THE Jacquard machine was the invention of a Frenchman of that name, who exhibited the machine about the year 1800. It was introduced into this country about twenty years later. The chief advantage of the machine is that a large number of warp threads can be operated separately, and a larger figure be produced than with a shaft harness. The chief ideas in the machine are that each mail is connected separately to its hook, and the use of perforated cards to leave any hook over the griffe if it is required to be lifted, or to push it away from it if the hook is required to be left down in the shed. The original Jacquard machine was a single-lift, and although many minor improvements have been made in it, the main features are practically the same to-day as in the earliest machines introduced into this country. At the present day the single-lift is comparatively little used in cotton manufacture owing to the increased speed at which double-lifts can be worked, but it is still preferred in silk manufacture for several reasons. One reason is that the character of the shed when beating up in a double-lift machine is essentially different to that produced by a hand-loom, where of course a single-lift is always used, and as hand-loom fabrics have a finer touch and appearance than power-loom fabrics, the object is to imitate the hand-loom production as nearly as possible. The cause Double-lifts, owing to the counterpoise and the division of the work on to two knives, are undoubtedly steadier in working, and this is an argument decidedly in their favour. Single-lifts are still used in the manufacture of figured lenos, as no shaking motion has yet been successfully adapted to enable the crossing ends to cross with a double-lift machine. FIG. 106. A single-lift Jacquard for weaving a pattern which occupies 400 ends in a repeat consists of 400 hooks and 400 needles, with an extra row of eight hooks for selvedges, or other auxiliary use. The hooks are arranged in eight rows with 51 hooks in a row. A cross section of this Jacquard is shown at Fig. 106, where the uprights are the hooks and the horizontal wires the “needles.” A is the “needle board,” and this is a perforated board through which the needles pass. The bottom needle B is twisted or looped round the back hook D, and the connection of the other needles and hooks is shown. At the back of each needle a small spring made of fine brass or steel wire is placed. These springs are held in position in the “spring-box” S. There are, therefore, 408 springs required for the 408 needles. The hooks rest on the grate G, but in some makes of machine the grate is not used and the hooks rest upon a “bottom board.” In this case the hooks are very liable to turn round, and thus cause It will be noticed that the knives are leaning a little, and the reason for this will be apparent, as if they were not leaning they would catch the tops of the hooks in coming down, and would break or bend them. The sloping position enables the knives in coming down to press back the tops of the hooks and so get under them, ready for the next card to be pressed against the needles. The knives should come down low enough to be quite clear of the hooks, and therefore in this machine there is a considerable dwell when the shed is closed. The harness for a straight-over pattern is mounted as shown at Fig. 107. In order to prevent confusion the connection of the cords to the machine is not shown, but the numbers on the line A represent the hooks in the machine to which the cords are to be attached. The “comber-board” or “cumber-board” B is a frame into which perforated slips are fitted. These slips are perforated to different degrees of fineness, the fineness being FIG. 107. When one lingoe has been connected to each of (say) 400 hooks, the first pattern is complete. Supposing there are 100 ends per inch, the pattern will occupy 4 inches, and therefore if cloth is required 28 inches wide in the harness, there must be seven lingoes attached to each hook, making seven patterns, or seven repeats of the pattern, in the width of cloth. Thus FIG. 108. It is important to have a clear understanding as to which is the hook which lifts the first end in the draft. This hook is the one connected with the bottom needle in the last row on the 25-side of the machine. As we stated previously, a 400s machine has 400 hooks arranged in 50 rows of 8, or 8 rows of 50 hooks, and in addition there is always a spare row of hooks, making 51 rows in all. As it is necessary to lace the cards in the middle as well as at the sides, a space has to be allowed for the lace holes, and therefore the machine is divided into two parts by a space between the 26th and 27th rows. A plan of a card is given at Fig. 108. The length of the card between the two peg holes A and B is nearly 14½ inches, and the distance between the centre of the top needles and the bottom needles is 1? inch exactly. This holds good for all English-made machines, but the American index is different. It will be seen that there are 26 rows on the right of the machine and 25 rows on the left, and one is called the “26-side” and the other the “25-side.” The cards are always numbered at the “26-side,” and the cutting is commenced at this end. It may be as well to explain here the order in which the holes are cut from the design, as it will assist in following the point paper design to the loom. The cutting is usually done in a “piano” cutting machine, which will be explained more fully later on. By this machine one row of eight holes can be cut by operating eight punches and pressing down the right-foot treadle of the machine. The number end of the card is gripped by the machine, and at the first stroke of the right foot, the lace holes EF and the peg hole A are cut, then one stroke of the treadle is made without cutting, and the pointer of the machine arrives at the 1st or spare row. If the selvedges are worked from this row, holes are cut accordingly. Then the pointer comes to the 2nd row, and in this row the cutting from the design is commenced. At Fig. 109 the design is made on point paper, as it is required to appear in the cloth right side up, with the twill in the ground running in the same direction as shown on the design. When cutting, the design is usually turned round, as shown at Fig. 110, and the cutting commences from the top right-hand corner A. To show the matter clearly, the first row of holes cut are numbered, both in the design and the card, in consecutive order. FIG. 109. FIG. 110. The first hole cut in the card is operated with the little finger of the right hand. Following this hole to the loom, we find it operates the last or 400th end in the draft, and that the hole cut last on the card (numbered 400) operates the first Following out the operation of cutting the card. When the 26th row has been cut, the lace holes MN (Fig. 108) are cut, and then the cutting is again straight-forward to the 50th row. The piano machine is so constructed that with the same stroke of the treadle which cuts the 51st row the peg hole D is also cut, and then follows a stroke without cutting, after which the two lace holes T and Y are cut. This makes 56 strokes of the foot for each card. It is usual, in order to economise space, for the Jacquards with straight, or “Norwich,” harnesses to be placed on the loom, so that on one loom the cards hang over the weaver’s head, and on the next the cards are at the back of the loom. In both cases the harnesses are built the same way, but in one case (cards over weaver’s head) the thread operated by the bottom needle on the “25-side” will be at the back of the comber-board, at the left hand; and in the other case (cards behind loom) the same thread will be at the front of the comber-board at the right-hand side. As previously stated, the single-lift Jacquard for cotton weaving is not often employed except for special purposes, such as figured leno weaving. The advantage possessed by the double-lift Jacquard as regards speed is so very considerable that its adoption for ordinary forms of cotton weaving has become universal; and the advantage of speed is not the only advantage it possesses, as will be pointed out shortly. A double-lift machine with one cylinder for a 400 end pattern consists of 800 hooks and 400 needles. Each needle is twisted or bent round two hooks, as shown at Fig. 111. The hooks are connected together in twos by neck cords, FIG. 111. There are two griffes, which work oppositely—that is, as one goes up the other comes down. The griffes (or knives) are worked by a double crank on the bottom shaft of the loom, so that each griffe moves from the bottom to top of its stroke in one pick, and from top to bottom in another pick. The principle of the double-lift will be understood from Fig. 112. One knife, A, is at the top, and the other knife, B, is down. One hook of the pair is lifted, and therefore the ends in the mails connected to the neck cord at C will be lifted. Suppose now it is required to lift the same ends of warp for the next pick: a card is pressed against the needles, and if there is a hole in the card opposite the needle E, it will leave the needle and the hook N where they are, and as the knife B is lifted, the hook N will be taken up as the hook M is coming down. The hooks will cross at about the middle of their stroke, and the weight of the ends and lingoes on the cord C will at that moment pass from the hook M to the hook N. In the diagram the cord attached to the hook N is slack, but when this hook FIG. 112. It is obvious that in the position shown in Fig. 112, when one knife is up and the other down and the needle pressed back by the card, that the hook M will also be pressed back, as shown by the dotted line. The bend of the hook over the knife, therefore, must be sufficient to prevent the hook being pushed off the knife, and it will be noticed that the hooks in this class of machine are bent more than the hooks in a single-lift machine. The hooks rest on the grate G, Fig. 111, and the shape of the hook at this point acts as a spring to straighten the lifted hooks after the pressure of the card has been taken off the needles. A machine of this kind can be run at a speed of about 160 or 170 picks a minute, as compared with the 130 or 140 picks of a single-lift. A double-lift machine on another principle is illustrated at Fig. 113. This is a two-cylinder