- Albany, reached by the Dutch, 2.
- "Albany Plan," 18-19.
- Alexandria, 61.
- Alfred, the, the first American man-of-war, 35-38.
- Algiers, the Dey of, yields to America, 58.
- America, 3, 18, 25, 34, 46, 52;
- overpowers the Dey of Algiers, 58.
- "Ancient flag," the, 3.
- Anderson, General, carries the flag from Fort Sumter, raises it again in 1865, 72-73;
- Andrea, Dona, saluted at one of the West Indian Islands, 45.
- Arch Street, home of Betsy Ross, 40, 42.
- Arizona, admitted to the Union, 66;
- men from, at Santiago, 75.
- Asia, sought by Henry Hudson, 1-2.
- Atlantic Ocean, crossed by Henry Hudson, 1.
- Bainbridge, Captain, carries Algerian ambassador to Constantinople, 57-58.
- Baltimore, 50, 61.
- Bedford, the flag of, 20-21.
- Beecher, Henry Ward, speech of, at Fort Sumter, 73.
- Bethlehem, 50.
- Bon Homme Richard, sinking of the, 45-47.
- Boston, arrival of stamps at, 15-16;
- Boston Harbor, 5;
- Brest Roads, 44.
- Britain, 34.
- British, besiege Fort Stanwix, 48.
- Broadway, 53.
- Brooklyn Navy Yard, flags for the navy made in the, 67.
- Bunker Hill, flags at battle of, 21; 28, 29, 30, 32.
- Bunting, not made in America until 1866, 66-67.
- Cambridge, Indian volunteers come to, 29; 34, 39.
- Carleton, Sir Guy, delayed in New York, 53.
- Castle Island, ship made to strike her colors at, 5-6.
- Chapultepec, taken by Americans, 70-71.
- Charles II, and the New England coinage, 11.
- Charleston, the flag of, 11-80.
- James I, changes the flag of England, 3.
- James II, sends a flag to New England, leaves England, 10.
- Jamestown, founded, 2.
- Japan, opened by Perry, 77-79;
- embassy from visits the United States, 78;
- the friend of the United States, 79.
- Jasper, William, rescues the flag at Fort Moultrie, 23-24.
- Jersey City, 65.
- Jones, John Paul, hoists a flag on the Alfred, 35-37;
- forbidden to burn defenseless towns, 37;
- put in command of the Ranger, 43;
- receives a flag in Portsmouth and a salute in France, 43-45;
- in command of the Bon Homme Richard, 45-47.
- Journal, of Congress, 32.
- Kansas, first raising of the United States flag in, 59.
- Kentucky, admitted as a State, 56.
- Kettle Hill, battle of, 76.
- Key, Francis Scott, writes the "Star-Spangled Banner," 60-61.
- King Philip's War, flag used in, 9.
- "King's Flag," 3;
- displayed at Castle Island, 6-7.
- Lafayette visited by Pulaski, welcomed to Baltimore, 49, 50.
- Las Guasimas, 75.
- "Last battle of the Revolution," 53.
- Lexington, 31;
- Liberty, the demand for, 14.
- "Liberty Elm," Massachusetts history associated with the, 30.
- "Liberty Hall," 16.
- Liberty Pole, cut down in New York, 31.
- "Liberty Tree," in Boston, 16, 17;
- of South Carolina, 30;
- Paine's poem on the, 31.
- Lincoln, President, 72.
- "Lion of the North," 2.
- London, 52;
- honors the Stars and Stripes, 84.
- Longfellow, poem of, "Hymn of the Moravian Nuns of Bethlehem," 50.
- Louisburg, the New Englanders at, 12-13.
- Louisiana, admitted to the Union, 63.
- Louisiana Territory, purchased by the United States, 58.
- Lowell, quotation from, 63.
- Lowell (city), bunting made in, 66.
- Lynch, Thomas, sent to Cambridge by Congress, 32.
- Maryland, 61.
- Massachusetts, troubles concerning the cross in the flag, 4-7; 47.
- Six Nations, 18.
- Somerville, flag raised in, 34.
- Sons of Liberty, 15;
- put up a liberty pole, 17-18;
- meetings of the, 30.
- South Carolina, 11;
- treatment of stamped paper in, 14; 30; 32.
- Spain, owner of the Louisiana Territory, 59;
- Spaniards, repulsed at Las Guasimas, 75.
- Spanish-American War, 81, 87.
- Stamp Act, 14;
- Stars and Stripes, first salute to, 45;
- replace the English flag in New York, 54;
- at Fort McHenry, 60;
- at Chapultepec, 71;
- fired upon at Fort Sumter, 71-72;
- raised again at Fort Sumter, 72-73;
- in Japan, 78;
- in China, 79;
- in Sweden, 81;
- honored in England, 84;
- behavior towards the, 85-87.
- "Star-Spangled Banner, The," written by Francis Scott Key, 60-61;
- played at Fort Sumter, 73;
- sung in St. Paul's Cathedral, 84.
- Stiles, President, describes the New Haven rejoicing for peace, 54.
- Stockholm, 80.
- Suffolk (county), 9.
- Swartwout, Captain Abram, cloak of, used for flag at Fort Stanwix, 48-49.
- Sweden, American flag raised in, 79-81.
- Swedes, settle on the Delaware River, are overpowered by the Dutch, 2;
- opposed by the New Englanders, 9-10.
- Tennessee, admitted to the Union, 63; 68.
- Thames, the royal seal tossed into the, 10.
- "Thirteen," 51, 63.
- Thirteen stripes, first used, 28.
- Thomas, William W., raises American flag in Sweden, 79-81.
- Trenton, 51.
- Tripoli, war with, 57.
- Trumbull, battle of Bunker Hill painted by, 21.
- "Union Flag," 18, 22;
- made at Cambridge, 33;
- worn by the Alfred, 37.
- Union Jack,