CHAPTER II. WET AND DRY FLY-FISHING. CHAPTER IV. THE WINCH LINE AND GUT. CHAPTER VI. UP OR DOWN STREAM. CHAPTER VII. STRIKING AND PLAYING. CHAPTER VIII. WHEN TO GO FISHING. CHAPTER X. WHERE TO GO FISHING. TO FISHERMEN. R. B. LODGE INVITES ATTENTION TO HIS Permanent * Portraits OF ANGLERS AT THE RIVER SIDE These aim at being not only Portraits, but also Pictures, which show you engaged in your favourite sport by the side of some pool, or knee deep in some shallow of your own particular river, the sight of which in after years will bring back to your memory many pleasant reminiscences of bygone success. Angling Outings and Matches attended by appointment. Terms on application to Fishing on the Itchen. TO LET, BY THE DAY, WEEK, MONTH, OR SEASON. Apply to W. CHALKLEY, Practical Fisherman, And Fishing Tackle Maker, The Square, WINCHESTER. THE Hook These Hooks are made of really good steel, carefully hardened and tempered, and each one separately tested with an opening strain of 56lb. See notices in Land and Water, February 5; Fishing Gazette, February, 12; and Field, February 19, 1887.
Also made with long concave shank for binding on handle at 6d. each extra. To be obtained through all Fishing Tackle dealers and Cutlers, or of the Makers, R. H. BROWNE & CO., New Illustrated Catalogue (2000 Engravings and Coloured Plate of Flies), Post Free, 2d. Shooting. Fishing. TRADE MARK. SPORTSMAN'S COMPLETE OUTFITTER FOR ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. Every Requisite for the Angler. SPLIT CANE RODS (my own make), a Speciality, GODFREY C. COOPER, "RED PALMER." OPINIONS OF THE PRESS ON THE FIRST EDITION. "LAND AND WATER." "This unpretentious, yet well written, work contains a large amount of information, which may be read with advantage by all followers of the more refined branch of the gentle art." "FISHING GAZETTE." "Like Piscator's humble friend, the chub, it is 'a good dish of meat,' and excellent for entering a young angler. Mr. Tayler's views as to tackle are generally sound and practical. On the subject of flies he gives excellent advice. We can safely recommend it as a useful manual for any young aspirant to Fly-Fishing honours." "FISHING." "The author, in its pages, gives the result of many years' practical experience of Fly-Fishing, and evidently is no tyro. His work, therefore, will afford much useful information to those who are in need of it." "HAMPSHIRE COUNTY TIMES." "This capitally written essay on the whole art of Fly-Fishing is from the pen of Mr. James Tayler, who is recognised throughout the kingdom as an authority in the sport on which he gives such excellent instruction." OF JAMES TAYLER, |