machine, and to weave a pattern repeating on 400 ends this machine requires 800 hooks and 800 needles. The cylinders work at opposite sides. The FIG. 113. The cylinders work alternately, the cards being laced in two sets, all the odd numbers being together in one set and the even numbers forming another set. Immediately one knife is at the top and the other at the bottom, one cylinder is pressed against the needles, and it will be noticed that the hooks which each cylinder operates have the hooked parts in the direction of the cylinder. When the hooks operated by one cylinder are at the top the other cylinder is pressed against the needles, and thus the work done by one cylinder in Fig. 111 is divided between two in this machine. The advantage of this machine is in the lessened speed of the cylinders. The vibration caused by the cylinder working at a high speed in a single-cylinder machine is so great that the limit is reached at about 170 picks per minute, whereas a double-cylinder machine can be run up to 200 or sometimes even more picks per minute, though perhaps 180 is a more advantageous speed. The top set of Besides the advantage of speed, double-lifts have an advantage in the counterpoise obtained by one set of hooks going up as the other comes down. This causes a more even motion and steadier working. Another advantage possessed by double-lifts is that the beating up of the weft is effected in a crossed shed, thus enabling more weft to be put in than in a single-lift, where the beat-up is done with a closed shed. This beating up in a crossed shed also spreads the warp better, and prevents the reed marks from showing, for the same reason as was given when referring to the spreading of the warp in the tappet loom. In silk weaving a single-lift machine has an advantage in imitating more closely hand-woven goods, as hand-loom weavers usually beat up in a closed shed. This causes the weft to be put in straighter—that is, less wavy, which is very desirable in silk fabrics. The cause of this difference in the shed when beating up in the two kinds of looms will be understood by following the relative positions of the griffes and the loom crank throughout its revolution. In a single lift the time allowed for opening and closing the shed must be used to the best advantage; that is, as much time as possible must be given for this purpose. On this account it is necessary to pick the moment the slay is sufficiently far back to allow the shuttle to enter the shed—that is, when the slay is half-way back, or the crank at the bottom centre. The griffe is worked by a crank on the top shaft of the loom, and there is no actual dwell of the griffe or of the ends when the shed is open; therefore the shed must be opened a little wider than would otherwise be necessary for allowing the shuttle to pass through. The shed must be sufficiently open to allow the shuttle to FIG. 114. FIG. 115. In a double-lift the warp is much more leniently dealt with. As we have said, the shed must be open for the shuttle to enter when the loom crank is at the bottom centre. Therefore the griffes should be in their extreme position—one up and one down—when the crank is at the bottom centre. The timing of the parts in a double-lift will be seen at Fig. 115. The cranks that work the griffes are on the bottom Jacquards are made in various sizes. 100s, 200s, 300s, 400s, and 600s, are the most common. 100s are arranged in rows of four; 200s and 400s are in rows of eight; 300s and 600s in rows of twelve. There are two distinct kind of harness mounting, the London and Norwich systems. In the former the Jacquard is placed with the narrow end towards the front of the loom, thus causing the cards to fall at the side. In the Norwich system, or “tie,” the machine is placed with the broad side facing the front of the loom, thus causing the cards to hang either over the weaver’s head or at the back of the loom. On this system, as there are eight rows in a machine, by taking the comber board eight rows deep the harness becomes what is called a straight neck. With the London system, the end of the machine facing the weaver, there must be a twist in each pattern in the harness. There is not much to choose between FIG. 116. Fig. 116 shows the method of tying up the harness on the Norwich system for a bordered fabric, such as handkerchiefs. In these goods it is usually preferred that both borders should point inwards, as in the sketches Figs. 116 and 117. FIG. 117. The hooks to which the harness threads are attached are numbered on the line A, and it will be seen that the draft begins in the left-hand corner at the back of the comber-board, the lingoes being numbered in the order of the draft. The cords are tied up just as for an ordinary straight-over harness for the first 400, or one full pattern of the machine, but then, instead of commencing with the first hook again, the 201st lingoe is tied to the 201st hook, and the second half of the pattern is repeated. This forms the middle of the handkerchief, and it must be repeated over a sufficient number of times to give the required width of cloth after allowing for the trimming and border. In FIG. 118. If the harness is a “London