Roman ruins I walked with Gibbon and Hume, through the sombre halls of the past, and caught visions of the glory of the classic Republics and Empires that flourished long ago, and whose very I thought I heard the harp of Pindar, and the impassioned song of the dark-eyed Sappho. I thought I heard the lofty epic of the blind Homer, rushing on in the red tide of battle, and the divine Plato discoursing like an oracle in his academic shades. The canvas spoke and the marble breathed when Apelles painted and Phidias carved. I stood with Michael Angelo and saw him chisel his dreams from the marble. I saw Raphael spread his visions of beauty in immortal colors. I sat under the spirit of Paganini's power. The flow of his melody turned the very air into music. I thought I was in the presence of Divinity as I listened to the warbles, and murmurs, and the ebb and flow of the silver tides, from his violin. And I said: Music is the dearest gift of God to man. The sea, the forest, the field, and the meadow, are the very fountain heads of music. I believe that Mozart, and Mendelssohn, and Schubert, and Verdi, and all the great masters, |