- Abbey of St. Albans, the, improvement of wastes by, 87
- Abbot of Cerne, the, agreement by to enclose, 181
- " Glastonbury, the, agreement by to enclose, 181
- " Malmesbury, the, agreement by to enclose, 180–181
- " Peterborough, the, dispute of with copyholders, 360
- " St. Peter's, Gloucester, the, agreement by to enclose, 181
- Ashley, Professor W.J.—
- views of as to date of enclosing movement, 11
- " " " legal position of copyholders, 290–292
- Aske, Robert—
- evidence of as to agrarian grievances, 319
- " " " monastic economy, 383
- Pilgrimage of Grace led by, 134, 319
- Bacon, Francis—
- bills against depopulation introduced by, 387
- history of King Henry VII. by quoted, 28, 346
- ideal of government of, 398
- use of word “yeoman” by, 28
- views as to pauperism of, 274
- Bath, the Earl of, property of villeins seized by, 42–43
- Becon, views of as to agrarian changes, 6, 7
- Bell, William, commons enclosed by, 373
- Berkeley, Lord Thomas, agreement by to enclose, 181
- Bolen, Sir William, enclosing by, 380
- Bracton—
- on assize of novel disseisin, 122
- villeinage, 292
- Brudenell, Lord, fine imposed on for enclosing, 391
- Buckingham, the Duke of—
- enclosing by, 380
- park made by, 148
- Burleigh, Lord, advice of to Queen Elizabeth, 341
- Captain Pouch, part played by in revolt of 1607, 318
- Cecil, Sir Robert—
- views of on poor law, 273–274
- " " military importance of ploughmen, 343
- " " Statute of Inmates, 4, 279
- Cecil, Sir William, letter to concerning Somerset’s policy, 347–348, 368
- Celys, the, wool purchased by, 196
- Charles I., agrarian policy of government of, 391, 398, 399
- Clarkson—
- Herbert, Lord, History of King Henry VIII. by, quoted, 398
- Herbert, William, Earl of Pembroke—
- estates of, consolidation of peasant holdings on, 67–69
- " " demesne lands on usually leased, 203
- " " " " leased to capitalist farmers, 210
- " " " " " " small holders, 204–205
- " " " " " " village, 205–206
- " " " " proportion of pasture on, 225–226
- " " statistics of duration of tenure and of fines on, 298
- " " " " tenants on, 25
- " " villeins on, 42
- park of attacked by peasants, 194, 326
- rebellion in West put down by, 324
- share of in monastic estates, 324, 380
- Humberstone—
- manors of Duke of Devonshire surveyed by, 5
- remarks of, on relation of lords to tenants, 349–350
- " " on variety of manorial customs, 293
- Huntingdon, the Earl of, request to elect his nominee, 387
- Jackson, Cyril, Report of on Boy Labour, 342
- Johnson, the Rev. A.H.—
- views of, on decay of yeomanry in nineteenth century, 139
- " " enclosure of commons, 9
- " " entailing of land, 39
- " " geographical distribution of enclosures, 261
- Kalm, Account of a Visit to England (translated by J. Lucas) by, on open field system, 389
- Ket, Robert—
- manor held by, 326
- programme of agrarian reform put forward by, 334–337
- rebellion in Norfolk led by, 331–333
- King, Gregory—
- statistics of as to population, 21
- " " " yield of an acre, 111
- Kitchin, Court Leet by, on copyhold tenure, 289
- Laud, Archbishop—
- Somerset, the Duke of—
- Act giving security to tenants on demesnes of, 294, 365
- agrarian policy of, 362–370
- Commission on Enclosures appointed by, 366
- Court of Requests used by, 367
- execution of, 370
- proclamation issued by, 7, 367
- Starkey, Thomas, A Dialogue between Cardinal Pole and Thomas Lupset by, on agrarian changes, 5
- Starkey, Thomas, A Dialogue between Cardinal Pole and Thomas Lupset by, on encouragement of marriage, 105
- Starkey, Thomas, A Dialogue between Cardinal Pole and Thomas Lupset by, on entailing of lands, 39
- Starkey, Thomas, A Dialogue between Cardinal Pole and Thomas Lupset by, on relations between lords and tenants, 195
- Steffen, Dr. G., statistics of as to price changes, 13, 198
- Strype, J., Ecclesiastical Memorials by, quoted, 315, 331, 366, 367, 368, 370, 380
- Stuarts, the, see Charles I., James I.