tie” it necessitates a half-turn in each pattern, as the machine is at right angles to the comber-board. Therefore the draft may be continuous, as shown at Fig. 117, where, after the middle has been repeated a sufficient number of times, finishing with a thread from the 400th hook at the front of the comber-board, the next one is Bordered goods are often made with two borders at each side, and sometimes the borders are repeated a few times. The number of hooks taken for the border and middle respectively vary according to requirements. Sometimes, in a 400 machine, 300 will be taken for the border and 100 for the middle, and so on. The cross-border must of course be designed, and the cards cut. The number of cards in a set in these goods is often very large, as the middle must be repeated over the required number of times, and there will be as many cards used in the set as there are picks in the handkerchief. In designing for the mounting given at Fig. 117, the design would be made on 400 ends: 200 for the border and 200 for the middle, and the cards would be cut just in the ordinary manner. The cross-border would also be designed in such a manner as to harmonize with the side borders. The portion to be designed is enclosed by the dotted lines. Centre ties or point ties are another class of harness in regular use. This is really the two borders of a bordered harness joined together. Fig. 118 shows how the tying up is done for a pattern of this kind. The first 400 threads are connected as usual, the draft being from back to front. When the 400th has been reached, the draft is reversed until No. 1 is arrived at again. The same effect is obtained as in a point of V draft in a shaft harness. The pattern must be of such a character that one half is the exact reverse of the other. This kind of harness is used for weaving large damask figures, and it is obvious that the effect produced is really that of a figure FIG. 119. The object of a cross-border Jacquard is to save the expense of cards in handkerchiefs and other bordered goods. As pointed out previously, the portion of the handkerchief between the two cross-borders is usually repeated over for a considerable number of times, often from twelve to twenty times. This often means using a few thousand cards, which might be saved if the border and middle cards could be laced separately and changed automatically. On the hand-loom it is usual for the weaver to change the cards by hand when required, substituting the border for the middle cards and vice versÂ, but in the power-loom this is of course out of the question, and usually the total number of picks in the handkerchief have each a separate card. The cross-border machine illustrated at Figs. 119 and 120 is the invention of Messrs. Crossley and Davenport. FIG. 120. The cylinders can be changed by pulling the cord L in Fig. 120. When the parts are in the position shown in this Double-shed Jacquards are used chiefly in weaving heavy goods where a very large and deep shuttle is required to hold a reasonable quantity of weft. The principle of this machine will be easily understood from Fig. 121. A is connected to the crank shaft of the loom and moves the end of the lever BC up and down, the fulcrum of the lever being at E. The bottom board or plate F is therefore moved up and down, and in doing so the griffe G is made to move oppositely, the bottom plate coming down as the griffe goes up, and vice versÂ. FIG. 121. Only a few hooks are shown as an example, but the machines can be made any size. When all the hooks are resting on the bottom board, which will be when the bottom plate is at the top of its stroke, the card is pressed against the needles and selects the hooks to be lifted in the usual manner, after which the griffe rises as the bottom board sinks. Thus an extra deep shed is produced without the griffe having so far to lift as would otherwise be the case. The shed produced is a centre shed, all the ends coming to the centre every pick. Several open-shed Jacquards have been patented. That of Wilkinson’s is illustrated at Figs. 122 and 123. A and B are a pair of hooks, which are connected by a cord passing round a pulley, W. This pulley works on a pin at one end of the thin plate C, and at the other end of the plate FIG. 122. FIG. 123. If one hook of the pair is lifted and it is required to keep the same ends of warp up for the next picks, the hooks being connected round the pulley W, one hook going up as the other comes down will keep the harness cords stationary, and the hooks A and B can be lifted alternately one up, one down, without moving the cord E, which will all the time be keeping the warp ends up. The shed thus obtained is similar to that in a Keighley dobby; the ends, when once they are lifted, stay in that position until they are required to come down. The principle can be applied to either double-lift single-cylinder or double-lift double-cylinder machines. Another view of the pulleys is shown at Fig. 123, where the pulleys and other parts are lettered as in the previous figure. Each pair of hooks in the machine has these pulleys attached, and therefore it will be understood that the pulleys must be rather thin in order