in angle when tail is bent at right angles to body to tip of tail without hairs; and hind foot, from heel to tip of longest claw. The following are measurements of a series from the U.S. Range Reserve: Average measurements of 30 adult specimens of both sexes: Total length, 326.2 millimeters (349-310); tail vertebrÆ, 188.4 (208-180); hind foot, 49.5 (51-47); the average weight of 29 adult specimens of both sexes was 114.5 grams (131.9-98.0). Averages for 17 adult females: Total length, 326.4 millimeters (349-310); tail vertebrÆ, 188.8 (208-179); weight (16 individuals), 113.7 (131.9-98.0); excluding pregnant females, 13 individuals averaged 112.9 grams (131.9-98.0). Averages for 13 adult males: Total length, 326 millimeters (345-311); tail vertebrÆ, 187.8 (202-168); weight, 116.8 grams (129-100). There appears to be no significant difference in the measurements and weights of males and females, with the possible exception of the comparison of adult males and adult nonpregnant females. |