- Ackland, Sir Hugh, his Extraordinary Resuscitation, Page 208
- Agreeable Explanation, 209
- Aix-la-Chapelle, Extraordinary Event at, 29
- Anatomical Professor, and the Dead Man, 75
- Apparitions, Essay on, 13
- Apparition, the Castle, 143
- Apparition Investigated, 167
B. - Bed-Room, the Haunted, 41
- Benighted Traveller, and Haunted Room, 170
- Bishop, the Credulous, 116
C. - Carrier, the Frightened, 158
- Castle Apparition, 143
- Castle, Haunted, 152
- Chimney-Sweep, and Drunken Bucks, 80
- Church-Yard Encounter, or Heroic Midshipman, 122
- Church-Yard Ghost, and Milkman, 178
- Club-Room Ghost, 159
- Cock-Lane Ghost, 125
- College Ghost, or Double Mistake, 150
- Couple, the Superstitious, 39
- Credulous Bishop, 116
- Credulous Peasants, 94
- Cripplegate Ghost, 81
D. - Dead Body, and Unfortunate Priest, 183
- Dead Man, and Anatomical Professor, 75
- Dominican Friar, 29
- Double Mistake, or College Ghost, 150
- Drunken Bucks, and Chimney Sweep, 80
E. - Essay on Apparitions, &c., 13
- Extraordinary Double Dream, 216
F. - Fakenham Ghost, 179
- Fatal Superstition, 185
- Fatal Effects of Wanton Mischief, 214
- Female Fanatic, and Heavenly Visitor, 59
- Female Sprites, 64
- Floating Wonder, or Female Spectre, 187
- Friar, the Dominican, 29
- Frightened Carrier, 158
- Funeral, the Ideot's, 55
G. - Gassendi, the Philosopher, and Haunted Bed-Room, 222
- Giles the Shepherd, and Spectre, 195
- Ghost of the Field, or the Twins, 147
- Ghost, and no Ghost, 176
- Ghost on Ship-Board, 223
- Ghostly Adventurer, 119
- Ghost, thrice called for, as an Evidence in a Court of Justice, 226
H. - Hammersmith Ghost, 156
- Haunted Beach, or Power of Conscience on a Murderer, 172
- Haunted Bed-Room, 41
- Haunted Bed-Room, and Benighted Traveller, 170
- Haunted Castle, 152
- Haunted Castle, and Mareschal Saxe, 103
- Heavenly Visitor, and Female Fanatic, 59
- Heroic Midshipman, or Church-Yard Encounter, 122
- Hypochondriac Gentleman, and Jack Ass, 138
I. - Ideot's Funeral, 55
- Imagination, Remarkable Instance of the Power of, 45
- Innocent Devil, or Agreeable Disappointment, 201
J. - Jealousy, Fatal Effects of, or the Prussian Domino, 66
L. - Lady of the Black Tower, 228
- Lunatic Apparition, 162
M. - Maniac; or, Fatal Effects of Wanton Mischief, 214
- Man with his Head on Fire, and covered with Blood, 198
- Mareschal Saxe, and the Haunted Castle, 103
- Mary (Poor), the Maid of the Inn, 190
- Midshipman, Heroic, and Church-Yard Encounter, 122
- Milkman, and Church-Yard Ghost, 178
N. P. - Peasants, the Credulous, 94
- Poor Mary, the Maid of the Inn, 190
- Power of Conscience on a Murderer, 172
- Priest, the Unfortunate, and Dead Body, 183
- Prussian Domino, or Fatal Effects of Jealousy, 66
R. - Resuscitation, Remarkable, 113
- Remarkable Effects of the Power of Vision, 219
S. - School-Boy Apparition, 91
- Sir Hugh Ackland, 208
- Somersetshire Demoniac, 211
- Sprites, the Female, 64
- Spectre of the Broken, 203
- Superstitious Couple, 39
- Subterranean Traveller, or Ghost and No Ghost, 176
- Supposed Supernatural Appearance, 164
- Sweep, and Drunken Bucks, 80
T. - Twin Brothers, or Ghost of the Field, 147
V. - Ventriloquist, 57, 83
- Vigil of St. Mark, or Fatal Superstition, 185
- Vision, Remarkable Effects of the Power of, 219
W. - Westminster Scholars, and Hackney Coachman, 51
FINIS. Transcriber's Note: The following errors have been corrected: - p. xi: pecant to peccant (upon the peccant part)
- p. 15: ramble to rumble (solemn rumble)
- p. 23: adyantage to advantage (turn them to my advantage)
- p. 31: cieling to ceiling (as high as the ceiling)
- p. 36: missing "been" added (had been in bed)
- p. 51: instanly to instantly (They then instantly dressed)
- p. 53: mercy to mercy's (for mercy's sake)
- p. 59: Ferronerie to Ferronnerie (Rue de la Ferronnerie)
- p. 64: Bartholemew to Bartholomew (Bartholomew Close)
- p. 68: plantive to plaintive (plaintive tone of voice)
- p. 69: faultering to faltering (his tongue faltering)
- p. 104: announed to announced (whose visit was announced)
- p. 104: colon to period (their feelings. But I was)
- p. 113: CÉlÉbres to CÉlÈbres (Causes CÉlÈbres)
- p. 130: missing closing bracket added (was heard.))
- p. 158: Remnstone to Rempstone (the village of Rempstone)
- p. 165: accended to ascended (ascended the stairs)
- p. 177: missing open quote added ('Who's there? What are ye?')
- p. 177: missing close quote added ('How came you there?')
- p. 187: extra "in" removed (Caerleon, in Wales)
- p. 191: comma to period (They listen'd to hear the wind roar.)
- p. 205: missing open quote added ("'After having been here for)
- p. 217: missing close quote added (thee art dead!')
- p. 225: missing close quote added (in his dream.")
- p. 237: missing open quote added ("Deeper, deeper, deeper still;)
- p. 239: line indented to match others (Her pillow was the turret stone,)
Archaic and inconsistent spelling and hyphenation have not been corrected. Inconsistencies between the Index and the rest of the text have also been left as in the original. As in the original, there are two different stories called "THE VENTRILOQUIST." |