to enable them to be placed in a space equal to the size of the Jacquard machine. The advantage which a satisfactory machine on this principle would possess lies in the fact that the jerk which occurs in ordinary double-lifts when the weight is passing from one hook to another in each The split harness is an ingenious method of increasing the size of pattern which can be woven on a given Jacquard. What is termed a “double-scale” split harness consists of two adjacent lingoes being connected to each hook in the machine. Thus with a 400s machine there are 800 mails in a pattern. A few lingoes are shown at Fig. 124 tied up in the manner of a double-scale harness. The connections to four hooks are shown. Underneath the comber-board a loop is made in the harness thread, and shafts SS, either wood or metal, are inserted through the loops in each row in the harness. These shafts are worked by the spare hooks in the machine, and in the places where the ends are left down by the Jacquard, the shafts, being lifted to a given ground pattern, will weave the ends singly. In Fig. 124 the shafts are shown lifted to weave a plain or tabby ground, every alternate one being lifted. Hooks No. 1 and No. 2 are lifted by the Jacquard, and hooks 3 and 4 are left down, and it will be seen that where the hooks are down, half the ends will be lifted by the shafts. The ends, when lifted by the Jacquard, cannot be woven separately with this harness, and FIG. 124. In silk weaving, harnesses are built on this principle to a threefold scale—that is, with three mails attached to each hook—and as in the double-scale a figure repeating on 800 ends can be woven on a 400s machine, so with a threefold scale a 1200 figure can be woven on a 400s machine. In this case the bindings in the figure will be in threes, but the ground ends may be woven quite singly by the shafts. This principle is only adapted for very fine reeds in cotton goods, but is often used in silk manufacture, where 300 or 400 threads per inch are not uncommon. The pressure harness was invented with the object of enabling very large figures to be woven on ordinary sized Jacquard machines. In very fine silk damasks—say, with about 400 threads per inch—a very large machine (or machines) is necessary to obtain a figure suitable for damask on the ordinary principle. The pressure harness overcomes this difficulty in a most ingenious manner. FIG. 125. The method originally used consisted in drawing a number of ends in each mail, and then drawing each end separately If one of these shafts is lifted to the top, like shaft No. 1, it is obvious that it will take up one end out of every mail left down, and by lifting the shafts in satin order the ends left down by the Jacquard in fives would be woven singly five shaft satin. By leaving one shaft down every pick, the ends lifted by the Jacquard will be split up in the same manner. So that with one shaft at the top, one at the bottom, and the other three lifted half way, a figure repeating on 2000 ends can be woven on a 400s Jacquard, every end being woven singly in both the ground and the figure. Of course only simple weaves can be used, and the figure will move in steps round the edges. If it is required to weave an eight shaft weft satin figure on an eight shaft warp satin ground, eight shafts must be used instead of five. The ends may still remain five in a mail, as it is not necessary that the number of ends in each mail should be the same as the number of shafts used. These shafts are called pressure healds; hence the name given to the harness. In designing for this class of harness the figure is put on point paper in simple colour, no binding dots being used, as the binding is all done by the pressure healds. The method of putting down the plan for lifting the healds, and of devising a variety of weaves for pressure harness weaving, will be found fully explained in Chapter X. FIG. 126. Another and better kind of pressure harness is illustrated at Fig. 126. Instead of healds with long eyes, two sets without eyes are used, but with a simple clasp in the middle. Fig. 126 shows the mounting for a five end satin figure on a five end satin ground, and two lingoes only of the Jacquard are shown, O representing the lifted hooks, and P the hooks left down. FIG. 127. There may be five, six, eight, or more ends in each mail, and they are drawn singly into the pressure healds in front in the following manner:—There are two sets of healds with clasps, as shown at Fig. 127. Each end is drawn singly over a clasp in the set A, and under a clasp in the set B. The clasps in the set A are fixed at the bottom of the shed, and the clasps in B are fixed at the top of the shed. By pulling one of the set B down and lifting one of the set A every pick in satin order, the ends lifted in fives or sixes are FIG. 128. The method of operating the pressure healds in a hand loom is shown at Fig. 128. The shafts in set B are pulled down by lifting the end E of the levers EF, and the same on the other side. The shafts in the set A are lifted directly by the hooks. The shafts are lifted by a few spare hooks in the Jacquard. Sometimes the Jacquards have three or four rows of extra hooks for