- Throgmorton, Sir John, oppression of tenants by, 373
- Tusser, Six Hundred Points of Husbandry by, evidence of as to agrarian changes, 5
- Unwin, Professor G.—
- evidence of as to formation of compact holdings by peasants, 84, 164
- " " " growth of capitalists in woollen industry, 186
- Vermuyden, engaged to drain Great Level, 395
- Vinogradoff, Professor P.—
- Domesday statistics quoted by, 27
- rights of common explained by, 244
- views of as to equality of shares in fields, 77, 92
Walter of Henley on yield of an acre, 111 - Warwick, the Earl of—
- attack of on Hales, 368
- " on Somerset led by, 380
- character of Government of, 371–372
- Ket’s rebellion crushed by, 324, 332
- share of in monastic estates, 380
- Westmoreland, the Earl of, disputes of with tenants, 380
- Winstanley—
- diggers led by, 321, 337–338, Transcriber’s Note
Obvious punctuation errors and omissions have been silently corrected, while those requiring interpretation have been left open. The following misprints have been corrected: - “philosphical” changed to “philosophical” (page viii)
- “engineeers” changed to “engineers” (page ix)
- “For willsof husbandmen" corrected to “For wills of husbandmen" (note 2)
- “he” corrected to “the” (page 3)
- the closing parenthesis was added to "(19.04%)" in Table I (page 25)
- “Christain" corrected to “Christian” (note 94)
- Footnote 145 had no anchor in the text; placement is based on context (page 69)
- A spurious “)” was removed following “No 324" in note 169 (page 81)
- an unclear fraction was rendered as "6-1/8" (page 107)
- “writtings" corrected to “writings” (page 114)
- “Wordonand Bilton” changed to “Wordon and Bilton" (Note 298)
- “Asslegge” was changed to “Asselegge” (page 181)
- “Harrington’s The Art of Lawgiving" was corrected to “Harrington’s The Art of Law-giving" (page 191, note 346)
- Footnote 399 had no entry in the text, its placement is speculative, based on the context (page 211page 211)
- “arbitarily” was corrected to “arbitrarily” (page 248)
- “clases” was changed to “classes” (page 282)
- “ntromittere” was corrected to “intromittere” (note 511) (page 292)
- “beantiful” was corrected to “beautiful” (page 327)
- “protecting the clsss” was corrected to “protecting the class" (page 340)
- “impoverishing the fines fighting material" was corrected to “impoverishing the finest fighting material" (page 343)
- Footnote 670 had no entry in the text, its placement is speculative, based on context. (page 371)
- “wasloste” was corrected to “was loste" (page 411)
- “commonweath” was changed to “commonweal” (page 461)
- The page reference for the Earl of Leicester of “502” was corrected to “302” (page 461)
Hyphenation is sometimes inconsistent in the text. These inconsistencies have been retained: - bye-laws/byelaws
- re-action/reaction
- reallotment/re-allotment
- sub-let/sublet
- land-holding/landholding
- over-stocking/overstocking
- sub-tenants/subtenants
- corn-fields/cornfields
- sub-letting /subletting
- foodstuffs/food-stuffs
- lease-holders/leaseholders
- countryside/country-side
- re-adjustment/readjustment
- sub-divided/subdivided
- re-arranged/rearranged
- re-arrangement/rearrangement
- over-estimated/overestimated
If the discrepancies is between the text and the indexes, the indexes have been corrected to match the text. - “rackrenting” was changed to “rack-renting”
- “foldcourses" was changed to “fold-courses”