WHERE more than one kind or colour of weft is used in a fabric, it is, of course, necessary to change the shuttles automatically. Sometimes two or more different counts of weft of the same colour are used, and sometimes different colours of weft. Checks of all kinds, extra weft spots, and others are the chief classes of fabrics which require change boxes. FIG. 76. The oldest and commonest form is the Diggle’s chain motion illustrated at Fig. 76. The number of boxes used in this motion is either 2, 3, or 4. It would be possible to use more, but it is not usually done with this arrangement for operating them. A lever, AC, is centred at C (Fig. 76), and the friction bowl B on this lever is moved upwards by a chain, composed of links fastened together on pins, which work round a barrel, D. These links are of different sizes, according to the number of boxes used. The smallest link leaves the top box in a line with the shuttle-race, and the other links are of such a size as to raise either the second, third, or fourth boxes (assuming that there are four) into this position. The general The chief disadvantage of this motion in the form given at Fig. 76 is that the chain becomes very cumbersome if a long pattern is required. To obviate this, the projections PP are, in an improved motion, made so that they can be withdrawn from gear with the star wheel. This is effected by a clutch motion The Diggle’s chain principle, although suitable for some types of looms, is not an ideal motion, as the downward movement of the boxes is negative. The boxes have nothing to force them down but their own weight and the weight of the levers connected with them, and this necessitates the loom being run at a slower speed than is the case with some of the positive drop-box motions. Of this latter kind Wright Shaw’s motion is one of a great variety of different types, and has been in use for a long time. The principle of this motion will be understood from the diagram, Fig. 77. The essential feature of this invention is a forked rack, G, suspended from the free end of a treadle lever, E, fulcrumed at F, and carrying a bowl or runner, D, near the centre. At one end of the second motion or picking shaft, A, of the loom, are two cams, B and C, either of which may be brought underneath the treadle bowl at will, so as to raise the treadle and forked rack once during each revolution of the picking shaft, corresponding to two picks. Passing midway between the two prongs, H, H', of the fork is a short shaft, upon which are secured two toothed wheels, I and J. Wheel I is so placed that the teeth on either side of the rack may be put into engagement with its teeth just before the fork rises, so as to turn the wheel in either direction; or the rack may occupy a neutral position when rising, in which event the wheel remains stationary. In any case, the racks are always clear of the wheel when descending. Immediately in front of wheel I is another similar wheel J, whose teeth are in permanent engagement with those of a rack, K (an extension, L, of which supports the shuttle-boxes, M). Thus, if rack H' is put into gear with wheel I, boxes will be depressed as the rack rises; but if rack H operates, the boxes will be raised. One box, or two boxes, only, may be either raised or dropped at one change, according to which rack and which cam is put into operation. The smaller cam moves one box, and the larger cam two boxes, either up or down. The selection of racks and cams is made by pattern cards (detached) which pass over an octagonal prism, N. The cards are presented separately, once in two picks, to three selecting needles, 1, 2, 3. The two outer needles, 1, 3, are attached one at each end of a double arm secured at the top of a long vertical shaft, O, the bottom of which communicates with the forked rack G. Thus a depression of boxes is effected by a blank part of a card pressing against needle 1, and an elevation of boxes by pressing back needle 3. Shaft O is loosely contained within a long tube or sleeve, P, which carries a short arm, R, at the top, and a forked clutch, Q, which acts upon the boss of cams, B and C. If it is desired to move two boxes, needle 2 is pressed back, thereby causing an inclined piece, S, secured to it, to act upon arm R so as to slightly turn the sleeve P, and move the larger cam C under the treadle bowl at a time when the short side of the cam is uppermost, as indicated in the diagram, Fig. 77. At one point, the larger and outer cam is slightly lower than the smaller one, and can be readily moved under the bowl. The various changes which can be made by this motion The principle of Whitesmith’s motion is probably the best for any number of boxes. It is usually made for four, and the change may be made with certainty from one box to any other. The arrangement for working four boxes in a loom is illustrated at Figs. 78, 79, 80. The principle will be best understood by referring first to Fig. 80. The four different positions of the boxes are here shown. The boxes are connected to the ring or strap of an eccentric at the point E, and at A the position FIG. 78. FIG. 79. FIG. 80. The wheel L and its companion are prevented from turning too far by a strong friction arrangement. This motion may be adapted to work six boxes, or even more. For six boxes there is another eccentric inside the first