this purpose, and these hooks are placed a little to one end of the machine, and a small separate cylinder is used. The cards for lifting or pulling the pressure healds are put on this cylinder, and the large cylinder carrying the figure cards is only turned round once every few picks by The mails used in the Jacquard harness are made with a separate hole for each end. Sometimes as many as twelve or sixteen ends are drawn in each mail, thus giving in the latter case a 6400 end figure from a 400s machine, so that with 300 ends per inch the figure would measure over 20 inches wide. A method of weaving an 800 figure on a 400 double-lift machine has been patented by James Edleston, of Preston. This is a very useful and ingenious idea, as a floated figure can be formed, and the machine remains a double-lift, with all its advantages as regards speed. Certain limits are placed upon the weaves, which can be employed for the ground or for developing the figure, but sufficient scope is afforded for all practical purposes to make the invention a success. An illustration is given of this harness at Fig. 129. The inventor gives no drawing in his specification, but presumably the illustration (Fig. 129) will represent his method; at least, it will effect the same object. One row of hooks of a 400s double-lift single-cylinder machine are shown, and it will be noticed that the hooks are not joined together by a FIG. 129. Suppose the griffe A to be lifted for the first pick, it will lift the first and ninth ends. The second card has holes opposite the second and sixth needles, and when the griffe B is lifted for the second pick, it will lift the fourth and twelfth ends in the warp or lingoes in the comber-board. The third FIG. 130. FIG. 131. From this it will be seen that a five end satin cannot be woven, nor can a weft figure be put on a warp ground. Plain grounds can be woven, and cord grounds of various kinds are also suitable for the harness. These Jacquards are now extensively used for weaving linen, damasks, and similar fabrics, and are used where pressure harnesses were formerly used. The pressure harness puts a great strain on the warp, and requires a longer distance between the cloth and the warp beam than is usually allowed for in power looms; therefore much ingenuity has been expended on these Jacquards with the view of obtaining a large design without using several ordinary Jacquards above The principle of damask attachments and twilling Jacquards is entirely different to the principle of the pressure harness, and for fine silk fabrics which require a very large extent of pattern and woven on the hand loom, the pressure harness on the principle shown at Fig. 126 is not likely to be replaced. FIG. 132. FIG. 133. In the pressure harness a number of warp threads are placed in each mail, the number of threads varying from five to sixteen; but in the twilling Jacquard only one end is drawn in each mail, and a separate hook is required for every end. The advantage comes in making each needle serve for several hooks and in making one card serve for several picks. One of the first inventors of this kind of Jacquard was Mr. Barcroft, of Newry, Ireland, and it has been improved since by him and others. The principle is illustrated at Figs. 132 and 133. There may be any number of hooks to each Now, when the griffe is at the bottom, the blades are operated by a pegged barrel, and by turning the blades one at a time out of the way of the hooks as the blade M is turned, it is obvious that a whole row of hooks can be left down which would otherwise be lifted. Turning the blade has also another effect. On the front of the blade at each end, as previously pointed out, is a projecting piece, P, and when the blade is turned, this projection pushes the twilling hook in front of it (dotted) on to the next blade of the griffe, and the twilling hook is lifted. The bottom of the twilling hook is fastened to the end of a bar, A, and the bar is lifted, thus lifting a whole row of hooks which would otherwise be left down. In this manner it is obvious that by operating the blades of the griffe in regular order, the figure can be woven warp twill and the ground weft twill, or vice versÂ. At Fig. 133 the position of the six hooks is shown after the griffe is lifted. It will be seen that the blank opposite the top needle pressed Fig. 134 is another arrangement for weaving damask. It is called a damask attachment, and was patented by Tschorner and Wein. Its construction differs from ordinary twilling Jacquards, but the principle is much the same. Each needle is twisted round several hooks, and the knives are operated separately by cams at the side of the machine. The illustration shows one of the knives left down, leaving down FIG. 134. The foregoing are the chief kinds of Jacquards and harnesses (except lenos) attached thereto, but there are many combinations of shaft and Jacquard or mail harness which need not be mentioned in a book of this size. We may mention a system, sometimes called half harness, in which only half the ends are drawn through the Jacquard harness, and the other half through shafts in front or behind. A double-sized figure may thus be formed. |