- The Life, &c.
- Chap. I 1
- Chap. II 2
- Chap. III 9
- Chap. IV 12
- Chap. V 13
- Chap. VI 18
- Chap. VII 21
- Chap. VIII 23
- Chap. IX 28
- Chap. X 32
- Chap. XI 34
- Chap. XII 38
- Chap. XIII 40
- Chap. XIV 41
- Chap. XV 43
- Chap. XVI 48
- Chap. XVII 50
- Chap. XVIII 56
- Chap. XIX 66
- Chap. XX 69
- Chap. XXI 71
- Chap. XXII 73
- Chap. XXIII 75
- Chap. XXIV 77
- Chap. XXV 80
- Chap. XXVI 83
- Chap. XXVII 89
- Chap. XXVIII 97
- Chap. XXIX 114
- Chap. XXX 122
- Chap. XXXI 135
- Chap. XXXII 151
- Chap. XXXIII 162
- Chap. XXXIV 170
- Chap. XXXV 176
- Chap. XXXVI 188
- Fragments of the Ethical Writings of Certain Pythagoreans 193
- From Hippodamus, the Thurian, in his Treatise on Felicity 195
- From Euryphamus, in his Treatise Concerning Human Life 202
- From Hipparchus, in his Treatise On Tranquillity 207
- From Archytas, in his Treatise Concerning the Good and Happy Man 212
- From Theages, in his Treatise On the Virtues 222
- From Metopus, in his Treatise Concerning Virtue 227
- From Clinias 231
- From Theages, in his Treatise On the Virtues 233
- From the Treatise of Archytas On Ethical Erudition 242
- From Archytas, in his Treatise On the Good and Happy Man 244
- From Crito, in his Treatise On Prudence and Prosperity 245
- From Archytas, in his Treatise On the Good and Happy Man 250
- From Archytas, in his Treatise On Disciplines 252
- From Polus, in his Treatise On Justice 254
- Pythagoric Ethical Sentences from StobÆus, which are omitted in the Opuscula Mythologica, &c. of Gale 259
- Select Sentences of Sextus the Pythagorean 268
- Pythagoric Sentences, from the Protreptics of Iamblichus 278
- Additional Notes 281