eccentric, which can be worked independently; this will, of course, require a third pulling hook, and so on. Many loom-makers have patented arrangements on the same principle, which do away with the pulling hooks M, and it is probably in this direction that the motion may be improved. The Whitesmith principle is simple, and positive throughout, and it is difficult to see why it is not in more general use. It is generally admitted by those who have had practical experience of drop-box looms on this principle that it is the best. There are other drop-box motions, but the foregoing are the chief kinds. These are not used in the cotton trade to anything like the extent they are in the woollen and worsted trades, especially in Yorkshire. It is remarkable that this should be the case, as it is claimed for circular boxes that they can be run at a higher speed than any other kind. Circular boxes are usually made for six shuttles, generally to move only one box at a time, but they are made to skip one box, although the arrangement is by no means so simple or satisfactory as in a well-made loom on Whitesmith’s principle, where the changes are made from one box to another almost noiselessly. At Fig. 81 the mechanism of a circular-box motion is shown. There are two hooks, A and B, which act upon pins outside the boxes. When the hook FIG. 81. The majority of box looms are made with movable boxes at one side of the loom only, so that single picks of any colour cannot be put in the cloth at will. As it is very desirable in many fabrics to use single picks of a colour or count of weft, it is necessary to have movable boxes at both sides of the loom, and where this is the case it is usual to have picking mechanism which will allow of several picks being made in succession from either side of the loom. If the matter be carefully thought over, it will be easily apparent that even with drop boxes worked quite independently of each other at both sides of the loom, if the picking mechanism is of the ordinary kind—viz. to FIG. 82. FIG. 83. FIG. 84. FIG. 85. In order to make each link in these chains represent any number of picks, and thus prevent long cumbersome chains, the mechanism shown at Figs. 84 to 87 is employed. The barrel A in Fig. 84 is the same as barrel A in Fig. 82, and carries the chains for lifting the levers B and C. At the end of the barrel the star wheel I is fixed, and this star wheel is turned by the pins J. These pins are worked by a clutch motion shown at Fig. 86, by which they can be withdrawn from gear with the star wheel as desired. The pins KK are fixed, and turn one tooth of the star wheel Y every pick, the wheel M having twice the number of teeth contained in L, which is on the crank shaft of the loom. The star wheel Y is fast to the end of a small octagonal barrel, FIG. 86. FIG. 87. Fig. 87 is another view of the cam-shaped projection P, which raises the finger every pick, and Fig. 85 is another view of the chain barrel A. The letters in the six Figs. 82 to 87 inclusive refer to the same parts in each case. In this way the chains on A are rarely required to be very long, as one link may be made to represent any number of picks from one upwards. Of course a separate card on Y is required for each pick, but these are very small, only about 1½ inch in length, and a large pattern can be made with very little trouble. When a Jacquard is used on one of these looms it is sometimes necessary to work the pattern from the Jacquard cards. This can be done in a very simple manner by covering the hole in the barrel carrying the cards N with a metal plate, which is held over the hole by a spring. When a change is required in the boxes, a Jacquard hook pulls the plate from over the hole, and allows the finger O to drop, and thus causes the star wheel I to be engaged by the pins J. The picking mechanism in a pick-and-pick loom may be either over or under pick. In the former the picking tappets are sometimes moved on the shaft by a clutch arrangement. In the latter the top of the picking treadle is movable. As the under pick is perhaps the best adapted for this loom, we will describe it. FIG. 88. Fig. 88 is a side view of the loom, and the top of the picking treadles consists of a metal plate with the “shoe” S of such a shape as to give the required force and character to the pick. This metal plate works round a pivot, P. The treadles at both sides of the loom are the same in this respect. At the back of the loom a rod, R, is connected to the extreme ends of the loose plates or the treadles, and when one plate is on FIG. 89. FIG. 90. If the loom has four boxes at each side, it may be necessary to pick four times in succession from one side of the loom, and by a simple arrangement the picking can be regulated at will. The mechanism for moving the rod R sideways is shown at Fig. 90. Inside the loom framework a lever, L, is centred at C, and by a combination of levers is connected to the rod R, which is the rod referred to in the previous diagrams. A strong spring keeps the plates right for picking from one side, but when it is required to pick from the other the lever L is lifted, which moves the rod R sideways and moves the plate off one treadle and on the other. A chain is used for lifting the lever L, and the star wheel A is turned by two pins on the wheel B on the bottom shaft of the loom, or |