THE tappet shedding motion is the simplest and most perfect for a small number of shafts. They may be made to work an indefinite number of shafts, but it is seldom that above eight or ten are worked with ordinary tappets, and about sixteen with Woodcroft’s or other plate tappets. With dobbies, a higher number of shafts may conveniently be worked, but it is not only for this reason that dobbies are so extensively used. They are extensively used for weaving twills, satins, and other simple weaves, on four or five shafts. The chief advantage they possess is that any number of shafts within their capacity may be used without extra trouble or cost; whereas ordinary tappets have to be made specially for each pattern; whilst section tappets, and oscillating tappets, are inconvenient. Dobbies are made to weave up to 40 or more shafts, but 16 and 20 are the commonest numbers. Most dobbies now used are on the double-lift principle; indeed, the single-lift dobby or witch machine is almost obsolete in cotton weaving. The chief kind of double-lift dobby is the “Hattersley” or “Keighley” dobby. The principle of this machine was invented by Messrs. Hattersley & Hill, of Keighley, Yorkshire; hence its name. Since the original patent rights have expired, almost all loom makers have their own particular form of this FIG. 91. The shaft or stave is connected to the jack lever FGH at F, and the upright MN is fastened to this lever at H, the fulcrum being at G. The upright MN has two hooks, P and Q, connected to it at opposite ends, and suppose that when the knife D is in its innermost position, as in the diagram, the hook P is dropped on to the knife; when the knife begins to move it will take the top of the upright MN with it until MN assumes the position indicated by the dotted line M'N, and the The method of dropping the hooks is as follows:—Two levers, S, T, of different shapes are employed for each pair of hooks; these levers are centred on a rod, X. One of the levers, viz. T, is bent from the fulcrum to touch the bottom hook, and the lever S projects straight out from the fulcrum, and an upright needle O rests upon it, the top hook resting upon the upright needle. When the lever SY is lifted a little at Y it will drop the top hook, and when TY is lifted at Y it will drop the bottom hook. In a 16 shaft dobby the parts shown in the diagram are duplicated sixteen times—that is, there are sixteen uprights MN, each with two hooks, sixteen levers SY, sixteen like TY, and sixteen of other parts. The levers SY and TY are operated by lags pegged so as to lift the staves to give the required FIG. 92. FIG. 93. Dobbies constructed with single jacks, as indicated in Fig. 91, are only suitable for narrow looms. Those constructed with double jacks are preferable for wider looms, as they not only keep the healds under better command, but they also move them in a perfectly vertical plane without the tendency to a slight side movement such as occurs when the The Keighley dobby is decidedly the most popular one at the present time, but what is known as the “Blackburn” dobby is preferred by some. This is a double-lift dobby, which gives a centre shed—that is, the staves which are required up for a number of picks in succession are let down halfway every pick and taken up again. The principle of this dobby is illustrated at Fig. 94. The staves are lifted by the two jacks A and B; when B is lifted it causes A to lift the same distance. There are two hooks, D and F, for each double jack, and the lags are divided into two parts, all the odd numbered picks being fastened together, and the even picks forming another chain. The pegs in the lags press back the hooks, the back part of each of which forms a spring, so that when the hook is pressed back it leaves the stave down. FIG. 94. The knives lift alternately. When one is going up the other is going down, and when one hook of a pair is lifted, as in the diagram, a lag operates the other hook, and if the Another thing to be borne in mind is that in a single-lift machine all the staves come to the bottom every pick, and therefore the character of the shed is different from that of a double-lift. In double-lift machines there are the “open-shed” like the Keighley dobby, and the “centre shed” like the Blackburn dobby. It is important to remember these points, as the cover and appearance of the cloth is affected by the beating-up being done in different kinds of sheds. FIG. 95. The loom crank is usually set at the top centre, or thereabouts, when the rising and falling staves are level, so that the shed will be partly open for the next pick by the time the loom crank gets to the front centre. In single-lift dobbies the beat-up is made when the shed is closed, and so the warp has not the same chance of being spread as with the timing of double-lift dobbies. This difference in the character of the shed when the beat-up is made is caused by the fact that in a double-lift machine the knives, being in the middle of their stroke, are moving at their quickest speed when the shed is closed, and in a single-lift the knife is almost stationary when the shed is closed. The same thing occurs in Jacquards, and the matter may be better understood by a reference to the chapter on Jacquards. Dobbies can be made “positive” in various ways. Keighley dobbies are made with a pin fixed on the upright MN (Fig. 91) at the point H. A wire is hooked on to this pin and connected to an L lever at the side of the loom opposite the dobby; The ordinary form of dobby is non-positive, the stave being kept down by springs in some form or other. One reason which may be urged against ordinary springs, or “jack boxes,” is that the pull on the heald increases as the stave is lifted and the spring opened. It is obvious that this is just the reverse of what is required, as the stave is lifted positively, and the pull on it may therefore conveniently be decreased as it is lifted, and the healds would last longer. The use of the spring is to keep the stave down, and therefore it should exert its greatest force when the stave is at the bottom. A simple method of accomplishing this has long been in use. Something on the same principle has been used on hand looms for generations, and very cheap and convenient undermotions of this kind have long been available for power looms; but, strange to say, cotton manufacturers have been very slow at adopting them. An undermotion of this kind is illustrated at Fig. 96. The spring is fixed at A, and a wire hook connects the spring with the quadrant at B. It will easily be seen that as the stave lifts, the direction of the pull of the spring is gradually moved over the centre of the quadrant at C. If the stave were lifted until the spring was in a direct line from A to C, the pull on the stave would be nil, as all the force would be exerted on the fulcrum. Each stave is connected at both sides in the same manner, the springs and other parts are FIG. 96. Another form of undermotion on the same principle is much used in Yorkshire in the woollen and worsted trades. This is illustrated at Fig. 97, and is known as Kenyon’s undermotion. In this the springs are arranged horizontally, and therefore longer springs can be used. The quadrant is centred at C, and a strap is fast to the quadrant at D. The spring is connected with the quadrant at F. The strap passes from the quadrant under the bowl B, and then to the stave. Another quadrant serves in the same manner for the opposite side. The spring is fastened to a bar at E, and as the stave is lifted, the pull of the spring is gradually moved over the centre C, and therefore the pull on the heald gradually decreases as it is lifted. FIG. 97. |