class="pginternal">380–384 attack of on Somerset’s land policy, 367–368, 370–372 contrast between mediÆval and that of sixteenth century, 191–194 growth of commerce, effect of, on the, 187–188, 191–194 Harrington’s account of social changes in the, 38, 191 landholding peasants not an, 100–102 part played by in Pilgrimage of Grace, 322–324 relations of to tenants in North and South contrasted, 188–191 Tudor policy, effect of on powers of the, 188–195 unpopularity of administrative Courts with the. 397–400 See also Index of Persons, Bath, Brudenell, Darcy, Derby, Englefield, Harrington, Herbert, St. John, Shrewsbury, Saye and Sele, Somerset, Warwick, Willoughby, Wolsey, Yorke, Leicester, Northumberland. - Assize—
- Justices of, disputes as to land referred to by Council, 373, 375–376
- " " punishment of depopulating landlords by, 375–376, 419–420
- rents of, 118
- Assize of Novel Disseisin—
- establishment of by Henry II., 122
- remedy of freeholders by, 248
- Authorities—
- manorial, see Manorial authorities, the
- Authority—
- part played by in organisation of manor, 92, 128–129
- tendency of to stereotype manorial arrangements, 75–78, 92–93
- Barton land, division of among peasants, 95
- Beasts—
- importance of for plough, 240–242
- number of kept by peasants, 113
- Black Death, see Great Plague
- Border tenure—
- Coke’s remarks upon, 299
- Customs involved in, 299
- decision of Courts as to, 299
- discussion by Long Parliament as to, 191
- effect of Union of Crowns on, 190–191
- service with horse and harness, an incident of, 190
- Boundaries—
- importance of to commoners, 241
- uncertainty of, 235–236
- Bovate, see Virga
1;207, 243–246
- practical nature of in demands of rebels in sixteenth century, 338
- theoretical nature of in demands of Diggers, 338
- views as to, of Maitland, 244
- " " " Vinogradoff, 244
- Community, the village, see Manor
- Commutation, see Labour services
- Competitive rents, see Rents
- Consolidation of holdings, see Holdings
- Conversion to pasture, see Pasture
- Copyholders—
- act to give security to, on Somerset’s demesne lands, 294, 365
- attitude of, to State, 122–124
- cases as to, 296
- compelled to surrender copies for leases, 301–304
- customs affecting, at Aldeburgh, 411–412
- customs affecting, at Bushey, 126–127
- dependence of on custom of manor, 124–131, 292–301
- effect on of fall in value of money, 304–310
- fines paid by, 305–307
- labour services rendered by, 52–53
- marks of personal villeinage among, 53–54
- on new land, 289–290, 293–294
- preponderance of over other classes shown by statistics, 25, 48
- rights of common enjoyed by, 248–258
- rents of fixed by custom, 115–121
- surplus enjoyed by, 119–121
- subletting of land by, 81
- tenure of, changes in, in sixteenth century, 1–2, 310–311
- " definition of, 47
- " demands of rebels as to, 334–337
- " duration of, statistics as to, 300
- " fines incidental to, certain or uncertain, statistics as to, 300
- " origin in villein tenure, 50
- " definition of, 47
- " demands of rebels as to, 334–337
- " duration of, statistics as to, 300
- " fines incidental to, certain or uncertain, statistics as to, 300
- " origin in villein tenure, 50
- " protected by custom of manor, 129–131, 292–297
- " " " Court of Chancery, 289, 291–292, 294–295, 398
- " " " Courts of Common Law, 289, 291, 294–295
- " " " Court of Requests, 362, 367, 397
- " " " Court of Star Chamber, 360
- " " " Council, 296, 359, 373–374, 397
- " theories as to, of Ashley, 153–154, 262–263, 404–405
- contemporary accounts of, 6–8
- effect of on pauperism, see Poor Law
- individual instances of, 257, 260–261
- proposals for checking, 416–417
- statistics of Royal Commissions as to, 261–265
- Statutes against, see Acts of Parliament
- views of Gay as to exaggerated accounts of, 10–11, 263–265
- Dissolution of monasteries, see Monasteries
- Domesday Book—
- large extent of arable land in, 228
- liberi homines and sochemanni in, 27
40336-h@40336-h-4.htm.html#Page_86" class="pginternal">86 - Judges—
- decisions of as to fines, 296, 299, 307
- " " " foldcourses, 395–396
- address of Lord Coventry to, 398
- See also Court.
- Justices—
- of Assize, cases referred to, 373–376
- " " action taken by, 374–376
- of the Peace, actions taken by against depopulation in Lincolnshire, 386, 419–420
- of the Peace, actions taken by against depopulation in Nottinghamshire, 386, 418–419
- of the Peace, assessment of enclosed land by in Warwickshire, 169
- " " failure of to administer Acts against depopulation, 384–385, 390
- of the Peace, letters of Council to, 358, 376
- " " orders of as to relief of poor in Cornwall, 272
- " " presentments before of enclosers in Yorkshire, 375
- " " returns sent to Government by, 386
- " " social prejudices of, 384–385
- " " views of as to enclosing in Nottinghamshire, 418–449
- King, see Council, Court, and Index of Persons
- Knight service, tenure by, 29
- Labourers—
- assessment of wages of, 23, 100, 308
- at Axholme, 104
- commons used by, 247
- effect of enclosing on habits of, 106
- immobility of, 270–272
- immigration to towns of, 275–277
- in Norfolk, 21–22
- " Worcestershire, 211–212
- North of England—
- absence of demesne from some manors in, 203
- administration of Acts against depopulation in, 374–375
- copyhold tenure in, 190–191
- customary of a manor in, 101
- demands of rebels in, 335–336, see also Pilgrimage of Grace
- economic conservatism of, 63–66, 189–191
- enclosing by peasants in, 157–158
- equality of holdings in, 63–66, 189
- eviction from a manor in, 257–258
- importance of numerous tenantry in, 189–191
- labour services on a manor in, 52–53
- preponderance of customary tenants in, 25–26
- rebellions in, see Pilgrimage of Grace
- relations between lords and tenants in, 189–191
- size of enclosures in, 154
- undermining of customary tenures in, 303–305
- Open field system, the—
- advantage of, to peasants, 103–104
- arrangement of demesne land under, 222–223, 254–256
- early decay of in Kent, Essex, and Devonshire, 167, 202–263, 405
- gradual modification of by peasants, 165–166, 172
- ideas underlying, 169–170
- inconvenience of, 171–172
- picture of in maps, 163–164, 222–223
- prevalence of in seventeenth century, 401–402
- uncertainty of boundaries under, 235–236
- See also Common Land, Enclosures, Maps, Strips
- Pannage paid by copyholders in sixteenth century, 53
- Parks—
- made by landlords, 148, 201
- spared in Pilgrimage of Grace, 335
- Parliament—
- Act of to fix fines demanded, 335
- Acts of, ineffectiveness of, 352–353, 355
- attitude of freeholders to, 36, 39, 121–122
- debates in on Enclosures, 343, 387–388
- " " Poor Law, 273–275
- " " subsidies, 345–346
- petition of peasants to, 251
- request to return member to refused, 387
- See also Acts of Parliament
- Pasture—
- acreage of held by customary tenants, 26–27