- Automatic looms, 198
- BACKED cloths, with weft, 255;
- with warp, 257
- Barley-corn patterns, 235
- Beaming, press, 47
- —— tension, 47
- Beating up the weft, 72, 85
- ——, character of motion in, 72, 73
- ——, distance moved by slay whilst the crank moves through given
- angle in, 74
- ——, eccentricity of slay’s movement in, 72;
- cause of, 74
- ——, effect of altering position of crank-shaft in, 83;
- of reversing direction of crank in, 84
- ——, force of slay in, 78, 82
- ——, position of crank in, 72
- Becks, size mixing, 30
- Brake, 95
- CALCULATION for two or more fold yarns, 308
- —— of contraction for different weaves and counts, 326
- —— of cost of a piece, 325
- —— of counts of yarn from weighing given length, 329
- Calculation of diameter of yarn, 336
- Calculation of number of threads of given counts required to make a
- firm cloth in any weave, 341
- —— of quantity of warp and weft in a piece, 311–313
- —— of reeds and setts, 310
- —— of weaving wage, 324
- —— of weight of a given length of any counts, 330
- —— to make a cloth of equal firmness to given cloth when changing
- weave, 338
- —— to preserve firmness and alter weight, 343
- —— to preserve firmness when changing threads per inch, 341
- —— to preserve same firmness when changing counts, 341
- Card-cutting machine, 190
- —— repeater, 191
- Casting out, 285
- Checks produced by re-arranging twills, 241
- Circular-box motion, 115
- Clearer guide, 8
- Clipped or sheared cloths, 254
- Coiling motions. _See_ Taking-up
- Combined twills, 226
- Cop winding machine, 6
- Cording plan for hand loom, 50
- Cords, 245
- Corkscrew twills, 257
- Counts of cotton yarns, 307
- Counts of two or more unequal threads twisted together, 308;
- and weight of each required in given weight of resulting
- thread, 309
- Cover on cloth, 237
- Pegging plan making, 228
- Pick-and-pick loom, 116
- Pick, force of, 69
- Picking, over pick, 68, 69
- —— under pick, 71
- Pile fabrics, warp, 189
- —— weft, 270–277
- PiquÉs, 258
- Pirn winding machine, 15
- —— —— —— disc, 17
- Plain cloth, 218
- —— draft for weaving, 219
- —— number of threads possible in, 218
- —— ornamentation of, 218
- Plushes, 189, 275
- Point draft, 230
- Point paper, selection of, for different proportions of warp and
- weft, 290
- —— use of, 219
- Power-loom, tappet shedding motions in, 51–68
- Preparatory processes, 1
- Presser roller, expanding, 27
- Pressure harness, designing for, 292
- —— harnesses, 161–166
- Primary movements in weaving, 48
- —— timing of, 85–87
- Protector, loose reed, 91
- —— stop rod, 92
- REEDS and setts, 310
- Ribs and cords, 245
- Roller top motion for plain cloth, 62;
- 3 staves, 64;
- 4 staves, 64;
- 5 staves, 65;
- 7 staves, 66
- SACK weaving, 259
- Satin draft, 229
- —— weaves, 222
- Satin, principle of construction of, 224
- Scotch dressing, 42
- Section blocks, expanding, 27
- —— tappets, Woodcroft’s, 59, 60
- Sectional warping, 23
- Selvedge motion in sateen loom, 134, 135
- Set figures, arrangement of, 278–281
- Shading, 283
- Shedding motions, power-loom, 51–68
- Silk yarns, thrown or net, numbering of, 307
- Sines and cosines, table of, 81
- Singleton’s stop-motion, 19
- Size mixing, 28
- —— —— for light sizing, THE END