TAPLIN, AUTHOR OF REMOVED FROM EDGEWARE ROAD, TO BEGS to make his most grateful Acknowledgements to those Noblemen and Gentlemen, who have continued to honour him with their Patronage during the fourteen years he has been energetically employed in endeavouring to promote a Reform in the former cruel and erroneous System of Farriery. It is the greatest ambition of his life to have seen that endeavour fully accomplished. Since the original Publication of his "Gentleman's Stable Directory," he has exultingly surveyed, not only the Institution, the Erection and the Establishment of the Veterinary College, but the almost incredible increase of Veterinary Surgeons in every Town; and Veterinary Druggists in every Street of the Metropolis. Many of these, with a certain degree of Professional Fertility, not only do him the honour to imitate his long-established Horse Medicines; but others, with a degree of Liberality peculiar to themselves, offer to supply the Public with "cheap and efficacious" Horse Medicines, for even half what Mr. Taplin's GENUINE Ingredients can be obtained at the first Commercial Houses in the City of London. To the judicious and enlightened this Mystery will sufficiently explain itself. Mr. Taplin, so long honoured by the Countenance and Support of the most distinguished and opulent Characters, never indulged a momentary Idea of dispensing Cheap Medicines, because his Principles would never permit him to put his Hand dishonourably into the Pockets of his best Friends; nor would his well-known Attachment to the Animal, allow him to prepare a single Article upon the genuine Property and expected probable Efficacy of which, he is not only ready at all times to pledge his Reputation, but his Existence. The honour of supplying near six hundred Gentlemen, (a List of whom may be seen,) exclusive of his different Agents, preclude the necessity of pestering the Public with perpetual Advertisements; rendering it at the Commencement of every Season, only necessary to communicate respectful Information, that Gentlemen residing in any part of the Kingdom, addressing their Commands to Mr. Taplin, Sloane-Square, London, shall have their Medicines immediately dispatched by whatever Conveyance they may please to appoint. List of Medicines, with their Prices.
Mr. Taplin continues to give Advice upon the DEFECTS and DISEASES of HORSES, and to render Assistance in all Cases of difficulty and DANGER, within TEN MILES of the METROPOLIS, upon the most moderate Terms. |