tml#Page_74" class="pginternal">74. Carmes, les, 337, 338, 340. Castiglione, 68. Catholic Church re-established, 120, 121, 123, 124. Chardon, AbbÉ, 21. Charles, Archduke of Austria, 213, 217. Charles IV., King of Spain, 197. “Chemin d’Angleterre,” 145. Cherbourg, 308. Cisalpine Republic, 74, 98. Clary, DÉsirÉe, 45-46. Clary, Julie, 44. “Code Napoleon,” 125, 127, 128. Colombier, Mlle., 29. Colombier, Mme., 29. “Concordat” signed, 121, 123. Conscription, resentment against, 231. Constituent Assembly, 334. “Continental blockade,” 193, 195. Coronation of Josephine, 381, 382-385. Coronation of Napoleon, 156, 157, 159, 160. Corsica, 22, 34. Corsicans, revolt of, 18. Courbevoie, 309. Croissy, 54, 55, 336. D Dantzic, siege of, 173, 177. Danube, crossing of by French army, 216, 217. Davoust, 171, 172. d’AbrantÈs, Duchess, 45. d’Enghien, Duc, 151, 152. d’Orleans, Duc, 28-29. De KÉralio, 25, 26. De Molleville, 128. de SÉgur, 156, 199, 200. Decree of Berlin, see Berlin decree. DecrÈs, Gen., 62. Denmark, 195. Denon, 138. Desaix, 99, 228, 235, 261, 266, 435. KÖnigsberg, 173. L La Favorita, battle of, 73. Landgrafenberg, 171. Lannes, 155, 207, 215. Las Cases, 283, 285, 303. “La VendÉe,” 95. Le Brun, 153. Leclerc, Mme., 89. Lefebvre, Marshall, 173. “Legion of Honor,” 125. “Legitimists,” 302. Leipsic, 256. Ligny, 273. “Little Corporal,” 78. Lobau, Island of, 213, 215, 216. Lodi, 65, 66. Lodi, bridge of, 78, 83. Lombard Republic, 66. Lonato, 68. Longwood, 285-287. Louis XVIII., 269. Louis Philippe, 295, 300, 302, 318. Louise, Queen of Prussia, 177. Louisiana, sale of, 147, 148. Lowe, Sir Hudson, 285-287. Lyons, 269. Lucques, Princess of, 179. LunÉville, treaty of, 103. LÜtzen, battle of, 253. M “Madame MÈre,” 18, 153, 266. Magdeburg, 177. Maintenon, Mme. de, 27. Malet conspiracy, 248. Malmaison, 223, 225, 275, 355, 365-367, 369-370, 374-375, 411, 422-426, 428, 449-450. Mantua, siege of, 66-69, 43-44. Robespierre, the younger, 43, 339. Rouchefoucauld, Duc de la, 329, 334. Rouen, 308. Russia, Emperor of, 201, 203. S Saale, 171. St. Cloud, 223, 374, 375. St. Cyr, 31. Saint-Germain, Comte de, 35. St. Helena, 283, 285, 286. St. Pierre, town of, 325. Salon, 138. Saragossa, siege of, 206, 207, 209. Sardinians, sue for peace, 64. Sannois, Mlle. Rose-Claire des Vergers de, 326. Savona, 229. Saxony, King of, 177. SchÖnbrunn, Castle of, 216. School of Fine Arts, 28. Second revolution, 37-38. SÉgur, Mon. de, see de SÉgur, Mon. Serbelloni, Duc de, 348, 349, 351. SieyÈs, AbbÉ, 105, 106. Smolensk, 241, 243, 247. Soult, 168. Spain, Government of, 197, 198. Spain, King of, 196, 198, 257. Spanish campaign, 205, 206, 207, 209. StaËl, Mme. de, 135, 137, 431. Sweden, 233. Syrian expedition, 93. T Tagliamento, crossed, 74. Talleyrand, 211, 212, 262, 275, 301, 399, 401. Tallien, Mme., 54, 55, 338, 339, 340, |