We can show you effects never before thought of, and at moderate prices, too. Why have your house decorated and painted by inferior workmen, when you can have it done by skilled workmen—by artists—for the same price? If you intend decorating, if only one room, call to see what we are doing, and for whom. TAPESTRY PAINTING.2,000 tapestry painting to choose from. 38 artists employed, including gold medalists of the Paris Salon. Send 25 cents for compendium of 140 studies. WALL PAPER.New styles, designed by gold medal artists. From 10 cents per roll up. Will give you large samples if you will pay expressage. A large quantity of last year's paper, $1 and $2 per roll; now 10 c. and 25 c. DECORATIONS.Color schemes—designs and estimates submitted free. Artists sent to all parts of the world to do every sort of decorating and painting. We are educating the country in color-harmony. Relief, stained glass, wall paper, carpets, furniture, draperies, etc. Pupils taught. DECORATIVE ADVICE.Upon receipt of $1, Mr. Douthitt will answer any question on interior decorations—color-harmony and harmony of form, harmony of wall coverings, carpets, curtains, tiles, furniture, gas fixtures, etc. JOHN F. DOUTHITT, |